Are We Still Going? Your Monday Night NFL Football Open Thread

Well, the folks out there tell me that was the most pro football that there ever was-all 15 hours and 27 minutes of it. Here’s a great goddamn idea for the minxes that run the NFL-24 hours straight of footballing. Those of you that are competent with time zones can tell me where the games need to be played and at what time. Make it the opening weekend and start the first game at 12:01am Sunday. That should be so easy to do and suckers like us would love it.


-It turns out that Happy Birthday To Me celebrations took a turn towards violence for Jabril Peppers and his “on again, off again” ladyfriend. The birthday boy turned 29 on Friday and was arrested Saturday for possession of drugs (the leading contender is coke) and among other charges, ‘strangulation’. (only five times!) He just signed a nice extension and I’m sure a portion of that is going to get spent making the charges drop.

-Injuries: Nico has a hammy and that’s no good. Wr’s and pulled hamstrings just do not mix-there’s no way he’s going out there next week. Also, Aaron Jones has a hip thingy and (I think) was pulled from the game as a precautionary measure.

-The Old Grey Mare Ain’t: As was noted yesterday, Zeke is running on fumes. He had 6 rushes for 17 yards yesterday for a 2.8 ypc average. The surprising thing to me is that Rico Dowdle, though nothing special, just might be able to hold the fort with his 4 yards per rush.

-No Balls on Daboll: I ranted about it before, I’ll rant about it again. (I think Redshirt has my back here, though for different reasons) The Giants had the ball towards the end up 22-20 and ran the ball three times. Yes, the running game was working, yes the idea that they were draining the clock was valid. But you know what else was working? The passing game. Daboll comes from an OC background and he put the game in the hands of the defense like a Tom Coughlin would do. The blocked field goal/score is exciting, sure, but how the fuckballs could any coach depend on that play to put the game away?

[clears throat, adjusts pajama bottoms] Where was I? Oh, right.

To The Game!


-Are you tired of K.C. yet? This is their third prime time game in five weeks.

-A reminder that they’re the only undefeated team aside from [consults The Ancient Scroll of Olaf The Jester] the Vikings? A team that pulled Darnold away from a gypsy ritual behind a 7/11 dumpster. No wait, he was directing traffic at a landfill as per his Make-A-Wish winning entry. Whoops, no. He was at a kindergarten class trying to shove a cylindrical object into a triangle-shaped hole. Whatever, I just wish him the best.

-Rashee Rice’s replacement at wr seems to be up in the air but Juju is on the outside looking in. After Rice went down rook Xavier Worthy had 74% of the snaps and Justin Watson was there with 69% [gross]

-Kamara is off to a great start (he’ll get injured again) being only the 5th player since 1950 to 350 yards rushing, 5 TD’s on the ground and 150 yards through the air at this juncture of the season.

-Mahomes has already thrown 5 INT’s-the only QB’s to throw more are Levis and Richardson.

-Thank goodness the Chiefs can throw Spags against the wall. Each game the Chiefs D has allowed less yards against them including the Chargers mere 224 last week.

Damn, that’s a wordy intro-now it’s your turn.

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plz make the fat man int be the turning point of the chefs finally being beaten


That would be the best thing this season.


normally its the fat man clock management


“Play is stopped while NFL HQ figures out how to get the Chiefs the ball back.”




Oooh. I like that.




my man was MOVIN


Big Man Big Turn


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I need a good source of videos and/or gifs.


“If I remember.”

You fucking dickheads have a command center of stats and data that Ike would cream himself over, and you’re relying on your shitsucking memory?


Bullshit. There is no science or technology in Missouri.


I want the Saints to lose, but they should lose by 1. So many Fresno State players! And soon Devante Adams (a boy can dream).


2 Carr to Olave Tds and im In


Hahahaha Fuck you harrison

Mr. Ayo

Looks like the Chefs missed a scheduled payment on their ShieldAssist™️ subscription.

