Greetings DFO family!
How goes it?
I come to you from work again, late in the day on a Friday and it feels like I’m walking through a goddamn war zone.
Chaos reigns!
How are the Olympics treating you so far?
I thought Gaga was great and I loved the metal shit. Was that Gojira? Beautiful venue.
I’ve never been to France. I’ll correct that soon. I have so much traveling planned.
Got to tell ya. I’m thinking about moving back to El Segundo soon. These freeways are crushing my soul. I could save like 150 bucks a month on gas alone! Sure there will be more planes, but less fog horns! Plus I could get back to walking on the actual real beach. Which can not be duplicated by a really nice walking path.
Think we’ll regroup after we get back from Ireland. But the voice is strong.
Gonna get right to it today.
Inspiration for our meal came from a post a couple of weeks back when I made the balsamic glaze chicken and the fondant potatoes.
I love the main image from that post still very very fucking much.
In that post I made fun of the first couple of seasons of Sunday Gravy where, let’s just say food photos were a work in fucking progress.
I mentioned this one specifically.
That’s goulash from season 1. Trust me, it was really goddamn tasty too but holy shit. That fucking photo.
My idea here was to basically remake the entire dish with hopefully a much better pictorial this time.
Thought that might be interesting.
Yep. Basically the same recipe – with the addition of some caraway to the proceedings – but this time we’ll be serving the goulash over potato pancakes. Oh shit yes.
Hungarian goulash!
A boneless chuck roast – about 3 pounds or so cut into chunks
One large onion diced
5 cloves of garlic minced
4 cups of beef stock
1/4 cup of red wine – I’m using a 2021 California pinot noir today but pretty much any red wine will do.
Some glugs of vegetable oil
6 oz can of tomato paste
Lots of freshly ground black pepper
Some flour
A metric shit-ton of paprika. If you can get hot Hungarian paprika use a mix of that along with Hungarian sweet paprika. Actually it’s about half a tablespoon of the sweet and half a tablespoon of the hot.
1 tsp of dried thyme
1 teaspoon of caraway seeds slightly ground
2 bay leaves
2 tablespoons of good balsamic vinegar
Our menu begins today as many good menus do, with a great big slab of fuckin’ meat!
And a metric shit-ton of paprika. The real shit!
Heads-up here! If you’ve never fucked with the hot shit just be forewarned. Motherfucker has got a legit kick to it.
And as an added bonus some caraway!
I give the caraway seed a few pulses in the old spice grinder. Don’t want to get one of them little bastards stuck between your teeth. Voice of experience here.
Get your best hacking knife out and do what it does best on that slab-o-cow.
Just cube it up into the size of your preference
Toss the meat around with some flour and then dump some oil in a pot and get to browning.
Season well with salt and pepper at this point. About 4 minutes per side, then flip them over.
Here’s another player today. You want to use the best you have available.
Yes I do indeed use balsamic on the regular. To a surprising amount actually. It’s in all of my vinaigrettes and I’ll even add it to other stews for the kick and the tang.
After the meat has been browned deglaze the pot with the vino.
We’ve been through this before. Scrape up all of them crusty bits and such while enjoying the heady aroma being imparted upon your senses.
Then toss in the onions, caraway seeds and the tomato paste and cook them together for 6-7 minutes before adding the garlic.
Next we have a secret flavor weapon.
Yes we did!
Instead of store-bought bullshit beef stock we are using the last of our leftover consome from our birria episode.
We’re dropping flavor haymakers like we’re Mike Tyson or some-fucking-body over here. This ain’t no goddamn wallflower goulash. This is a goulash explosion.
Now add the stock to the pot.
Stir, stir, mix, mix.
Add the browned meat back to the pot then slap a lid on this fucker and put it into a preheated 325 degree oven for 2 1/2 hours. Or you can cook it on the stove top if you like a little more flavor control.
We had all sorts of shit cooking up in here this day so we went slow oven cooked action.
