Oh Boy! Rotational Thursdays with Litre

Good evening to you!

As you know I live in the political equivalent to Florida. It was floated about this week that the provincial government may tax EVs because they hurt the economy or some shit. The link is to one of the whackadoodle RW rags in this province.

Whaddaya think of that BfC????

This government was reelected so here we are.

Recently I’ve been speaking about the wild fire problems we are having up north and that you are experiencing the smoke from. Well the town of Edson, Alberta is having themselves a bad time this year. Is the provincial government doing much to help them? No. Did they resoundingly reelect a member from that party? Yes. They’ve been evacuated due to the wildfires and just this week were evacuated due to flooding. The government launched a task force (grift) in to looking at the possibility that it is eco terrorists lighting fires. It’s a preposteroUs claim but seems normal here now. They have yet to comment on the flooding but I’m sure another task force will look at how clearcutting our forests will benefit communities down stream. Or maybe a mine is more your flavoUr? I hate it here.

We all know wine, weed, travel and footy are my passions so we get everything right here right now!

Women’s World Cup Preview

A Host country! This should totally mean something right? Wrong. This may give them an easier ride to the knockout stages but Women’s footy is like women’s hockey but a little less to the extreme. The top 5 are far better than the rest as the gap in talent is very visible.

Taken from Yahoo


The Matildas are ranked 10th in the world and are led by Sam Kerr. She plays for the blue team in West London so I already don’t like her. That being said she’s an absolute star and will carry this team as far as they go. Upon reading some previews they said that the Aussies are very fast and adept at the counter attack. Perhaps they could surprise and go further than I anticipate due to home field advantage and an easier run to the QF’s. If you win this group you will like avoid England in the next round who should win their group.


Their group consists of Nigeria (40), Ireland (22), and Canada (8). Canada is a tricky team as they are getting old. Their taliswoman? Christine Sinclair just turned 40 and Mother Time always catches up with you.

Since half of Ireland lives in Australia it will be interesting to see if they get more support than we would think. Oddly enough Australia plays their three games in three different cities. Usually you see teams play in 1 or maybe 2 sites depending upon their stature but rarely does FIFA ask supporters to travel a lot in the prelims (Canada flies to and from Perth). You would think that because they play in Sydney, Melbourne, and Briz Vegas that climate would have to come into play for training as the 3 cities climates are very different.

Continuing in the Australian theme I have a story for you.

You can’t swim in the water due to Crocs, Jellyfish, and Sea Lice.


Today we have the travel story from Port Douglas, Australia where I lived out of a tent behind a backpacker’s hostel for 6 months. We had power for fans in our tents as it was so damn hot, and 100 percent humidity every day. The guy that owned the resto I worked at used to pay me in cash and any night that I helped on the grill which was next to the bar he would give me a free bottle of red. Who likes hot wine?

When arriving at Dougie’s backpackers hostel where we set up camp out back I noticed that there was no one selling weed anywhere. Weed at this time and still is incredibly expensive in Australia. I’d previoUsly lived in Melbourne where 2.5 grams would cost you 50 bucks. To remedy the lack of green situation I put out feelers in the two restaurants that I worked in and within a day or two another server approached me with the info that his roommate was a weed dealer. I was very excited and talked to my travel buddy and put up 400 AUD for an ounce (ouch).


La Marina Restaurant

We were like kids in a candy store the evening that I was to get the bag. Issue was that it was a fifteen minute bike ride, through the jungle, in the dark. The bike path went right through a thick jungle with no lights and I had never ridden it before. The only bicycle available to me was my now ex girlfriends and it was not in the best shape. I figured that I could use the light on my sweet flip phone and it shouldn’t be a problem.

I went off the trail twice, went ass over teakettle once, dropped the phone twice and ended up walking the bike a mile to the mobile home where my bounty was located.

Upon arriving it appeared to be a set from Hoarders and frankly I would have expected nothing less after meeting ‘Pops”. Pops was the dealer and he looked like Santa Claus if he had smoked 2 packs of Winnie Reds a day due the the staining of his white beard. He invited me in and I negotiated through all of the stuff this older gentleman had accumulated over the years. I wondered how could 1 man, let alone 2 live in this disaster zone.

Then I saw it.

“It” was a fucking enormoUs python in a huge glass cage nestled amongst the clutter.

Next to it was an enclosure of mice to feed said snake and their enclosure did not look to be the most secure.

I’m deathly afraid of snakes and mice can get fucked. I gave him the money and ran the hell out of there.

I had so much adrenaline running through me that I made record time on the bike path getting back without any mishaps. Clearly my senses had gotten a boost from my fright.