Senor Weaselo

I see it’s the yearly tradition of the Yankees score with RISP challenge (impossible)


General question; tonight and yesterday I tried to edit posts and was told I was “posting too fast”. Finally gave it 10 minutes and it reverted to the initial, wrong post. Is editing not a thing or is it a privilege only the best among us have?

Mr. Ayo

It’s broken. Internet Dad said he’ll fix it once he returns from the store to get his cigarettes.


I do believe that editing only is allowed for those of us that have editor beside their name.


Makes sense. So based on that logic, do the Administrators have an Administrate button next to the posts, and Moderators a Moderate button?


That would be a question for Internet Dad.

Game Time Decision

Editors and admins can edit any comment, to my knowledge.
No special buttons, just mine works when I hit edit.
Something is broken in WP. Some day I’ll try to figure out what




I love her, but good christ give me some room


She’s protecting you


Just stop paying Hurricane Milton. The whole situation will work itself out.


Instead of a nuke, just throw red swingline staples at it


“Okay, I’m going to set the whole peninsula on fire.”


Those terms are acceptable.


True tragedy will be all the states that will contract a case of Floridian spreading from this.


These two dipshits have reproduced and I’m too chickenshit to date. What a fucking world.


bill Belichick with first non sarcastic andy reid clock management timeout compliment


Old school!


As someone who wants to see a player die on the field, I am 100% in on giving more fuel to this OUTRAGEOUS SO LET’S WATCH HARDER press around the events that are going to lead to my inevitable satisfaction. I mean — why else do we keep them on the sidelines of football games/in the corners of boxing rings?

I also laugh that the proposed twitter solution is, “A BIG PENALTY”. Who is this broke ass motherfucker think he’s gonna penalize?


keep tuning into the Dolphins every week, Sunday Ticket promocode TuaForOne!


Even smelling salts aren’t strong enough to wake up Al Michaels during a game.


the smelling salts need to know the spread or the over/under


And come with a double bourbon chaser


Well, I’ll be…. Christy Canyon is doing porn again!

And she’s kept the bush.


Christy Canyon in “Hot Dogs and Hallways”


I mean those boobs gotta look like sweat socks stuffed with gravel


They honestly do

Game Time Decision

The gravel is softer than her boobs


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You know, he had a decent life going for him before his loser coworkers started busting his balls about him not busting his balls.


What did we ever do to deserve Chargers – Cards in MNF?


Touched ourselves too much, probably.




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Hey — that’s Mondays, am I right?


Not like they’d flex Baltimore-DC for Sunday night, the current game will be akin to eating a mothball sandwich.


Even Cincinnati doesn’t want to watch the Bengals now. Every fan is all but trying to photoshop Zac Taylor into every January 6 Riot, KKK rally or German Scheisse Video just to get him fired.


Dr. Kevorkian could make a mountain of money just by contacting people in the Browns subreddit


All this talk about hurricanes and FIMA it’s like no one even read Michael “Brownie” Brown’s seminal tome Deadly Indifference: The Perfect (Political) Storm: Hurricane Katrina, The Bush White House, and Beyond


Heck of a job!


Woo hoo, my ballot has arrived!


Only one?


I mailed my three already!


Still waiting on the MI, PA, and NC ones.


what a coincidence! im driving an immigrant voting bus in MI…to no fewer than four voting locations!


You didn’t want to be around my grandfathers on election day since they closed the bars in those days.


Jesus. He had 364 days to stockpile.


We got the voter guide, but no ballots yet.


Hopefully MNF got the Carr wreck out of the way earlier unlike Talladega


Carr Bomb
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Doktor Zymm

Oh hey, found the Manningcast! Yay!

Darth Hoodie is a way better commentator than Dreamboat


He’s really likeable. Who knew?


