Hola fellow DFO’er. Hope you’re well today. And thanks for coming back even though GTD is off on vacation abroad with Mrs. Decision—Happy Anniversary Woooo! I trust they’re having a great time and enjoying a prime marriage event: being in international waters with no brood in sight. Slammin’.
On the local front, daym. Day Job has been all-consuming for the past two months. Even going out to eat with Madre or friends, I’ve lapsed PLENTY into “thusly”, “payable in 30 days”, “put it in writing”, “corroborating witness”, “unilateral covenant”, “fruit of the poisoned tree”, etc. when the check arrives. It’s all good; I like my job and I’m pretty much the same sententioUs dick in every platform.
[Checks to see if fishing for compliments worked]
Yeah yeah, this ain’t about meeee
. Here are the comments of the week as determined by my very questionable taste. WARNING: I’m a Classic Editor fundamentalist (Block Editor?! [winces]), so the format is a bit off.
-Brick Meathook
I had a Big Turk once.
It was gross. What a sign of the disgusting wealth of the fashionable west.
I had a Big Turk once.
For a second there, I thought this was a Buddy Cole comment.
oh honey, I wouldn’t stop at ONCE
-King Hippo
Flagged as violent or graphic content on Facebook. Glad I have AI to protect me from the harrowing experience of kitten pictures
-Doktor Zymm
Well that is a fur lined murdering machine
-Mr. Ayo
Is it the fur? Because I still get uncensored Cybertruck pictures
-Doktor Zymm
I hate people. I’m glad no one here is people.
-Doktor Zymm
I’m real people real people real people real people real people {error code 2765932}
-Brick Meathook
Soylent Green is tasty, though…
Imaginary people are the best!
MRS. DEADLY, ESQ.: I just read of this really cool hack, you can use a french press as a cocktail shaker…
RIKKI-TIKKI-DEADLY: As opposed to using one of the multiple cocktail shakers that we own…?
She’s using those to make coffee
So….are you saying that any cylindrical container with a lid can be used like any other cylindrical container with a lid? WILD
-Doktor Zymm
Yeah, I’m not sure when everything became a “life hack.”
The other day, I used a paper towel as a napkin — LIFE HACK!
I used a juice jug as a sneaky decanter for years when I couldn’t afford one.
-Doktor Zymm
Hans Moleman presents “Man Getting Hit By Baseball”
He will not be able to “Raise It” for a bit after that one.
-Mr. Ayo
Winnipeg Handshake
Smashing a beer bottle on the ground and jabbing it toward someone with a hand shaking motion.
I lipped this guy off so he jumped out of the back of his car and greeted me with a Winnipeg Handshake.
I was at Torque Brewery, across from my hotel. Bar maid, maybe 25, told me that on Thursday a dude came in with a knife, and demanded the till. She said no, he came behind the bar and when he wasn’t paying attention she punched him 4 times. he was out, then the cops came. She said she is in cop school and you should never do that, instinct took over.
In no way would I figure this lassie would bein cop school, and she did say everyone hates cops but here we are.
Scariest chick I ever saw was a tiny Hispanic lass at Renzo’s in Silver Spring, MD. I’m nawt entirely sure what the provocation was, but she went down or was knocked over and in process of that she broke off the bottom of her beer bottle on the table edge and came up lightning quick ready to CUT. Her friends were right there and grabbed her before damage was done, but damn.
-Doktor Zymm
Latina? Yeah, that checks out. She probably learned that from her uncles when she was in elementary school.
/so wifey had an adventure yesterday evening
She went out looking to cut some wild rhubarb. After finishing the task she put the knife into the plastic bag with the rhubarb and went on her way. This is a kitchen knife that I had specially made two months ago. Believe it or not, the knife blade went thru the bag and cut her calf open to the tune of four sub-dermal(?) stitches and six surface stitches. She didn’t call me until she was at the hospital and said everything was fine, she’s getting patched up. (she’s the least dramatic person I know)
Her: [gets home, tells me everything that happened in detail]
Me: “I have to ask one thing…”
Her: “I know, I know, that was so stupid of me.”
Me: “Is…is the knife okay?”
