Sharkbait’s Cocktail of the Week: Yacht or Not?

Hello, and happy short week Friday! I originally had something sort of seasonal planned for this spot. However a busier than normal week meant that breaking out specialized tools for beverage making wasn’t going to be a thing unfortunately. Maybe I can get to it next week while the seasonal tie in is still a thing.

Needing to pivot (and wanting to keep the base rum ingredient courtesy of our own Mr. Don T), I found an intriguing recipe in the Waldorf Astoria Cocktail Book called The Yacht Club. The only unfortunate thing is, I’m fresh out of apricot liqueur. I decided to go for it anyway and just tweak it a little bit. Instead of the apricot liqueur, I went for Cointreau, since orange is already a thing with the bitters. Not wanting too much orange flavor, I 86’d the orange bitters and used angostura instead. I’ll still post the original recipe here so you fine folks (or me) can make it later on:

2 oz. Appleton Estate white rum or Don Q anejo rum (I used Don Q Cristal – Thanks again Don T!)

1 oz. Martini & Rossi sweet vermouth

.25 oz. Rothman & Winter apricot brandy (I used an equal measure of Cointreau)

1 dash Regan’s Orange Bitters no. 6 (1 dash Angostura Bitters)

Add all ingredients to a mixing glass. Add ice and stir for 30 seconds. Strain into chilled cocktail glass. Garnish with lemon peel

The nose is orange forward. Not surprising at all given the quarter ounce of Cointreau in here. I can also get a little sweet vermouth notes in there the more I go back and smell it.

Oh, the flavor of this is interesting, and I think this amended version plays. I  especially like how the flavor evolves here. Usually one ingredient starts out string before the others come into play. In this one however, no flavor really jumps out at first. All the ingredients start out mixed together in a nice harmony, and then as the sip progresses, the rum is the one ingredient that starts to become more prevalent. However, when it does come in, it doesn’t over power the initial flavor mixture. Instead, it almost acts as a base. You can certainly taste it, but the alcohol isn’t the focal point. Instead, the natural rum flavor comes out.

With the aforementioned initial mixture of ingredients, I can still pick up each individual flavor, and they are all perfectly balanced. As one would expect from a cocktail made by the Waldorf. I think that’s what I like about this the most. It’s complex, but balanced, and all the ingredients bring their best to the drink, and play to the strengths of their fellow drinks. The vermouth and orange flavors are a good combination to start, and they have an added bonus of really enhancing the rum and making this a very tasty and refreshing cocktail. If this is how the altered version tastes, I’m very much looking forward to trying the regular Waldorf version.

(Banner image courtesy Matthew Tetrault Photography)

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Sharkbait has not actually been bitten by a shark, but has told people in bars that he was for free drinks. Married to a Giants fan, he enjoys whisk(e)y, cooking, the Rangers, and the Patriots.
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Mr. Ayo

“As autumn approaches, British pub operators are now introducing a new service called “work from pub” (WFP)… A WFP customer who is a director at a security consultancy told The Guardian that “For 10 quid you get a bacon sandwich, a table with a plug for the day and free unlimited tea and coffee.” He refuted the idea that it’s challenging to focus in a pub, asserting that it’s simpler to concentrate there because there aren’t any distractions like “gardening, the fridge, and the cats.”

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Mr. Ayo

Oh shit, it’s Friday. Off to the content mines for me.


Perhaps a “gemstones” based theme, what with the mining and all?

Mr. Ayo

*scribbles furiously into future calendar*



Brick Meathook

A three-ship squadron of Ospreys just flew over and landed at LAX, and they are incredibly loud. No mistaking that sound. This can only mean the POTUS is in town. I’ve seen this many times before and what’s interesting is that although they always land in the same spot they never take off or land to/from same direction twice.

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Last edited 2 years ago by Brick Meathook

One of them might have flown over here yesterday – couldn’t get a look at it but certainly had no problem hearing it.


There they go…


My trip to the Outer Banks last year featured an Osprey flyover almost every day. This summer we didn’t see any Ospreys, but we did see F/A-18s and F-16s. Make you feel good about your tax dollars at work I guess.