I could listen to him break down game film all day


the authentic disgust and mild amusement is what we crave

BC Dick

I miss it. We used to get it on TSN here in Canadia but it must be on some pay to play site now


anyone else listen to old Art Bell Coast to Coast AM shows during the Halloween time. I love’em from the 90’s.


college roomie would, much better compared to today media options. Like the Lone Gunman optimistic conspiracy theories compared the the brain rot today.


This was part of why the X-Files series from a few years ago didn’t work for me. Conspiracy theories weren’t cute and amusing any more.

Doktor Zymm

Ok, 1 FG down, 9 to go!


Apparently if you’re wearing a Kansas City uniform, you can hold as long and as often as you want. holy shit.

Doktor Zymm

Well yeah, that memo went out a couple years ago


It’s a good thing for the Chiefs they ditched their original plan to employ Britt Reid as the courier.


Andy will trust him with the defensive coordination job before the doordash one


they just changed “golden state warriors” to “kansas city chiefs”, and “can do infinite moving screens” to “can do infinite holding”

Doktor Zymm

I think there’s a template, they just have an intern do find and replace


Doc put me on a steroid pack for my fucked up shoulder. They make me a little testy. Like, I put a hole in the chimney yesterday during the Ravens game.


your hat size at barry bonds levels yet


so far, no. god these things fuck me up.


Coming down from those is big fun. If you’re testy now, just wait.


You know those fireplaces that are, like, double fireplaces?


I might be wrong, but I think Travis Kelce might be dating Taylor Swift.

Doktor Zymm

When they break up the smoke from the burning jerseys will block out the sun


“Then we will [do whatever Taylor Swift fans do] in the shade…”


digging derek carr’s rex grossman halloween costume


hurricane pressure is 897 mb

not a meteorologist but even *I* know that is super fucked

this is like that one F5 tornado in Moore, OK in the late 90s that MIGHT have gone beyond the theoretical limit of what a tornado on earth can produce in wind-speed (318 MPH is the limit, doppler had it at 321). they stopped using the old fujita scale…it broke the damn scale

Milton Cat 5 might be the 1999 Moore, OK F5 that causes everybody to redo the scale


they had already talked about adding a cat 6 this year, only thing holding them is that cat 5 already meant total destruction in the main path so what was the point


i guess they can start using it once tampa is gone


Good riddance


Maybe the width of the debris field?


Category 6: God is pissed!


Category 7: Where is your God now?


Category 8: even C’thulu evacuates

Doktor Zymm

We really need to figure out what exactly the Gulf coast of Florida did that’s so much worse than all the stuff the rest of Florida has done over the years


From the Post –

“This hurricane is nearing the mathematical limit of what Earth’s atmosphere over this ocean water can produce.”

is that bad?


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Game Time Decision

And it’s only gonna get worse as the earth gets warmer


Fake news.

Time for a Trump Boat Parade!!!!




I am in 3 money leagues and TwBs league and all I care about is not getting relegated.

Doktor Zymm

Money is just money, but SHAME is SHAME


Someone left this for you:

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Got my 1st win this weekend!

Game Time Decision



I’ll see you in the championship.

Senor Weaselo

It’s Senorita Weaselo’s birthday! You can tell I like her because this is the third consecutive day we’ve gone out to dinner (though not the third consecutive day I’ve paid, friend took her out Saturday, family Sunday, me tonight which is actually her birthday).

She did not join the 27 Club!


Did you get dessert each night?


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Fuck, I did not realize Eli has that gormless look to him all the time. He would be better served having the game displayed under his camera, looking up does him no favors.


not even the sex cannon would throw that


This Carr has no brakes or brains.


As opposed to JFK’s car, which had both.

Mr. Ayo

Yeah, he would have thrown it farther


yes, safely out of bounds near one of jupiter’s moons


Saints running backs blasting through the Chief’s defense like they’re a fresh batch of altar boys


Didnt KC drop Jamaal Charles like 3rd Period French Class?


Come on Saints. Please win this one.
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It’s ok, they’re married.