Our next item was busy taking up the kitchen and stove top space anyway.
As our accompaniment we are doing potato pancakes.
Here’s a rough approximation but brother Taj cooked these so I deferred the recipe to him.
Potato Pancakes:
3 large russet potatoes peeled
1 medium onion
2-3 eggs slightly beaten
2-3 tablespoons
1 teaspoon of baking powder
oil for cooking, we will use a mix of melted butter and olive oil
Prep them. Remember, squeezing out as much of the moisture from the potatoes is key here. Go ahead and fuck up a kitchen towel to get it right. It’ll wash out.
Cook them.
Drain them on a paper towel.
Sprinkle with salt just as they come out of the skillet for better salt adhere-age.
The goulash has cooked for about 2 1/2 hours. We gave it a quick stir once midway through the cooking process.
Should be done now in fact.
That smell will knock you the fuck out. Paprika first, then beefy goodness, finally the balsamic comes at you.
Flavor bomb!
You know how this shit works.
Grab a couple of potato pancakes and top with the goulash.
Now isn’t that a slightly better photo than its predecessor? Just so I wouldn’t be cheating on all of ya, I used the original plate too instead of one of my fancy serving plates that you’re used to.
I’ll let the summary from our first go round wrap this up for us today.
“This goes really well with a red wine or a nice imported German lager. Fuck, this would go well with a bottle of Mad Dog 20/20 but we’re trying to maintain some decorum.
This dish should have a little bite from the paprika, a little tang from the balsamic vinegar and a lot of savory goodness from everything else. I have absolutely no Germanic blood in my bones, just like I have no Italian but that doesn’t excuse us from making a delicious dish that is indigenous to the region.
Learn the food, learn the region, learn the history and make it your own.
Sorry for the rushed effort today. I was indeed rushed as fuck at work when I wrote it. We got through it though didn’t we?
Shit yeah. We’re on to August and we’ve got preseason games starting next week.
Gonna drag my ass to the finish line of this season but dammit! I’m getting there.
Enjoy your Sunday everyone.
Thanks for being there.
Fack tha facking Yankees. Go sawx.
Great seats! Get us a ball!
I would have absolutely sat there without Senorita Weaselo.
Can you touch the Pesky Pole? Or anyone’s pole?
Home of the Whopper, I guess they aren’t Burger Royalists here
It’s a trademark issue, if I’m not mistaken.
Nope. They’re actually owned by Burger King
But you are right in that it was originally a trademark issue.
Ladies and gentlemen and children of all ages. Direct your attention to the center ring!
Our fearless and slightly idiotic resident chef, yeah right is attempting a never before attempted dish.
This includes six, count them 6! Spices never before used and a dish that requires a dough made of a combination of ingredients only found on the old Silk Road.
Will he fuck up spectacularly in a boiling cauldron of oil or will he pull off the miraculous?
High tension stuff!
Find out in two short weeks right here on Sunday Gravy!
My favorite James song!
Great minds and all that.
Same here.
Ended up spending yesterday working, which was lame, but today it’s out to the Hunter Valley for wine and cheese!
A much better day than working.
It’s the fucking Hunter Valley Wine and Cheese Mixer!
Watching women’s surfing and I will always root for the surfer wearing Brazilian bikini bottoms.
Every. Damn. Time.
Hoping they fall off, the bottoms, not off the board, is not rooting for them
Yesterday, a male surfer had his trunks pulled down by the water and the entire world got to see his bare ass.
It was great!
“Young Boys? Manhandling? I should check and see if DFO has any coverage of this!” – Brad Childress
Holy Shaved Triangle! Canuck Women’s Soccer Keeper with an extraordinary save in extra cleaning time!
/There it is!!!
Me: “C’mon 12 ton weight and whatta you get?”
Announcer: “Another day older and…nononono! I promised readers earlier that I wouldn’t reveal spoilers.”
