Happy last Friday of 2022! Originally, I was planning on having the much anticipated Caesar tasting from Letterkenny I promised Balls I would do a very, very long time ago. Despite New Years Eve/Day coming up rapidly, I’ve decided to postpone that entry for two reasons. One: For Christmas I received a new cocktail book called “Churchill: A Drinking Life” by Gin Sander (excellent name for a cocktail book author) & Roxanne Langer. Inside, I found a very aptly named cocktail called The Flier. Which brings me to reason #2. Later today, I’m hopping on a plane to Florida to visit some friends.

Looking at the recipes from Letterkenny, I figured there would be no way I could source all that material, make those 4 Caesars along with a traditional Bloody Mary, and not end up wasting a ton of ingredients. So, what better way to sample and compare all the different styles than with some friends! So with that all set for next week, Let’s turn back to a cocktail that the PM supposedly enjoyed. According to the authors, Churchill’s private secretary Anthony Montague Browne recalled the drink was served while they were cruising on the Christina, a yacht owned by Ari Onassis, and Browne wrote about it. He said it “tasted delicious and gentile too”. Let’s see if he’s right.
1.5 oz. Light rum
.75 oz. Freshly squeezed lime juice
.5 to .75 oz. Simple syrup
Champagne, to taste.
Add the first three ingredients to a cocktail shaker filled with ice, and shake vigorously. Pour into a large highball glass and top off with Champagne.
Right off the bat I think I made the wrong glass choice. The only glasses I have that are close to highball size are too large for the proportions here. I went with double rocks, but I think a regular size rocks glass would work here.
Anyway, The nose is predominantly champagne. I went with 2 ounces of champagne to top. I figured that was a nice even number and more bubbles aren’t a bad thing here, and I think I was right. Your mileage may vary however, so feel free to add more or less, depending on what you like.
It tasted very light, and delicious. The Champagne takes the lead, but the flavor quickly falls away. Overtaken by the rum and the lime. The latter’s flavor is best described as a scandalous hint, which I think works really well here. I went back and checked the daiquiri I made a while ago and the amount of lime is cut by a quarter of an ounce. Any more than the .75 oz. here and I think the lime might make this a little too sour, and that wouldn’t work. The finish is mostly daiquiri focused, with the effervescence of the champagne adding bubbles and lightness. A bit of champagne flavor sneaks back in at the end, keeping you on your toes and reminding you this isn’t a normal daiquiri you’re drinking.
I’m a fan of this, and will be adding this to my list of drinks to make in the summer (or while I’m in Florida)….
Happy New Year everyone. Let’s hope 2023 doesn’t suck.
(Banner image courtesy Matthew Tetrault Photography)
Gonna try this on Sunday, just gotta get my hands on some bubbly
Cheers y’all…
I literally just said, “Shit! What day is it??”
Gotta get a jump on it. I’m off the net tomorrow.
Happy New Year!
Same to you Buddy.
New Years Eve Eve. Don’t panic!
With apologies to Dok (and Gumbygirl’s niece), I fucking HATE playing Maryland.
Finally tried eggnog with brandy a few days ago.
I will be doing this every Xmas from now on.
We can do some things with Bloody Mary’s in Florida
Like get some teenagers to say it three times into a mirror after leaving a Ouija board open?
Fool me twice…
Like drink them?
“I was thinking ‘pour them over the heads of trans kids who are elected prom monarch’, but yeah, I guess you could drink them too.” – Ron DeSantis
What if we want the drink to be a little less gentile and a little more Jewish?
“Just sub in some Manischewitz wine for the Champers”
-Benji Disraeli
Just cut everything by about 1/4.
Ask that Santos guy.
withhold the foreskin?
Serve while delivering a neurotic monologue with a lot of “Why, why” rhetorical questions and some guilt-tripping.
Glad I didn’t have to make the joke.
I always assumed that Blaine Gabbert as The Flow was satire, but apparently it’s very real.