It’s otherwise known as the Scotchy/Yeah right Darby For The Ages. I hope for the sake of his sanity that my esteemed opponent can get those visions of that 41-0 pasting out of his head. [giggles in blowout]
To The Game!
-Despite these teams being around for so long they’ve rarely met up in the playoffs. The Giants hold a 2-1 edge in games played.
-On the face of it Minny should be able to do anything they want in the run game. Cook averaged 4.5 ypc last time they played but that was under what NY usually gives up. Also, the Giants are 31st in pass defense DVOA vs tight ends-that was in evidence when Hockey went for 109 yards and two TD’s, further lowering the Giants stats in that category. And of course there’s Jefferson who is uncoverable at present and was earlier in the season flirting with Megatron’s total yards receiving record.
-So…what do the Giants bring to the table? Well, their run game has been extremely effective-they are ranked fifth in number of explosive plays and tenth in EPA per run play. They’re doing this out of base personnel (11 men) looks which usually means that an offense is going to pass. Because the D has to account for the possibility that Saquon might get the ball out of this set the revolving door of sub-average wr’s have been “functional”.
-The Giants don’t have a single player with an injury designation for the first time in my memory. They get back stating cb Adoree Jackson and starting safety Xavier McKinney.
-Minny is 11-0 in one score games but NY isn’t that bad either, going 8-4-1.
PAYDAY?: Daniel Jones argument for a multi-year contract keeps improving. The knock against him is that he doesn’t take chances-he has a 6.4 average yards per throw and a 76% completion percentage between the hash marks-but I’d argue that all those ‘dump off’ passes have been the plan all along as Daboll has had to build him back up from scratch.
-The knock on Cousins is that he’s quite flappable when pressure arrives-last year his passer rating was 72.5 under those circumstances but this year the stat sits at 83.4.
Stay gorgeous in the comments.
Last team with the ball wins?
Team with the most points at the end of the game, according to most of these slap-dicks in the booth or studio.
I’ll believe it when I see it.
Exactly. Damn electoral college
My gate is right next to the Trader Vics where loads of people are watching the game? It’s handy!
Lotta Niners fans watching for next week’s matchup seem to be slightly favoring the Vikes
Any werewolves ordering Pina Coladas in there?
Is there a werewolf drinking a pina colada? How’s his hair?
Little old lady gettin’ mutilated later tonight.
-Scotchy, changing things up to stay motivated
Ohhh now I want a tiki drink
Richard Nixon’s favorite restaurant. And his hair was perfect.
Love it. Come on Giants keep it +3
Give it to Barkley. I’d like to win at least one of my bets in my life.
Okay, now win please!
(I’m rooting for the Giants? What have I done with my life?!)
I want to see Cousins lose just to watch his high-intensity seething.
That guy is wrapped too tight.
I think I might be the only person in first on my flight, they are upselling hard at the gate and the seat map was empty yesterday when I checked in
Start talking to yourself and hitting yourself. Get the entire First Class Section to yourself.
Where are you headed?
Down to LA for a couple days, so short flight small plane
Everybody’s gonna want the Good Hodgins in 2023!
Ok, the mom in the iPhone commercial who is shoving other parents out of the way so she can film her child’s footrace is a psycho, right? I mean, we can all agree on this?
Yes, that commercial baffles me. It seems to celebrate asshole-ness.
They should have done it as a crossover ad event and had her drive off in her BMW at the end (which was parked in a handicapped spot).
Diagonally across two handicapped spots!
That FedEx commercial was directed by Wes Anderson’s non-union Mexican equivalent
One of our best lesbian directors:
[pulls up Balls’ AVN post, looks up “Best Director, All-Female Movie or Series” category]
Funny, I don’t see Wes Anderson receiving any acknowledgement for directing lesbians.
Oh it was there. Symmetrical frame composition, Futura font, lesbian muff diving, interstitial title cards, narrator . . .
“Looks like I’ve got a new project for the offseason.” – Zach Wilson, watching the mother-and-child Toyota commercial.
Ugh. Watching this game feels like doing homework.
Would a last minute Cousins interception be the equivalent of stealing the stupid kid’s homework on the bus in the morning and turning it in as your own?
I got mixed feelings on vikings fans.
I really don’t have to deal with them the way I do packers fans, and I don’t have transfered Hate for Minneapolis from other sports, but I just would prefer them to just not be successful
I’m fairly neutral, I theoretically should have stronger feelings about the NFC North, but I just don’t. The whole division is just all fake midwest polite with their rivalries and I can’t support that
99x out of 100, feelings are a very bad idea
I did like that, thank you, Kirk.
Find something you love to do as much as the Giants love not covering the TE on a blitz play and you’ll never work a day in your life.
[loves to do drugs and has never worked a day in his life] – Ryan Leaf
You can ring my Bell(inger)
Fun fact: this song was featured in the X-Files episode that starred Jack Black and Giovani Ribisi!
“Oooh, goodie! I love breaking my back!”
-Trent Green as he dodges traffic on his e-scooter
Can they just send Bradshaw to a farm upstate?
