As you may have seen our friend BC Dick has labelled me the above and actually he isn’t wrong. He’s here visiting this weekend so I am taking him to the futbol, and full family trip to dinosaur country.
First though this week I had to take part in a four hour session about Culture change at the company that employs me full time (not the resto).
First of all taking away 4 hours of my day just ads it to the end. The moderator asked us to put our phones away and turn off our email accounts. No. That just isn’t going to happen.
Secondly who the fuck gets paid for shit like this? “Collaborate with your peers on how your culture journey has gone and what it means to you.” I’m raging that I have to sit through their propaganda. I’m so sick and tired of company ticking boxes to make themselves feel better. Mental health sessions, chair yoga, mindfulness are on our other monthly sessions. Ok, mental health is sooo important, I struggle regularly seems like in May especially. My issue is that if you bring up your struggles to your boss that your career will get torpedoed faster than a billion dollar sub outside of Odessa. You forever will live with that black mark and if you want to advance (I do not) you have no shot. My boss is great however the stigma around having mental health issues is still there. Corporations seem to think that all of the “checking boxes” is doing their due diligence when reality is that the mindset has to change for the “company care” to be effective.
Third is the people who gobble this rah rah corporation shit up who fire thumbs up and applause emojis during this garbage. There’s an hour long breakout room where these asshats had better carry the weight as I am not interested whatsoever.
On to better things. Travel story.
As you may know I was in Mexico a couple of weeks ago for a wedding. This was my first international travel since a wedding in Playa del Carmen in 2019. I was a good boy on the trip a couple weeks ago but during the 2019 trip some nights got away from me. One night in question I drank all day, then had pre dinner wines, and continued through dinner. Mrs. Cola decided that she wanted no part of my circus and went to bed as she should have. I then linked up with other troublemakers from the wedding group and got high school wasted. I now know that when I wanted to go back to our room I walked out of the resort and down a palm lined road. When travelling I normally have a knack of knowing where I am at all times even when wasted. This one evening I was waaay past that and I ended up 3 hotels over. I waltzed into the lobby (posh) and knew I was in the wrong spot. The doorman looked at my wristband and told me to come with him. He loaded me into a golf cart and drove the mile back to my hotel. When I exited his golf cart I fell face first into the bushes. Upon arriving in my room and waking my wife I had apparently also changed shirts with someone. So wasted all day, bleeding, and in someone else’s shirt. This was not my finest moment.
Therefore this past trip I only got loose once. It was the wedding night and since I am not used to my wife coming out the whole evening I ghosted her and just went back to the room. Not a fine moment but at least the next day I found out that I wasn’t the only one to do that with their significant other.
Prairie Wino time.
Soil type! We are still looking at Australia and this week we will take a deeper look at the Coonawarra region in South Australia. The region is 380 kms south of Adelaide and is named after the Aboriginal word for “honeysuckle”. This is the most famous terroir specific region down under and it’s mostly due to the terra rossa soil. Terra rossa here is due to the red sandy loam on calcrete which is very good for drainage all through the limestone coast. The terra rossa here holds a lot of moisture which helps growing vines and it drains very well. The limestone that these wineries are on is very good for restricting root growth as you want all of the growth to occur on the vines and not underground. Also it’s a very flat strip of land which is not normal for growing vines as throughout the world you see vineyards on rolling hills to take advantage of sun and moisture on the slopes. The climate here is a cool maritime climate as it is only 90 kms from the sea . Coonawarra enjoys long warm summers very similar to Bordeaux.
Here Cabernet Sauvignon is king and the region in total has 90% red grapes planted. The cabs come through with plum, cassis, and cherry flavoUrs and have very soft tannins. They will not dry the hell out of your mouth and teeth. The Cabs from here also aren’t fruit and sugar bombs which a lot of Australian reds are. Wynn’s is the big player here as they were one of the first vineyards and they own A LOT of area here. You will also get your big hitters like Penfolds and Seppelt. This always comes back to what I say about Australian wines, they export their really good stuff their mass produced stuff but you have to try to fine their middle of the road vineyards to really experience what they grow.
So, if you are looking for a cab from down under make sure it is from Coonawarra first and then go from there.
[…] we covered the Coonawarra region a bit more in […]
Made it home, probably only like 30 minutes earlier than if we’d stuck it out on the plane. Oy.
And Balls, they weren’t going to let us off the plane, but while they were refueling, they gave folks the option to get off and get food from the one open place, so we booked a car from onboard and said fuck it.
And yet still 7 hours after originally scheduled
Oh, men. MEN. There was a feasting today. (Wait, I somehow morphed from Rex Ryan to Jason Garrett. Ugh.)
Anyway, spent the afternoon grilling ribeye steaks, al pastor shrimp, and flounder, making some corn tortillas, salsa verde, and pickled red onions, and slinging some mint juleps and whiskey smashes. Oh, and grilled some squash, too, which got the most comments — people underestimate how good a simple grilled veggie can be.
Everyone’s gone now and the leftovers are put away, so nothing for it but to linger on the patio with a cigar and the rest of this bottle of red wine. Might have to do this again for the long weekend in seven days.
