“Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.”
Proverbs 16:18 (KJV)
For someone with such deep-seated self-loathing, I can be surprisingly arrogant. It’s a puzzle.
In my brash youth of, uh, a month ago, I made a sincere but reckless pronouncement regarding the sixth pick of the NFL Draft:
“I will eat a Big Turk (the candy bar- DFO does not condone cannibalism unless stranded at sea, and then only after 18 hours) if one of the Big 3.5 quarterbacks makes it this far.”
Now, in my defense I very badly wanted to see the New York Football Giants get fucked over and get stuck with two more years of Danny Dimes (so called because he provides ten cents of value for every dollar on his contract). And having the potential talent evaporate from between their grasping fingers seemed like both the most likely and funniest way for that to happen.
But I was too bold. As circumstances unfolded in this timeline, the Giants could have drafted JJ McFuckstick, Penix or Hooked on BoNix (h/t MakeItSnow). The fact that they fulfilled the primary aspect of my prophecy (picking Malik “Jim” Nabers) by choosing to die on the Daniel Jones hill is of no consequence. There are no mitigating circumstances.
I would have to eat the Big Turk.
I searched the international grocery stores of my city, and found that only one carried it, presumably due to the expense of the required hazardous-materials permits. I was initially horrified because all they had was the larger “sharing size” Big’r Turk, but a helpful shopkeep directed me to another area with the conventional ones.
Bar in hand, I kissed my children goodnight, wished them better luck in whoever their mother married after my imminent death, and sat down to face my folly.
As an initial matter, the bar:

It looks like the scat of an unusually large and moderately constipated otter.
Then you cut into one of the…nodules…and find this choclate-covered hellmouth.

“Don’t worry, Rev….just take a bite. Look at how lovely…we all float down here….”
Nevertheless, I persevered.
I previously described the Big Turk as “the taste of Betrayal made manifest” based on my recollection of trying it as a five year old. While a lifetime of poor decision-making has provided me with a better vocabulary to describe it, the taste and texture brought me right back to the northern shore of Lake Ontario in 1986. The chocolate is still pretty good. The middle is this chewy, gummy curse whose actual flavor (besides “sugar” and “despair”) is the sort of non-specific “berry” generally associated with off-brand cough medicines. It would be bad alone, but it clashes with the chocolate something awful.
The chewiness is the real Heart of Darkness here- you take a bite, surf the initial wave of revulsion, and then you HAVE TO KEEP GOING. It holds you in the teeth of the storm, battering your jaw muscles and your spirit for what feels like an eon of torment before it gives up the ghost.
And then you look down and have six more nodules to go.
So I am temporarily cleansed of the Sin of Pride, having been brought low by my own hubris. Thanks, Canada.
-The photographer who Rashee Rice pummeled outside a Dallas nightclub has asked to drop the charges. In his affidavit, the victim apparently calls the altercation that sent him to the hospital a “misunderstanding”. Presumably he misunderstood that the Chiefs would pay him several thousand dollars to go away. Still, good news for Rice- one charge down, six felonies to go.
-Veteran Chargers linebacker Denzel Perryman says new coach Jim Harbaugh giving off “Will Ferrell vibes“. Well that can’t possibly be a bad thing, right?
-The Big Schedule Release was a big stupid nothing, as expected. We already knew who was playing who home and away. The only wrinkle was finding out that we get the Jest inflicted on us in prime time SIX times in the first 11 weeks. Listen, I get that the NFL is desperate for the Northern New Jersey territory to show signs of life, and that the Giants sure as hell aren’t the horse to back for that. They are used to Aaron Rodgers being a food pellet dispenser when it comes to ratings: hit bar, get eyeballs. But they tried this last year and all it got them was Zach Wilson’s Failurepalooza. Rodgers is old. He’s an asshole. The Jets are year in, year out one of the three least likeable teams and fanbases in the NFL, which is a real accomplishment given the competition. Unless I get to watch Fireman Ed choke to death on his own helmet while Aaron Rodgers spontaneously combusts midfield, this is going to be godawful horseshit television for weeks.
-Breaking News: Chargers release linebacker Denzel Perryman.
–BWAHAHAHA fuck everyone involved, including Rusty Hardin.
–BWAHAHAHA fuck everyone involved in this one too. Poch is an asshole even among managers, Todd Boehly is setting money on fire, and bandwagon fans from the Chelski era are learning the wages of frontrunning.
-Well done to this guy’s son, basically saying “fair play to the moose.”
Indiana Pacers vs. Baaaahstan Celtics (8 Eastern, ESPN)
Fuck both these teams. Indiana is a stain on the Midwest that Ohio can only aspire to be. The fuck is a Pacer anyway? This is by far the most famous Pacer, Reggie Miller be damned:
Meanwhile, Boston stubbornly and recklessly insists on being Boston. Fuckers.
Look, I realize this is 4hrs long
But this Disney Star Wars hotel deep dive is
Ha ha, you’re watching that? I saw the 4 hr price tag and noped out, but the first couple minutes I watched was actually quite intriguing.
Just woke up Deci by accident. The CPL Cavalry FC are up one on the MLS Whitecaps. I can nae control myself.
Been tracking it. Didn’t want to jinx anything.
Away goal rules applies. Fuck.
Stupid rule!
Throwing the kitchen sink at em now.
“Do you wanna do some butt play?”