Terrible Towel with a bit of chloroform should do it
So he can do a cameo on the new “Farmer Wants a Wife” series? No thank you.
I’ve begun to legitimately hate him for what he’s willing to do to his reputation in order to make a buck.
Faintest of faintest positive test today and I feel 100%, so back to having tasty beverages. I think I’ll reward myself with a Treehouse
“Hold on a minute. What’s the password?” – Elisha
I do that for remembering to get up in the morning.
Hey! I got up this morning!
Once we’re covid free we should meet up at the brewery.
Oh, alright.
who has a costco card? I need someone to take me on trip. I’ll buy you a hotdog.
“We have a BJ’s card” he said, regretting it immediately.
We need a rave-themed name for Daniel Jones. DJ Dimes?
Only of he has a battle with DJ Zbad
So Danny Dimes was born in May, which makes him Skinny Wet Hello Kitty.
DJ Kittenz?
/note to self: host a rave in Thailand; call it “Kitten Kamp” to ensure Kliff Kingsbury’s attendance.
Kirk Cousins is DJ Horny Frying Ninja.
Evil Drunk checks out
Robotic Wet Bong, sounds like trouble.
Horny Wet Bong? Sounds right.
Lazy Smoking Pikachu.
I quit that years ago!
I AM an Insane Wet Cucumber, how did they know?
Voiceover: “We’ve replaced the Giants playbook with the Falcons playbook from 2004. Let’s see if anyone notices.”
“What’s with all the pictures of dogs in this playbook? And why are there betting odds next to each photo?”
-B. Daboll, Minneapolis
At least it’s not as bad as the time Eli forgot his joke book and it got mixed in with the playbooks!

The Vikes D is gassed but so is Dimes.
“Yeah I am!” – Daniel Jones, pinching off a nitrous balloon
Daniel Jones must have gotten concussed pretty badly in the first quarter because apparently he now thinks he’s Lamar Jackson.
Super confused why the guys in purple aren’t blocking for him!
Golladay is having a good game-6 catches 89 yards and a TD. [puts finger to earpiece] Correction: that is his season’s stats.
It’ll take an act of Congress* to get more Golladay!
*: Congress is sort’ve like your Parliament but with less French-speaking beavers
AssCAR racing? pass
I think everyone knows my stance on this.
Ok, THIS is the best Viking Underwear I found
If the Vikes made this their uniform I would 100% become a fan
Duh nuh nuh nuh nuh DUN NUN NUN…
PLANE – The movie about a plane
Is it a Euclidean plane?
Would it be an origin story?
The poster has me confused…
It’s called the Little Apple but to the Giants it’s the closest to playing in the Big Apple
MIN vs BUF in the SB would advance the loser into a tie with DEN and NE for most SB losses (5)
Remember when I was wondering whether we had a kharacter at DFO who was into the whole rave scene? How could I have forgotten? I mean he’s more drawn to the drug side of the scene, but he definitely shows up.
What no comparisons between Cousins and a Mississippi family reunion yet? Not watching the game at the moment but I got one, how is Cousins like a MS family reunion, he’s going deep with no protection and at the riskiest times.
I’m waiting for a particularly rough series by Cousins to post my well-worn Cousins/family reunion joke…
Not sure if the crotch on those see-thru Giants pants is double-layered to make it not see-thru, or if we’re just getting a LOT of visible panty lines
That’s just too much sexy for a Viking to handle.
Or is it?
“I see London, I see France!”
-Eli Manning
“Oh, you’ve got experience with international diplomacy too?” – Sarah Palin
All things considered, THE NARRATOR is going to have its hands full dragging the Bills to a Super Bowl title.
Oof! Badly-missed call there on the false start.
Cutesy play is too cute.
I wouldn’t pick Dingleberry to pull something like that off
Speaking of picking Dingleberries, I’d better go for a shower.
That is gross…
oh, an’ scotchnaut gon’ DRANK
Somebody should arrange a “meet cute” between D-Slay and K-Flay
I legitimately don’t remember the last time it was wild card weekend and all the teams i wanted to lose were in the nfc
I have a gut feeling that the Giants win this. Or it could be gas, not sure.
With all the illness around the clubhouse it wouldn’t surprise me
Nice, Fox has the game in 4k
This is the bet am worried on +3 NYG
Continued moment-taking – I believe it was Dok who said the divisional nature of these WC fixtures might make them more competitive than expected.
It’s almost like she’s the smartest of us or sommet.
“I was saying the same thing, idiots.” – Josh McDaniels
Just want to take a moment to say I love you all and will be watching the game in a bit. It’s recorded because fuck commercials.
SKOL motherfuckers!
Also take a moment to thank Doctor Martin Luther th’ KING, for his holiday allowing us to stay up and crunk all night long!
Boston sends its thanks with whatever the fuck this is.
It was as “ethnic” as they could get by the Southie selectmen.
It looks like someone shoving their head up their own ass. Like this
As much as it pains me, I’m on the Gmen bandwagon thanks to Mrs. Sharkbait.
As a bears fan who’ll always love the brady killer, its an easy pick for me over a divisional rival