Good evening. Had a bitch of a week and completely gapped on this. Don’t say its the weed because I have cut way down. So much so that the company I order off of has recently sent me a “We miss you” email!
I got to go to Decilitres new Kindergarten this week so he could get the lay of the land. We’ve put him in French Immersion as I did it and am completely fluent so why not give him that chance too! Hell, I use it most days at work and when he turns 18 and heads off to work at a resort in the mountains the Quebecoises reaaallly like Western Anglos who speak both! So we roll in there with other parents and wee’uns and they all start playing together. The teacher who was walking around the room introducing herself to the parents and children clearly loved her gig and was amazing with the children who would be attending in the fall. I noticed that none of the parents spoke French and a few made mention of this while we were chit chatting.
Litre’s brain: Just shut the fuck up speak English and you won’t get roped in to anything that you don’t want to do.
Principal walks up behind me, “Bonjour!”
Litre fully instinctual quick response – “Bonjour, comment ca va?”
Principal – “Oh, you speak French! That would be useful for field trips. Where in Montreal are you from?”
Litre’s brain – You hopeless dumbass, I am outta here.
Anyway I am slowly teaching wee man French words and phrases so he’s not overwhelmed when he goes to school. He is excited and taking to learning the language very well. This means vacations in France in the future where I can get my wine and cheese on.
Travel story!
Ah we will stay in France for this one. I was in Lyon with a friend who I had travelled through Morocco, Spain, and Andorra with. We were having one of them travel trysts and it was lovely. She was heading back to Melbourne in a week or so and we decided to head to wine country. We had a lovely little hotel near the town square, you know one of those with shared toilets at the end of the hall. After a lovely dinner it was time to head back to the hotel and hopefully engage in good times. We got back cracked another bottle of wine and the good times ensued. In the post coital glow she said she needed to use the W/C and that she would be right back. Well reader, she came back in about 30 seconds.
“What’s wrong?”
“Can you come with me?”
“To the W/C? Isn’t it a single?”
“Yeah, trust me, just wait outside the door.”
As we left the room and walked down the hall I saw the problem. There was a very hairy man standing in the middle of the hallway with his robe open staring at my Aussie lassie (clothed) and having a wank. I asked him in French, what the fuck are you doing? He responded that she was beautiful and he couldn’t help himself. It was 2000 and I was in my mid twenties so I stepped towards Pierre Peckerhands like I was going to punch him and he ran down the hall back into his room. From that point going forward I told the Aussie that we pee in the shower.
Wine time!
Lets stay in the Southern Hemisphere and head over to Kiwiland. New Zealand made themselves famous in the wine world from one grape, Sauvignon Blanc. They have others but Sauv B is easily the most planted and moves the most product. How it got famous and why is due to how fruit forward their style is.
When you have a Sauvignon Blanc from Loire in France it comes through as flinty, minerally even a bit metallic on the palette (great with oysters). The Sauv from New Zealand has a flavoUr profile that consists of but not limited to gooseberries, pink grapefruit, and passion fruit. The vintners block the malolactic conversion so that their wines keep high acid levels which translates in to overall fruitiness.
In the next couple Sundays we will take a look at the regions In New Zealand and what they make.
If you’re in your local wine shop and want a summery Sauv Bl have a look for Babich, Craggy Range, Cloudy Bay or at least make sure it’s from Marlborough. Note that some cheap Sauvs from down there us a chemical fining agent and that makes Litre seem like he drank a whole bottle of whisky and turns into “the other guy”. Oyster Bay, and Kim Crawford wines come to mind
*If you’re reading this at 5 pm DFO time just know that I am at a child’s birthday party with a raging hangover. Pray for Litre.
Here’s a cool mural down the street from my house. And some strange dude I’ve hardly been married to for 40 years AT ALL!
Celibrating our 40th today.
Was our 23rd anniversary yesterday
And Happy Anniversary to you too!
Ours isn’t until November. Happy Anniversary to you! Are you doing anything fun? We’re probably going to Vegas for ours.
Dammit. I have to change my underwear, again.
I don’t see anything stopping you.
I very much look forward to this. Please provide photo evidence in said post.
That’s a worthwhile topic right there
I have to change my underwear now.
Road trip update;
Made it to Colorado
Also stopped for gas at Iowa 80
which is apparently….
Hahaha it’s Rocking!
Nice! Safe travels!
You drove through the Quad Cities! Former resident.
Finally finished the Righteous Gemstones.
My lord.
Judy Gemstone might be one of the top five HBO comedy creations of all time.