Brick Meathook

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Brick Meathook

So I guess I actually saw POTUS flying from Santa Monica to Orange County, right over my quiet beachfront community. I once priced out a commercial airline ticket from LAX to Burbank and it took 2 days and cost $10,000, and went through Oakland and Salt Lake City. I need to get me one of them Osprey things.

Don T

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Horatio Cornblower

Bob Costas is insufferable.


Costas? Who the hell is…oh! You mean “Pinkeye Bob”, right?


[jots down “Pinkeye Mike” as a future kharacter for TSJ]


I’m getting a new tattoo while I’m in Dallas, and the studio is in Deep Ellum. It’s really odd for me to be down here since my memory of Deep Ellum is empty warehouses being used for illegal mid90s raves. It’s so weird to see this area cleaned up, be a happening spot/destination.


“Deep Ellum” sounds like somewhere underground teeming with dark elves and mind flayers that Hunter Renfrow would use as the setting for a G&G campaign.


I had to go look up why it’s called Deep Ellum, and it’s “a corruption of the name of Elm St” which is the main street running thru the district.


Have you hit up Pecan Lodge yet?


Unfortunately no, too many other things to do 🙁


Goddamn hippie….


Back among the living from my colonoscopy. That cleansing process sucks. Not the first time, but it isn’t getting to be any more fun.  And I didn’t get any fun twilight sleep action either. When we got started the anesthesiologist said, “You may feel a sting at your IV site,” and squirts a needlefull of something in my IV port. I was going to crack a joke, but next thing I knew I was in a recovery room with my wife sitting next to me. Guess while I was full of truth serum I didn’t tell her about that time I ate a cheeseburger off a hooker’s chest in Vegas. The anesthesiologist might have just said, “Intubate his fat ass,” while I was out, because my throat hurts. Either that or the medical staff wasn’t real sure about what hole the endoscope goes in.

King Hippo

Let’s hope they at least sterilized the equipment before they tried out the old Navy “there is no wrong hole” theorem.


Probably used their own equipment, if you know what I mean, and I think you do.


They have to knock Gumby the fuck out because he will fight everyone during “twilight sleep.”




Brick Meathook

One of the best saxophone players ever.

Don T

Clerk: Are you shipping any líquids or flammables?

Me: [aghast look]

Clerk: Just press “No”

Me: If you say so…


Did they pronounce it with the accented í? I.e. “lee-quids”?


these are not the droids you are looking for


Appleton Estate sounds like the kind of property that would be located adjacent to Jason Garrett’s holdings.


My wife and I did the Appleton Estates tour in Jamaica. When they showed our group the manual sugar cane processing device (have these people never heard of windmills?) the guide picked us to demonstrate the role performed by slave labor.

I conclusion, I’ve done all I’m going to do to right the injustices of history.

Game Time Decision

I read the name of the drink as “Yack or not”, and was confused when the ingredients made sense


Well, if you drink enough of ’em you will definitely yack.

yeah right

While I do like Appleton rum, if you ever get the chance try Sangster’s. The official rum of Jamaica. They don’t export much but it’s awesome. Especially the overproof and the rum cream.


Retro baby

Horatio Cornblower

I have one of Elvgren’s pinup pictures tattooed on my back.


No Yacht but I am off work and starting the weekend.


I wonder if apple brandy would have been a good (and seasonally appropriate) substitute here as well.


Apricot liqueur? Hmmm. The Good Mrs. Reefer likes them apricots. I’ll have to look into that….

& after Al Michael’s riff on how lil Danny Shitbag is a disgrace and should sell the team last night, I imagine by now there is a team of private investigators contacting his old girlfriends and sifting through his garbage….


Al is older than me so I hope he doesn’t give a shit. I wouldn’t. Go ahead, dig up my ’80’s buffoonery. I now own that shit with a smile and a wink.


Dan Snyder tried the same thing with Pat Summerall but the goons all quit after spending weeks watching Pat haul out no garbage other than an overflowing recycling bin