The next few days the folks in the camp caught wind that we were sitting on an oz of weed. Now I’m not a drug dealer as I did not want to end up in gaol but we did find a trustworthy Canadian guy who would be our go between so that the 3 of us could just smoke for free.

For instance a German backpacker would approach me to buy some weed and I would say I don’t sell it. Twenty minutes later you would see him talking to our go between and he would deliver the product. Was a lovely system.

We smoked for free the entire 6 months there.

Sports tonight!

Beisbol. Redshirt can only have an erection for so long Reds!


Have a good night, I will be at kid’s futbol watching 6 year old’s pick flowers and spin around in joy. Maybe even a game of British Bulldog.



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- A pugs best friend. - Wine drinker. - Loves to use the letter U behind O. - Iggles fan, Fulham FC (Mighty Whitey) supporter, Cavalry FC Ultra. - One of the resident futbol freaks at the clubhouse.
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[…] Last week, Litre teed up a question to me, which is exactly how I predicted these alternating Thursdays would go, and they absolutely haven’t. […]

Brick Meathook

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BC Dick

Hot Damn those BC Lions. I’ll see you soon, fence man. Next time don’t invite me out at stampede weekend. Every goddamn time.


When in Rome I run in the central park equivalent, the Villa Borghese. They filmed a lot of movie scenes there so it’s pretty cool. Running by statues and facades that you saw on TV as a kid.


I love it there! We spent a whole day just wandering around, we had early Villa Borghese tickets. Did you ever go to that Etruscan museum there, I think it’s called the Villa Julia or something like that? It’s worth a look.


I have. The whole place is just packed with interesting side attractions. I’ve seen about 3 old ’70’s era Italian movies recently that all used the northern boundary road as their hooker pick up strip.

Doktor Zymm

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Titan is built like a steakhouse but she handles like a bistro!

Last edited 1 year ago by Sharkbait
Doktor Zymm

They did test simulations and two people totally could have fit on that door


Ok, I waded through about 1400 pending DFO users tonight, so hopefully that yields a new commenter or two this week.


Yeomans work sir.

Doktor Zymm

We’re popular!

It may mostly be with bots, but when AI commenters become better at dick jokes than human commenters we’ll be glad of it


So you’re saying I shouldn’t have denied all the Russian bots?

Doktor Zymm

I somehow don’t see the Russians developing a state-of-the-art dickjokebot


В матушке России, хуй над тобой шутит!

Last edited 1 year ago by Sharkbait
Doktor Zymm

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I must have gotten the suck out of my system last night. I had a 20 save shutout in a fill in start in a different league tonight Woooo!


One thing I have learned from Grey’s Anatomy and Station 19: do not hang out with doctors or firefighters, ever, because they are the targets of all kinds of misfortune, like dance floors collapsing.

Doktor Zymm

Also try to avoid hotels where amateur sleuths like Miss Marple decide to stay for holiday, or small towns where former hot shot city detectives retire. Those places are hotbeds of murder


Such a crazy coincidence that all those murders happened in that small town that Angela Lansbury lived in. And that even more murders happened in the places where she traveled to, during the exact dates that she traveled there!

Doktor Zymm

Other than the Brother Hermitage books, which are comedy, I’ve never known a series that even acknowledges this phenomenon. It’s really astounding that there hasn’t been a series where the finale reveals the protagonist as the murderer and explains how they framed all those other people over the years


That one doctor on Gray’s Anatomy got hit by a bus, and he was so fucked up that his friends didn’t recognize him.

Doktor Zymm

Would you rather implode or explode or possibly some other sort of -plode?




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Depends on the situation. If I’m surrounded by loved ones, I’d rather implode, so they don’t have to deal with the mess. If I’m surrounded by enemies, explode. Maybe I can take one or two of them with me; if not at the very least I can splatter them with my entrails and ruin their finery.

Brick Meathook

Implode. At crush depth the water enters in a fraction of a microsecond no matter how small the initial hull breach. It travels through the inside of the boat like a supersonic piston, compressing the air and heating it to several thousand degrees instantly, which ignites the petroleum products (diesel fuel, lubricating and hydraulic oils, paint), causing an explosion just like a diesel engine. Implosion, then explosion. This all happens in a microsecond. When it happens the human nervous system never even has a chance to notice it, and the break is sudden (no warning, like the movies). There are no corpses; all living matter is deconstructed on a molecular level. This is what happens to a real submarine; that little mickey mouse thing was probably less on the explosion side but just as fast.

If you explode, nobody cares because it’s common. If you implode you make the news and/or get a posthumous award. Unless you’re that little mickey mouse thing in which case you become notorious. Sometime we are the teacher, sometimes we are the student, and sometimes we are the lesson.