I’m so happy that crash happened because now I know Chicken Cock Whiskey exists.
I love morning cock.
Pour some Chicken Cock Whiskey in that Gallo De Oro Coffee for an International DP!
Despite the late hour, I just decided to put in some knife work and made a batch of Pico de gallo. My fingertips are smoking hot from the jalapeños, but I’m gonna be chomping on that shit during the Ranger game tomorrow night. All is well here on the East Coast.
New series debut Tuesday:
Fronk’s Toilet Reacts Reasonably
NASCAR is delivering!
I stand by my earlier pronouncement.
Strong take.
Atlas shrugged.
The Lyon encounter – Day of le Monkey Spank
I’ve only done two (2) Monkey Spanks today,
Not sure how that relates to Lyon, but here we are.
Since the hardwood LOLfins are eliminated, can we also eliminate their song?
Speaking of cancelling…
I have the worst upstairs neighbors.
The thing is, I don’t think they’re doing it intentionally. We’ve got hard wood floors and every fucking one of them never take off their shoes.
And they wake up at 5:30 in the morning. Every. Fucking. Day! They do have two boys around 14 and 10 give or take.
The mom even visited us a few months ago and asked us if they make too much noise…
Taj said, “Please take that chair and have a seat.”
We spoke repeatedly about removing the shoes and I even offered to buy each and every one of them a pair of house shoes.
She was nice and apologized and said “I’ll talk to them.”
That was a few months ago.
I blasted this earlier and it’s been a lot quieter since.
We offered to buy an upstairs neighbor a rug once. Just the fucking worst.
Should have delivered it on fire.
We had next door neighbors that had a yappy little fluffball dog. We called him Yoass, because they yelled at him all the time: “Get yo ass in here! Shut yo ass up!”
That was a heckuva crash in the 600.
Amazing these cars are sturdy enough to keep these drivers safe at those speeds and with those impacts.
No doubt. Since Dale died they’ve expended all resources for safety.
I’ve personally enjoyed the benefits of the HANS device in my accidents.
My high school had a tradition of writing in The Blue Blazer in student council elections, backed by a slogan of “Don’t Know Who? Vote Blue.”
I was informed once by someone involved in the vote counting that Blue actually won one year, when the two real candidates were people nobody gave a shit about.
I once met a girl at a party who told me that she voted for me for student council president. This was surprising as I was never a candidate. Apparently she voted for one of the candidates because she thought that was me (we looked only vaguely alike)? Yeah, I’m not really clear on the details either — she had a crush on me but didn’t know my name? Oh well, we made out for a while and I never saw her again.
More like Thunder Risah.
Love that my throw away joke comments generate this kind of insight and knowledge,
Next you’ll tell me that inflammable means flammable!
I’m no English major, so I can’t tell you that.
I’m told if you throw a match on either it’ll make your night,
Speaking of Paiges…
Somewhere, Zombie TWBS furiously masturbates.
Hopefully he sees this picture when he’s done.
My opinion is don’t. It just breaks blood vessels and that doesn’t help anything.
The Liga MX Final is pretty good so far.
Why did no one tell me Sexi Mexi was on earlier?
Also, why is the sun still up? It feels like midnight.
Good God!
She healed up nicely.
That’s going to be a very hard ask to turn face.
Evening. I’ve been drinking gin and building, well assembling, FINE jointly assembling a grill with a friend. Almost makes up for how badly I played in my baseball game this morning.
GIN is the best clear liquor after freezer VODKA.
Terrible. GIN is so good.
litre, any thoughts on pinot noirs from Otago in southern NZ? I tried some when I was there and liked them, but it was a long time ago and I knew even less about wine than I do now.
That would be their number 2 grape. Number one red due to the wet maritime climate. I am going to get in to that on in probably 2 weeks.
They aren’t as fruit forward as some New World Pinots and aren’t as earthy as say Burgundian Pinots.
Central Otago tends to be a bit more dry than Martinboroughs juicy fruity offerings.
There will be four cars left by the end of the 600.
Maybe three.
I’m betting the over.
Need at least three for a podium.
Get in line pal.
If it helps, I’ll settle for Jade crushing my head between her thighs.
Pretend Man City is preparing to play away to the Seattle Sounders in a 7 July 2150 pre-season friendly. Just in case Mr. Ayo wants to buy a ticket.
Balls and Spam will have to wait for the LAFC trip, 10 July.
Wake me up when they play the Galaxy.
I really want to go to an El Traffico.
Rained in Seattle. but not LA. WEIRD!!
I actually searched for them.