“Oh the irony!”
– United Hobos of Northern Ontario Local 325
Well now you have plausible deniability for DNA on the blade.
I don’t understand the “I had to restrain myself from telling people, ‘DON’T DO THIS’” thing.
Wouldn’t that be the right thing to do? I mean, people will do what they want, but the point of career days should be for people to go into a field with eyes wide open as to the potential pitfalls.
Then again, I’m the anti-WCS and I’d be the WORST 911/suicide prevention hotline operator.
Pfft. You’re just still bitter about the time in college when they announced career day and you thought they said “rear day”.
Ciao Tutti
Look if it’s against the rules the rub my balls in the chicken al pastor at Chipotle they should clearly post it at the entrance
-Buddy Cole’s Halftime Show
Our “no rubbing your balls in the chicken al pastor” sign is provoking a lot of questions that are already answered by the sign.
I was just using my “Double Protein” award
-Buddy Cole’s Halftime Show
[FINAL: Vichy Whalers 3 : 0 Rangers]
Found a funny:
My favourite sex position is the JFK, I splatter all over her while she screams and tries to get out of the car.
And it all goes back and to the left.
-Senor Weaselo
but if you work for yourself and hate your job…ain’t that just self-abuse?
-King Hippo
But I only like to give it hard…
the WNBA should be the final move to get the Leafs a Cup.
-King Hippo
Four day weekend wooo!
Same. Gonna make a pomegranate margarita in a little bit to kick this thing off, the way Washington, Jefferson, and Adams intended when they invented this holiday.
-Horatio Cornblower
Flowers today at Merrifield Garden Center, Virginia.
Taking pictures of pretty flowers is the easiest gig in the world. Just press the button, make sure it’s in focus.
-Brick Meathook
Just booked two nights at a hotel in Millinocket, Maine, so that I can climb mile-high Mt Katahdin in late July. Climbed it once myself, 38 years ago. I was 17 and my knees didn’t hate me yet. There’s a good chance I won’t need the second night, since I’ll either be dead or in a hospital.
Here’s a picture of The Knife Edge, one of the trails we may use.
-Horatio Cornblower
Is that bit of blue at the bottom what is left of the last hikers? You know, a skeleton still wearing the t-shirt they died in?
What the internet was made for.
If you do decide to grow your own mint, I implore you to containerize it. Mint is a runner, it will take over your yard. Eventually, the planet. It’s like bamboo, except it smells better.
Trying to learn what Senpai teach
-DJ Taj
Outstanding, Grasshopper. Outstanding!
-Brick Meathook
[“Bones” Request Line]
And this was just sitting right there
-yeah right
You were never safe in a B-29 under any circumstances, even on the ground on a calm sunny day.
-Brick Meathook
It’s true; I went to an air museum once and one of them hit me in the back of the head and stole my wallet.
-Horatio Cornblower
Found a funny:
blood is thicker than water and that’s my secret to winning the annual gravy contest every time
Further Adventures in Sharp Knives:
Late Last Evening + Drinking + Washing Dishes + Blood-thinners + Knives= Blood everywhere and Wifey insisting I go to the hospital and get stitches.
My Response: “Stitches are for bitches!” (I was really drunk)
Onana is also a really good Keeper, the amount of unjustified shite heaped his way early in the season was nuts
-King Hippo
When you spill your seed on the ground as much as he does there’s bound to be some blowback.
-Horatio Cornblower
According to that song by the year 4545 the players won’t need teeth or eyes, so at least that’s a savings on the health plan
-Doktor Zymm
You already described modern day England.
-yeah right
Lesser historians will go full Herodotus over 23/24 Man City’s amazing oneble.
-Don T
this vacation has been nothing but bullshit: avs eliminated on vacation day 1, wife/child sick through most of the week (im not much better), cable goes out late tues and doesnt come back until yesterday (metronet FINALLY upgrading me from the ancient coax cable system, bout time), need new brakes on both my work car and wifeys honda
and its likely gonna rain on my ass at the indy 500
on the bright side the rotten back porch has been demolished and im finally later this summer getting a proper back porch with a roof and space for a fucking pool…to drink in while the child naps. fuck yes
Found a funny:
Dickens: It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.