Went to see Deadpool/Wolverine today. Spoiler-free review: pretty much what I expected, mindless fun but nothing of substance. Which makes it weird at those moments where the film seems to want me to take it seriously. Um, the two title characters are functionally immortal, so there’s no tension in any of the fight scenes, they don’t even really seem bothered by horrible violent things being done to them. And it’s hard for me to care about whether Deadpool’s “entire world” gets destroyed, because Deadpool doesn’t give a shit about any of the people he kills or causes to be killed, and there’s a multiverse so who the fuck cares he can just find another world with Vanessa and whoever in it.
This multiverse shit is ruining the MCU. There are no stakes to anything any more.
I really, really want Disney to take away the wrong lessons here.
Hopefully meaning fewer Marvel movies and sequels and remakes and maybe more original films?
I can dream.
When we were younger, my friends and I did a BarOlympics. The events were:
IIRC, I won a couple of gold medals…
I really like the stadium where France and Canada are currently playing
Goulash, yum! There was a Hungarian children’s home and an old folks home where I’m from. Hungarian was probably the first ” ethnic” food I ever had, come to think of it. I love it. Potato pancakes, hell yes!
It was incredible.
I will definitely be trying your version out, and agreed about the caraway seeds, compete PIA when they get stuck in your teeth.
They are worth the pain, delicious!
My favorite thing about the JD Vance couch gag is that it’s largely fresh. It’s based on a simple and direct falsehood — which immediately diffuses the ‘fake news’ screechover — and neither Vance nor the royal Couch really bring in any notoriety or features so, at the most civil level, it’s just bullying.
And I love a good bullying. I mean, if we’re not to picking up the ropes yet.
One of the reasons it’s so effective is that it’s so *demoralizing* to Trump supporters. But they can’t abandon Vance, because that would be conceding a victory to Democrats and would make them look weak as hell, incapable of standing up for one of their own, and they would end up feeling even worse.
I know what it feels like – defending Biden was tiring, and I like Biden. These dipshit losers are having to spend time and energy defending a creepy weirdo that they don’t even like.
It’s along the lines of Santorum, or Cruz the Zodiac Killer. Essentially harmless, funny, and even though false, it captures a certain essence of the person.
He may not have fucked a couch, but even so he is most certainly a couchfucker.
Democrats on the offensive (in more than one sense of the terminology) is a wonderful thing to see.
There was some girl who couldn’t make team USA so she is competing for Phillipines gymnastics. She wasn’t good. The announcers are like, “she’s getting in touch with her heritage!” — and I, personally, felt that’s bulkshit and if you tried out for America, fuck you for trying to join another NATION AT THE OLYMPICS.
I am a known hater though. Do other nations have this? Like, I get Abdi Abdirahman coming to America and staying/ running/ being American(-immigrant). I don’t get recruiting washed up Americans to wear your flag in an Olympic event that looks like the US Trials Final in various uniforms (and China).
Like, it’s the Olympics. Give me something that isn’t the worst here….
There was some lady who qualified for snowboard halfpipe by showing up to competitions where less than 30 people entered, and thus fulfilling the “top 30” quota necessary to get an Olympic slot.
Yeah. It’s like taking a contract with the Arizona Cardinals just to say you’re on an NFL team
Another tactic is just to go for a sport your country doesn’t really compete in.
It’s pretty common to be eligible to compete for multiple countries, and lots of people train outside their home country, but I feel like it usually works the other way around where people who could have qualified for both compete for their heritage country
Yeah, I was telling a friend yesterday that I have massive side-eye for the folks who accept invites for the national teams of countries they’ve never set foot in, just because great-grandma was from there or whatever.
And as a Canadian tennis fan, don’t even get me started on Greg Rusedski, who accepted support from Tennis Canada for years, then declares himself to be playing for the UK, and immediately starts waving the Union Jack around at the tournament in Montreal. That guy can get fucked forever.
I got an IV Friday (recreational) and have felt sluggish since. Just like heavy– want to stretch all the time like I’m just getting out of bed. Hungry. Eating like crazy. Can take a 45 min nap at any chance. Thirsty too.