Oh, the sportsball meee-jia is just so very “It’s not FAIR!!” over Real Cuntfaces of Madrid beating their precious Redshite. I would freebase this feeing if the laws of physics allowed.
So…Kim Crawford is not good? The ads make it look like a badass-chick wine.
I will try one of the others; have only had Kim C and Oyster Bay from NZ and have been disappointed. Obvs, NAWT a sew-mel-yay, but I want to get more snobbish in general.
Don’t know about the wine (I’m sure I’ve had it a long time ago), but I certainly like the blonde in the Kim Crawford ad.
Oyster bay has some weird chemical that they use in fining and it makes me go crazy. Kim Crawford is fine but it also makes me go squirrelly. Almost black out schizo after 2 glasses.
Try Cloudy Bay next time, way better representation of Marlborough.
I like Whitehaven.
Racist! All havens matter!
Stick to Cindy Crawford.
I have. Stuck to pics of her anyway.
Recently* decided to go vegetarian so I had peanut butter on toast just now. Before that I had Popeye’s Chicken.
*I said recently, damnit!
/the Popeyes, anyway. The toilet will rue tomorrow.
Just recently heard a great joke.
When someone tries to hand you their baby, say “No thanks, I’m vegetarian.”
I would like to clarify you don’t have to be a vegetarian, or even vegan, to make this joke. It will still work.
Just don’t actually eat the baby.
NOW you tell me.
At least you got it done before RvW was overturned.
“Oh, once they’re born, we don’t give a fuck what happens to them.” — Conservatives
The California cheeseburger!
You need avocado to make it a proper California burger.
There is a Simpsons pic for every possible situation. And WCS has Total Simpsons Recall. He’s like Rainman!
Fixx and Fogg a New Zealand outfit makes unreal peanut butter. Can we in Canadia order it here? No, but Americans can now.
Did a food tour down there in Wellington and they were operating out of a basement of a place. It was divine. They expanded greatly but it is still so good.
I’m vegetarian
-Maestro, between bites of steak, probably
Which he obviously claims is a sandwich for some reason.
The Great and Powerful Oz haz spoken!
I think I should be concerned that this reply was aptly made to 2 of my posts today.
Fortunately, I’m far too obtuse to make that connection.
The Radical Liberal Protestors plan to burn the guns in a bonfire literally backfired in their faces?
Ah, Super Bowl highlights, now I have three of them to ignore:
XVI: Just happy to be here.
XXIII: “Thirty-four seconds away.”
LVI: The NFL equivalent of rushing to the Final Boss Fight without grinding.
By combined eleven points.
Really only the last two were close games that ended with Montana entering NFL Immortality and the Bengals’ Secondary finally rolling craps after spending the entire playoffs playing above the back of their playing cards.
The first one wasn’t even close. It was a blowout covered with garbage points makeup. Once the 49ers held in the 3rd Quarter Goal Line Stand, it was over. There wasn’t enough time to come back and you couldn’t expect the defense to suddenly stop the 49ers after three quarters of not being able to.
When you reach 4 come talk to me.
So with spicy food like Yeah Rights curry always go with an off dry white wine with lower alcohol. Think of what happens if you put alcohol on a fire, it grows. So if you have a high alcohol wine with spicy food it will make it hotter. Try Sauv Blanc, Riesling or Gewürztraminer on spicy food. I love Gewurz with Indian Vindaloos!
The German ones are helpfully labelled by sweetness level, though I have to Google every time to re-learn which one is which.
I think that’s what you ask for at a German massage parlor
Arbeiterunfallverischerungsgesetz! Sehr gut!
/pours a handle of vodka on penis
This only works when it burns when you pee
/or so my friend, uh, Dame Gime Tecision told me
It’s weird, I like wine with most food, but if I’m eating something spicy I’d rather have beer. I do love a nice Sauv Blanc, the grapefruitier the better.
In London at the Curry houses near Liverpool Street station they serve beer with less gas for folks to not have the bloat.
The last time we were in London, we stayed at a hotel above an Indian joint. It was not fancy at all, but it was super clean, friendly, and amazingly cheap for the location. It was on the Strand, right up the street from the Savoy. We had drinks at the Savoy, slumdog millionaires!
I need to practice my French. Deci is a lucky boy to have you for a dad.
C’est vrai.
Merde, we all know Deci can already swear en Francais
[Edit spelling]
With all this NASCAR humping I think our military troops might be porn stars.
Did you see the chick that said start your engines? No, not the retired colonel, the wrestler.
I really dig that one-piece/leotard/bodysuit over low-rise pants look.
Lacey Evans everyone!