AI writing assistant: This should be changed to “It was an average time.”
Requesting permission to henceforth refer to the Indiana Pacers as the “Pences”.
one side of the arena can yell “FATHER!” and the other “MOTHER!”
-King Hippo
I can’t believe the Pences are going to blow this
-Mr. Ayo
Oral sex is not allowed by mother, we can’t be like the Reagans.
And that’s it. God I’m rusty. Luckily, the upcoming orgy of international fútbol gives a chance to flex the smartassery in post form.
If you have having trouble “loggin in”, once logged in it may say that you are not logged in, at that point, refresh the page. If that does not work, then clear your cache and “loggin in” again. This is the secret handshake.
Thanks for all the comments and funny and everything else.
Stay busy and safe out there.
NOTE banner image from here
[…] given a two week reprieve from forced labor vacation, so he asked for volunteers in his place. DonT knocked it out of the park last week, and you’re stuck with me today. What are you gonna do about it? If you’re […]
LOL at jobs asking for my GPA or SAT scores….I haven’t been lucky enough to be in school for the past 10 years
Good luck getting my high school GPA, the school no longer exists.
Prosecutor should have had this closing argument done by a woman. Having to spend hours listening to a woman give several reasons why he sucks without being able to respond would guarantee him snapping.
Admit them immediately!
I’d be concerned about road games and players melting.
Trump Prosecution Closing Arguments has some flaws in it (Artistic Interpretation)
So very underrated.
Always nice to see OJ Simpson.
Whatever happened to that guy?
Same thing that happened with Bill Cosby, Michael Jackson, and Kevin Spacey: extra terrestrials sent to their world to spread their awesomeness and replaced them with defective replicants.
Really gonna need the actual hack for this Snoop Rosé that we still have in the fridge.
Mix it with soda. Coke and shitty red wine is surprisingly good, Sprite and shitty white. I guess try either for shitty Rosé?
It’s my birthday! To celebrate, I will tell y’all about the tragedy of Darth Plaguies The Wise. In this essay I will
No but see it’s not goalie interference because
He didn’t make a futbawl move whilst having
Jesus, how many paper towels did Brick send you to get this much airtime?
GTD Reflections is normally a Brick-free zone. This edition confused me.
Great job Don T.
To answer Armed&Hammered’s question, which I’m just now seeing, that blue bit is the trail blaze paint. In other words, that’s the safe part of the trail and you’re supposed to be walking there.
Thanks Don T
Don T rep… re… sents!
A wonderful trip down last weeks memory lane.
And I’m off for the rest of the week. Wifey and I are hitting the spa tomorrow celibrating our 42nd.
Will be sure to send you all a picture of my toes at the pool.
Congratulations, that’s awesome
Our 25th is tomorrow thus the vacay
We’re on the boat and about to cross from Canadian to USA waters
Current view

Sensational. Congratulations. Looks like we are a couple of lucky guys.
/ overlooks the hard fact that few other women would put up with his nonsense
The commentists on this site have really outkicked their coverage.
Y’all are either underestimating yourselves, or you are vastly overestimating all the other guys out there
Well, we definitely are horrid creatures, but your right about just how many horrid-er creatures are out there. I guess an apology is in order to all hetero women for the appalling options available.
The other day Mrs. Horatio was asking why I’m not like all the horrible guys that make the media/news, out cheating on their wives and girlfriends and such and my reply “It just seems like a lot of work, you know?” and apparently that wasn’t the right answer.
Honestly though.
What a fucking nightmare that would be.
He really could have just answered with this meme:
One of my life mottos is “Don’t ask questions you don’t want to know the answer to”.
I think I said it before but wifey was the jealous type for a long time but in the last year I came home late once and said, “do I look like I have the time, and more importantly, the energy to be cheating on you?”
/she hasn’t said anything since
I made the post! I see that the investment in Argentinian pesos has paid off…
I didn’t. Must be all the paper towel jokes.
But I KNOW you appreciate a very tasteless JFK joke. So thinking of ya, maaan