…”Okay, bye.”
My brother turned fifty today and is a bigger Celtics fan than I am. For his birthday this year the Celtics tried to give him a heart attack.
He was very fortunate that the league and their refs gave them that game.
That was an obvious push out of bounds by Boston as regulation time was running out that just happened to coincide with Indiana using their last challenge.
Listen, I’m not going to tell you that NBA officiating isn’t corrupt, but Indiana committed an all-time choke job and the refs had absolutely no control over that.
Red Rocket!
Yellow rocket methinks call the vet
No. Fucking. Way.
Whole body shudder.
Yes, I orgasmed too.
My old dead dog Frankie would have completely enjoyed these.
Jaundice Dogs!
There will be no Big Turk slander!
Hey, I didn’t complain about it!
what an incredible amount of bedshitting the pacers did in just 10 seconds of basketball
simply inbound the ball? nope
foul to give? nope
even slightly contest the 3 point shot? nope
draw up anything even remotely decent in the final seconds? nope
Well done Rev. I was OK with the Big Turk. I like Turkish delights (but not a prisons) so it was not much of a shock to me. Now I’ll just leave this out there…
The below raises an interesting question. Which stadiums/sporting events would you be comfortable taking kids to? I mean your own kids or whatever kids you don’t want to grow up to be assholes.
I was always surprised by some of the people who brought their kids to Cubs games. It’s totally possible to have a child-friendly Wrigley experience, but if you get bleacher seats and then proceed to get shit-arsed yourself, that kid is a) gonna learn some stuff way too early, b) gonna have a lot of material for a future therapist, and c) not gonna respect his drunk-ass dad even before hitting the pre-teens
It depends on the age of the kids really. Kids are too soft nowadays…
I was thinking 5-9 or so? Pre-puberty for sure
They say third grade is where kids start developing their personalities, so that’s probably the most impressionable age.
Kids in K-2 are probably not going to retain any memory, so they’re fine.
Kids in the 8-9 years range are probably the ones you’re going to need to watch and make sure they’re exposed to good environments.
I would take them to Angels baseball games, Kings hockey games, and the Manhattan Beach Open (Beach volleyball).
I bring deci_litre to Cavs games, except against Forge FC from Hamilton. We legitimately hate them and the expletives happen ALL game. The other games the language is a bit spicy but during those games they do not stop. Myself included.
I’m sure Uncle BC Dick has already taught him some choice words/phrases.
Angel stadium has a very kids friendly environment plus Mike Trout.
Get them a rally monkey and nobody counts your beers.
If I’m close enough for players to potentially hear me, I *love* heckling, but I always try to keep it family-friendly. If you can’t heckle clean, you shouldn’t bother heckling at all.
I’ve had a few differences of opinion with The Right Reverend in these pages over the years (I was always right BTW), but I met him in Vegas (at a brothel) and in person he’s a pretty cool guy (in bed).
This is a pretty outstanding post.
We are both assholes, you and I. It is the nature of our clubhouse.
Or are we both geniuses too good for this world?
I really liked you both when we visited the animal shelter to volunteer in Vegas. Therefore nawt assholes.
I didn’t realize there was a strip club in Vegas called The Animal Shelter, but that makes sense.
You could park an aircraft carrier in that cleavage.
But only after a very close and lingering inspection.
So sad that I only get to up vote these things but once…
I got you
I’m genuinely interested in trying a Big Turk.
Also, Mirthmobile!
Flagged as violent or graphic content on Facebook. Glad I have AI to protect me from the harrowing experience of kitten pictures
Well that is a fur lined murdering machine
Is it the fur? Because I still get uncensored Cybertruck pictures
Well, I mean, I hear Facebook doesn’t employ the best people. Any more.
In other news, yet another tech bro has turned out to be afflicted with penilecephalopathy. Quelle surprise!
Jésus, that Big Turk looks like chocolate anal beads!
taste = equivalent
Cowboys and Patriots? Surely there is some strong competition for #3 though, the Browns since Deshawn Watson, the Chiefs recently for many reasons, and a handful of others.
Got a ticket for the Dec 8th game, Bears@Niners! Despite living here for 6+ years still haven’t been to a Santa Clara game, should be fun
Cowboys and Patriots.
The Browns TEAM is disgusting, but their fans are mostly ok (grading on the fandom curve).
Conversely, the Packers team seems fine, fans notwithstanding.
The Chiefs get down there in both ratings, but just aren’t as consistent as the Big 3
I actually don’t have a huge problem with Packers fans. They’re smug and annoying, but actually very nice to visiting fans, even in division. Artificial, sure, and might change if they were consistently bad, but you can take kids to Lambeau. Even most Pats fans wouldn’t take kids to Gillete, never mind taking kids there as an away team
Just got the new King short story anthology and so far so good, read 3 so far and two are really vintage King.
Did not know that was a thing. I’ll be investing soon.
The offseason really can eat all the diseased rhino dicks.
Also, that guy’s son wants the moose left alone so he can hunt their entire family and, once there, snag that fucking moose in a bear trap while that guy’s son bludgeons her calves to death before her very eyes.
Good son.
Settle down Cartman.
I had a Big Turk once.
It was gross. What a sign of the disgusting wealth of the fashionable west.
For a second there, I thought this was a Buddy Cole comment.
oh honey, I wouldn’t stop at ONCE