How come Jesus gets to be polyamorous?

(Also, how has Portland not made poly marriage legal yet?)


I want to make sure and say this before kickoff so there can be no questions later. The Saints are going to win tonight, easily. 35-17 you can bet your pecker on it.

Hell no I’m not betting on my foolish whims.


Hurricane Milton goes from Cat 1 to 5 in 4 hours and is causing NOAA to again rethink adding a Cat 6 category. Hurricane Milton is a Gruden Grinder.


“The Democrat/Jew/Woke/??? Weather Generator is working overtime to rig the election against our Chosen Orange One!”

-Your Uncle on Facebook/Meta/X


Uncle or just Marjorie Greene on a Tuesday?


The one that fuck the poly traine — Fuck


I have been remiss:


Got that meth-addled monkey off their backs with a win this season.

Now to see if that luck carries over to Lowratio League.


Still cant believe Dallas squeezed out that win. That game was custom made for a Dallas bed shitting. Weird Times


bears fans yelling at the yinzers: WE WARNED YOU ABOUT FIELDS!


That wasn’t on him.

Georgie “HIGH END TALENT” Pickens needs to stop dropping passes that hit him in the hands on third downs. Maybe using timeouts effectively? How about not taking false start penalties when you’re the back-up fullback?

Fields is still too scared, too traumatized by his Chicago stint. If he can have time to actually develop rapport with his teammates, he might be okay.


he is 2-28 lifetime if his defense gives up 20+

would be perfect if he reaches 3-28 after a game against the falcons somehow

Doktor Zymm

Aren’t all 28 of those on the Bears though? QBs should be allowed to exclude games played for Chicago from their stats


there have been bad bears qbs in the past that somehow won games when the defense had the rare off game

even neckbeard found a way to win such games! fields cannot

he is a hell of a tank commander, just not a winning qb

Doktor Zymm

Having a decent RB and a line that can run block IS a great quality for a QB to have


Evening Folks

Doktor Zymm

If I could get 30 points from Butker for my money league that would be great ok thx


Here’s the way it would work (Assuming games last 3 1/2 hours):

London/Europe game: 6:30 AM start Best Coast Time (14:30 or 15:30 start local time)
Early Slate: 10:00 AM Best Coast Time
Late Slate: 1:30 PM Best Coast Time
Sunday Night Football: 5:00 PM Best Coast Time
Australian Tweaker Special: 8:30 PM Best Coast Time (14:30 or 15:30 start local time Melbourne or Sydney)
Japanese Bukkake Game: Midnight Best Coast Time (16:00 start local time Tokyo)


Anyone remember this? Just me?


yep. the whole pack had about 2 minutes worth of flavor

but it was the best 2 minutes of the week


Big League chew as well.


I miss butter rum lifesavers. I have even gone to candy stores. All the other flavors but that one.


Holy shit, yesterday! Haven’t thought of them in years. So good


Meant to write yes but when I tried to edit it said I was “posting too fast”


They stopped making that gum recently. I loved it when I was a kid.


Loved it!


“Pajama bottoms”? Sellout!

Doktor Zymm

That just sounds like a long way of saying PANTS


I have a confession to make: I bought two pairs of those Stretch Active pants that I have been bombarded with ads for. Don’t come at me bros, I’m a woman over 50, and apparently it’s the LAW. Anyway…they are fucking awesome. Grannypants 4eva, bitches!


I think of those as sweatpants, so no shame.


Thank you for enabling me!

King Hippo

1) Daboll may not have balls, he surely hasn’t seen his dick this century.

2) Speaking of the beak, drug dealers would make a FORTUNE on the 24-hour marathon opening day of FITBAW.

3) cross-posting – GlorioUs 3.5-hr catnap with Grandson Noodles. I am ready for my inevitable, Bitchin’ Kamara-based backdoor loss to DonT. 40 points is all I can absorb, and BK blew up for 54 in Week 2.