As the teams in the east beat the tar out of each other, the Dubs are winning with grace. Such a great series so far.
Watching Wrecket it Ralph breaks the Internet with the kids and man is it a bad movie
Wiggins with the poster
That’s Rocking!
I really detest the framing of that American Express “you really had to be there” ad. Fuck that FOMO-baiting.
this doesn’t seem rocking…
I blame Russia (as should everyone).
Looks like the Beverly & La Cienega station that appears in like 33% of the “high gas prices” stories. (The others would be at Westwood & Olympic, and my personal favorite, Olympic & Fairfax/San Vicente.)
There was a good LA Times piece a few months ago answering the question “who the hell buys gas at these places?” The answer: people who waited until they were almost empty, and people whose employers are paying for the gas and therefore don’t give a shit.
Don’t get me wrong; gas prices in LA are really fucking high right now.
That’s not the only thing in LA that’s really high right now.
[gestures at yeah right, makes “smokey-smokey” motion]
Gumbygirl would reply, but she is unable to stop laughing long enough to type anything.
If she wasn’t all the way out in Palm Springs that’s who I’d have gone with.
Huh? Sorry, I was high.
The record shall so reflect.
This is down by Union Station over a month ago. This station is at $7.88/gal today. A few blocks away gas goes for $5.88/gal.
Absolute scenes in Mr. Ayo’s casa.
Nicely done! Make room on your mantle for a Gently-Used Fleshlight!
Woooohoooo, top 10
Hope Tony Khan gets that cleared up.
In Downtown Los Angeles, the notorious BONERZ gang has struck again, this time in the Third Street Tunnel.
Found a funny;
It’s weird how so many of Elon Musk’s inventions (cars with no door handles, single-lane tunnels with no emergency vehicle access, child-size submarines) are about creating ways for people to die in enclosed spaces
Also, the crew compartments of spaceships launched via his rockets.
Evander Kane is going to take those hats from his hat trick and sell them. Bankruptcy and all.
…and here come the pretzels!
[runs out in front of the crowd with his mouth wide open] – Coach Reid
Game 3
Warriors vs. Mavs
Should be rocking!
America might be in trouble.
I’m watching a baseball game between one team I don’t care about (CHW) and one team I actively hate (NYY). What the hell is wrong with me?
If only there was an option to watch something else
Bob’s Burgers?
What was the movie we were to watch this week?
I’m triple casting 3 different sporting events and none of them are baseball
The White Sox pitcher had a no-hitting going on, so I was curious. It’s done now, though.
Presented without comment:
Not me, I can barely keep up with posting once a week!
Update: we have no confidence in this flight leaving any time soon so we’re renting a car to drive back to dc
They let you off the plane?
Just remember, if the plane crashes… Death, uh, finds a way.
Added an appropriate banner image.
Yeah, forgot to put one up and was in dinosaur country. Now, battle of Alberta with some beer from Valley Brewing!.
Watching the battle of Alberta on one screen, and NASCAR on the other screen.
When does my redneck card arrive?
Whenever the check, paid out from MEDICAID, and with a #Maga logo on it clears.
There’s Pachuca- America on too. Trying to figure out how to get a third screen going…
*grabs 3rd laptop*
Ivy Boi humble brags that he owns THREE laptops (smh)
If it helps I hurt my ankle while sleeping last night.
Welcome to old, it ain’t get no better.
Figured it out! Phone!
You aren’t just a Prairie Wino, you’re OUR Prairie Wino, eh?
D’awwww thanks.
It’s kind of funny to hear someone yell “Let’s Go Brandon” at the PGA Championship because this is the tournament that was stripped from Trump’s (creditors’) club after his attempted self-coup.
People are SMR
Padres get the big win today
10-1 vs rival Giants
That’s Rockinggggggg!
That’s also a sweep!
PGA Tour Championship has gone to a sudden-death playoff after the leader double-bogeyed on the 18th hole and knocked himself out of contention.
rockingdog, any thoughts?
Still, it’s…

I’m still upset Amanda ran off and got married.
But go Will!
We made jokes all weekend about him not being able to find the Zalatoris.
Oops, my bad, it’s a 3 hole playoff.
This is a balls search term, right?
Coonawarra sounds fake and a little racist, which should help me remember to look for it in the wine aisle.
Flight to BWI has been diverted to Norfolk, and the option of renting a car and driving to DC is off the table since they won’t let us get off the plane. So we’re going to get gas here and then fly back to circle BWI until the rain stops or something? This plan is shittier than the USFL game I was watching in flight.
Newcastle Barcodes somehow derping their way to eleventh is actually kind of remarkable.
Now, to finish the PGA, eat Stromboli, and wait for Battle of Alberta Part III: THE Edoumoutouniung and Bob’s Burgers.
First actual day off in six week, bitches!
I’m also six months sober tomorrow, so I bequeath my liquor rations to the rest of yinz . I’ll have another cup of coffee
You done a good in relegating Team White Lives Matter. Y’all are entitled to two free (new) journalist murders as a result, inshallah.
Congrats on 6 months, that’s a lota hard work
World History is fascinating and wonderful. Classes in World History suck shit.