I’m assuming my body is in shock to be confronted with something like Vitamin A — which my body has learned to operate without and, instead, survive on sucrose — and now I’m slowly just shutting down.
I got bierra ramen last night. I only had like two bites. Hope to get it for dinner.
Ooh, I want a beer and some ramen. I should look at flights to Tokyo.
Check out Fukuoka, home of tonkatsu
Maybe you’re also hydrated for the first time? I don’t even know what would happen if I somehow drank enough water for that
Reddit says my body just got a dose of nutrients so now it’s using those very nutrients to “body build” so I’m tired from all that internal work.
Like a flu. But it’s good for me.
But I don’t listen to Reddit. That’s nuts.
And Canada women’s rugby beat Fiji! Nice!
Old Man Alert:
I gave up watching NBA basketball because the “stars” that were shoved down my
throatTV feed(?)n the early 2000’s just didn’t appeal to me.Agreed. It was like WWF New Generation Era. They had a few who were amazing, but after that the talent dropped off dramatically.
NFL teams will be allowed to have 12 players on the field for this one specific situation during 2024 season – CBSSports.com
Wouldn’t it be easier just to put a field goal holder tee on the field?
They’re going to eliminate kickoffs just as the Seahawks have identified a play that puts one of their 45 year old hipster fans on the field?
Come on!!!!
Kevin Durant literally could not miss in the first half.
Durant knows AMERICA isn’t a team that he can just bail on when things look ugly.
Olympic bosses apologise for ‘sleazy’ drag queen Last Supper parody (msn.com)
Paris Olympic Organizers: “Look, we’re very busy and falling behind. We want to do something to show inclusion and openness. We trust your judgment. Just don’t do anything that could be controversial or insulting one of the most sacred images of the religion of one or two billions of people.”
Workers: “No problem!”
I had no idea it was a Last Supper thing.
Went over my head.
“One of the worst representations of a supper I have ever seen.” – Coach Reid
I thought it was just the audience of the fashion show thing. There were like 25-30 people, way more than at the Last Supper. Christians are offended- tough shit, I find Christians offensive, and nobody is drying my tears and giving me a cookie!
I said it was the rendition of the last supper when watching and my wife looked at me like I was talking gibberish
/refs calls a foul against the US team
Durant/Curry: “Really? Do we have to tell you our names?”
Is Joker going to beat the US all by himself? Let’s watch…
Kevin Durant taking up the opposite position. He is SHOWING UP.
“You want to know how I got these Technical Fouls?”
Found a funny:
my lease says i am not permitted to have two wolves inside me
[fantasizes about having two dolphins inside himself] – JD Vance
I should try this; there used to be a good spice place in my neighborhood and I still have some of their really good paprika.
Made carnitas, rice, and beans yesterday, with guac and salsa. On the plus side, I have lots of leftovers. The down side is that I need them because my kitchen is in no state for additional cooking right now.
Fry Bread is an excellent way to bring a new twist* to those leftovers.
*The twist is all the land we’re putting you on is trash earth.
Beach volleyball powers Canada and Czechia are going at it hammers and tongs.
[scans comment quickly, reads ‘thongs’]
That’s EXACTLY what happened. Seriously, no joke.
Entirely reasonable as they do make the female athletes wear basically nothing. Which would be fine if they did the same for the men.
I would be down for that. I’m almost a nudist nowadays…
Entered my own personal Red Zone of managing muting commercials on 6 Olympic channels at once. Olympic ping pong gets slept on
This goulash looks good my friend. Fairly easy to make also.
I love the Olympics. I find them motivating as well as entertaining.
Now some nonsense…
I feel bad for anyone who has to play water polo against this Italian team. They can illegally slather themselves up with olive oil before the games and if questioned about their slipperiness just explain “no, we’re just greasy like this naturally.”
Found a funny!
My word.