Senor Weaselo

“Shohei Ohtani’s not that special.” -Isiah Kiner-Falefa, pitching a scoreless inning and hitting a 2-run shot for literally the only bright spots for the Yankees today.


We’ll trade straight up!

-stupid Angels management


“Michael Jordan. You’ve owned the Hornets since I’ve been a fan. And every time I think you’re about to do bad, you do something worse. We’ve drafted more busts than any franchise. We’ve had put up with so much stuff it has affected my mental”

– Charlotte Hornets fan reacting reasonably


I’m just logging in to say fuck yeah Jalen Hood-Schifino!


Hockey parents get a well-deserved bad rep but in my experience there were no bad basketball parents (except one) and the soccer parents I encountered as coach were of the hippy-dippy persuasion.


I wonder if there’s a correlation between the possibility of going pro and how obnoxious sports parents will be. And pro prospects, of course, would be different in Canadia.

Doktor Zymm

I’ve noticed some correlation between how dangerous a sport is and how awful the parents are. It could be spurious of course, but it kinda makes sense that they’re willing to push harder for their kid so the risk/reward ratio is better.

Doktor Zymm

I would pay some good money to watch them brawl it out with the Williams sister’s dad


Toronto just drafted Dick.

And according to Jay Bilas, Dick is a great shooter.

Brick Meathook

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King Hippo

The NHL has come up with a solution to the problem of mean people criticizing the small number of players who opted out of wearing Pride jerseys during warmups.

You’ll never guess what it is!

Oh, wait, you just assumed that Bettman is a spineless coward who would sell out minorities in a desperate attempt to avoid controversy? Ah, well, I suppose you guessed correctly then!


Hockey is for everyone!

whose parents can afford the equipment and league fees and out of town travel and power skating lessons and…

and who the powers that be in your local hockey community haven’t decided are “bad kids” or have “bad attitudes”

and who get along with the other players and aren’t, you know, strange. You know what I mean.

King Hippo

yeah, hockey parenting sounds like a horrid circle of hell. Wake up at 4 am and be broke af.

Doktor Zymm

This is true of any childhood activity that involves competitions


I actually would have liked to play hockey longer than I did, but there was essentially no such thing as a league for 14+ year olds who knew they weren’t great athletes but just wanted to play hockey. Everything was about making the rep team so you could travel to tournaments and pretend you were going to make the NHL.

The last straw for me was at 13, when a couple of the best players on my team skipped our playoff game because the all-star team had a practice later that day.



My last straw was at 14-I was a kinda good goalie and was vying for the backup spot for the traveling team. The other kid I was in competition with, his dad was the assistant coach and “you guys were so close in ability that the head coach and I had to flip a coin to decide!” (out of sight of everyone) You know who won.

I ended up on a house league team with a rage-aholic coach and quit three games into the season.

BC Dick

He’s a left tackle. With your monkey arms and my family’s solid lower body he’s got all the tools. And he’s got the violence in him. From somewhere.


I’ll answer your question…..next Thursday!

Doktor Zymm

Andorra has hot springs, hence the name of the place I’ll be staying, Escaldes. After a couple days of awesome mountain hiking I’m thinking a nice soak in those hot springs will be just about the best thing ever. Another advantage, these hot springs are located about 1km above sea level so I don’t have to worry about explosive decompression

Senor Weaselo

…But it’s not Tundra Scatterbug!

Doktor Zymm

That’s in 3 weeks!


Port Douglas looks like it would be a ton of fun when you’re young. And the Australians are known to be a very slutty people.


Well now I’m just jealous.


Sea Lice

Urge to make Hines Ward joke…rising…


All we are is dust in the wind a debris field in the ocean.”

-Kansas, trying to be relevant

The Maestro

hey y’all heard about this here submarine thing


Jimmy Graham played basketball.

The Maestro

No, no, this time I’d say the Titan is probably a pâté by now.

Doktor Zymm

But it’s dissolved in water, so it’s still a sandwich if you include the ocean as the ‘bread’



This is over an hour long, so there won’t be a quiz later. It’s a very interesting travel doc in the old gulag and mining towns in the Far East of Russia. There’s a lot of commonalities in the people living there and in Appalachia.


“The Road of Bones! Sounds interesting! Let’s take our vacation there.”

-No one, ever


Fun fact: the “road of bones” is what the path from the grill to the patio door is known as in the Reid household.


Also, any road that Britt drives on.

Doktor Zymm

If Russia wasn’t on my own personal no-go list at the moment, I would love to stop in a couple of those places and check out gulag ruins. Also Lake Baikal.