Another Lousy Idea For Lousy June and Lousy 2022

Really, my brain is running out of nonsense.  I ain’t think that was EVAR possible.  We need MOAR SPORTSBALL and we need it right soon.

Previously, my pill-addled brain cavity brung forth the Shithole Countries World Cup.  I still think that’s a ratings winner.  And fuck me sideways, would folk ever bet on it.  Imagine if, like, Vietnam made the finals.  Fucking planet would explode (but in that rare, good way).

But hey, if that’s not too much to ask – gimme a World Shempionship of Wanderers.  Is just like it sounds, you invite every goddamned football club in the world (or the largest 16) with “Wanderers” in their name.  Bolton, Wolverhampton, Santiago (de Chile), Montevideo (de Lesser Guay), the list goes on and on.  No advance warning, but a Gulf State could offer prize money, and fuckers would show up.  Two years later, you do sommet else random (based on ColoUr, bird type (eg, Albion), etc.).

Don’t you want to know who the categorial besties is?  I sure do.  Or…at least, I sure do want something to distract my mind/unignorable emotions about the shit-and-failure hash that is my life.

But nobody listens to me, so this Fathers’ Day (which lines up with Juneteenth this year, I am sure your racist uncle gets a kick out THAT), you get fuck shit.  I do recommend y’all listens to Scotchnaut’s booky-book recommends, he is batting 1.000 so far.  No flared singles, neither.  Screaming liners, bare minimum.

I am also now 49 years old, and the two digits in that numbering add up to “13” so I am expecting an EXTRA SHITTY round of shit.  Am I to foresake GAMBLOR for an entire 365 days?

Speak now, or forever hold your peace.  Or is it piece?  Or just wait for the goddamned night thread.  YOU DO YOU (phrasing).

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King Hippo
Reclusive, vulgar Broncos fan. Also a proud fookin' Evertonian. Likely dropped on my head repeatedly as a small child. [Insert George Carlin quote followed by thoughtful nod.]
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I was thinking that the world could really use a NEW sport, one that wasn’t so reliant on human officiating. But then I started trying to think of how such a sport might work, and realized that it was kind of a dumb idea. All the most popular sports require the heavy hand of a referee. It’s dumb, but that’s what humans have chosen to embrace.


But now I’m thinking about it some more. What’s the most common rule in sports? That’s right, “no holding”. How could one stop players from being able to grab onto each other?


[runs off to trademark “mittenball”]


Or just watch more AFL where the refs are relatively competent


Start with soccer as the base. Use a smaller ball, smaller field, smaller goals. You can use your “hands” as much as you like.


There would be a lot of volleyball type action, I’m thinking.


The goal would be a foot or maybe two off the ground, so the ball can’t just roll in.


Listen, I know this might sound ridiculous, but there’s no way in a million years it would be less ridiculous than people trying to play Quidditch in the real world.

Horatio Cornblower

Hear me out here…

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Thats gaelic football my friend.


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Last edited 1 year ago by ballsofsteelandfury
Horatio Cornblower

I watched a hurling match at Fenway once. I had no idea what I was watching, but by the end of that day I’d have gleefully burned the British embassy to the ground without fully understanding why I was doing it.


Yeah, there would be some similarities. But the mittens aspect would kind of make the whole “no more than x steps without dribbling” kind of irrelevant because it’d be very easy to knock the ball out of your hands.


What is the latest roster for DFOCon Baltimore?


I’m a likely yes

Horatio Cornblower

Doesn’t Ray also tell Lana “OK Lenny, put the rabbit down” while she’s holding tWBS?

One of my favorite unsung lines in that show.



Horatio Cornblower



An interesting tourney would be the Devils. Lots of good choices there including my boyhood club Toluca.


I keep testing negative for covid but have this horrendous cough for the last three days. Super excited about it.


Better than Monkey Pox!


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Don T

I just want to say that I will be moving to a new place that needs ZERO masonry repairs. I hope to send my heartfelt apologies for my absence from my ivory tower.
/swings cape inward

Don T

It’s peace! As in be quiet.
Hold your piece is a crotch grab–which I will deffo be using forthwith. And should thubngs get heated, make up an ESL ejkius mi sori.

Horatio Cornblower

Hippo someone has already taken your idea for a Shitty Countries World Cup

Horatio Cornblower

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Chagos kits are fire.


Halifax Wanderers got beat by Cavalry FC on the weekend so they could be fodder for your tournoi!


From now on, the red guys are Cavalry so that winning percentage is fixin to take off baby!


Oh dis haus is a Cavs haus.


Temp location in the mancave. I’ll put more thought into it’s final location. I promise


Here’s a nice German footy fan with notable shoulders to cheer you up Buddy. Nawt long before her and her sweet wurst eating friends take to the stands for the “World” thingy.


On board with that


I took a leave of absence from job 1 before I rage quit. Summer of restaurant and home DIY.

yeah right

Cook something. It occupies the brain cells and feels semi- productive. Plus you get to eat delicious food.


Absolutely. I will be cooking for the fam the days I am not at the resto. Getting back in to the wall of cookbooks we have.

Made potato and garlic croquettes yesterday because I was high and bored.

Horatio Cornblower

I don’t have practical skills, but I do have a chainsaw and a lot of dead wood around my property.

Although my neighbors are really getting tired of me referring to them as dead wood.


Horatio Cornblower (artist’s conception):

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