What Time is it? Early. Your London NFL Game Open Thread

We’re wack and we’re back! My dumbest dog Molly is doing her part by barking her ass off at nothing at 6:30, waking up the neighbors. Did the boy let her out knowing she would do so? Yes, yes he did.

Did you also know that Londinium was founded by the Romans in AD 43 when they plopped a bridge over the Thames? You’d have thought that the ragged mutton-munching peasants of the day would coalesce around this central location beforehand but Wiki tells me that’s not the case. Those cabbage-burping bastards had to be led by their snot-dripping noses to one of the world’s greatest cities. Enough history, there’s a football tilt afoot.

To The Game!


-A game vs Carolina is good for the soul and rookie QB’s. Caleb had his best game yet as a pro throwing for 302 and two TD’s against the Panthers. And now here comes the Jags D which is ranked 31st overall and dead last vs the pass.

-The Bears D is another story altogether-they’ve allowed 21 or less points to opponents in eleven straight games. They’re also doing what they should by giving the ball back to the O for more scoring opportunities. They’ve generated more turnovers than all but two other teams.

-Poor Starts: That lax Jax D has put the team in a hole for four straight games by giving up an opening drive TD.

-Brian Thomas Jr’s receiving prop is 55.5 yards and given his ability to get behind defenses, he could get that on one play. The Bears starting cb Brisker is out today as well.

-Evan Engram is back after a four game respite so there’s that.

-Lawrence temporarily batted away critics concerns by going 28 of 34 for 371 last week.

-For what its worth, Chicago is the home team here.

Dip your crumpets in your weak tea or whatever.

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Could this be the start of Bears Bearing?


Bearsenscheisse usually begins after Halloween.

King Hippo

HOLD OUR PINT! – Jaguras

Doktor Zymm

Is it fat bear week already?

Senor Weaselo

It just finished!


Prison girlfriend needs to start hucking the ball to Thomas Jr. He’s making me very cross.

Doktor Zymm

I guess it makes sense that the residents of a city that hasn’t been #1 since 1885 are fans of a team that hasn’t been #1 since 1985


Was that Pete Davidson in a wig?


Is Doug Pederson pushed out of the team aircraft over the Atlantic, or is he just thrown into the Thames with a millstone tied to his waist?


Which gets the Khans more insurance money?

Horatio Cornblower

C’mon baby, Litre needs a new pair of strikers!


We certainly do not. Raul is on a heater and Muniz just got off the mark! We could use a new defensive mid as Lukic got hurt today for his motherland.

King Hippo

Holy cats, that was a “first overall pick” calibre throw there. Just perfect, and ballsy.

King Hippo

save sum FOAR next week amirite??


“Big Ben” and “very simple” complement each other so well.

King Hippo

Jaguras got the gap integrity of Octomom smgdh

yeah right


Not out of bed yet however.

King Hippo

Maybe wearing their away kit has thrown the Jaguras off kilter?

Mr. Ayo

More likely the prospect of having to stay there for another week to host the P*ts.

Mr. Ayo

/cuts Evan Engram


Prison yard rules are tough. But fair.


This game is America’s revenge for the War of 1812.

Doktor Zymm

They were originally going to lodge players with random MPs in response to the Quartering Act of 1765, but decided to go with a hotel instead


I just broke a new bowl and cut myself, so today is starting off swell.

Doktor Zymm

I didn’t know you were on the Jaguras!

Mr. Ayo

Better than a new bowl cut though

King Hippo

HI I’M MARK D. has left the chat

Senor Weaselo

Well, in the spirit of Senorita Weaselo’s birthday celebrations being ruined, we were set to go see Gil Shaham play Mendelssohn with the Phil… and she’s sick.

Doktor Zymm

can you scalp the tickets and buy her a bunch of cake flavored pedialyte?

Senor Weaselo

I’m looking for the exchange button but it looks like I can’t, maybe because I bought these half off.

You’re not randomly in the city today and want tickets, are you? (Or BFC on the Island.)

Doktor Zymm

Unfortunately no, I do need to get to NYC for a few days sometime soon as I have about a million people to visit

Horatio Cornblower

/stumbles into Clubhouse

OK, I’m here, but I’m not happy about it.

King Hippo

It’s like doing laundry, nobody (other than Bearistocrats supporters) is HAPPY, but needs must

Doktor Zymm

I do my laundry in Chicago, so I’m reasonably content with this

Horatio Cornblower

I usually do mine in a washing machine, but to each their own I guess.


Speaking of laundry, Jags D wore the black pants because they are shitting themselves out on the field.


Look at you. Up at the very crack of lunchtime. Hero!

Doktor Zymm

Bears justifying my picking them in survivor this week!

Mr. Ayo

Does Prison Girlfriend have hair highlights?

Horatio Cornblower

Do you not?


Mr. Ayo

Well yeah, but that’s just to hide the gray ones.

King Hippo

corny “see your soul” analogies aside, Kurt Warner really is great at QB play analysis/breakdown.


Here in spirit. This unnatural timing of football, increases my certainty that is not only Roger G. is an intergalactic disgrace but pure unadulterated evil.


Uggh, why I am up watching this?

King Hippo


Mr. Ayo



You are a masochist?

Doktor Zymm

Lookit Caleb being kinda speedy!

Mr. Ayo

That’s the painted fingernail difference!

King Hippo

you look good, you FEEL good!

clint greasewood

“I looks to me mates, Whodis bird they wearin numba 16 faw ‘he jaguars?”
He turn to me says “thats no bird but a bloke”

Col. Duke LaCross

Arm punt


Do they still perform executions at the Tower of London?

Cause I have a list, mostly Jax defenders

King Hippo

Rome if you want to!
Rome around the woooooorrrrlllllld

Doktor Zymm

I like Odunze, he can be in as many B52s songs as he wants!

King Hippo

Yeah, I see him being on every Hippo side for 5+ years, on the bench when he should start (and vice versa)

Doktor Zymm

This is how Glod intended fantasy to be played

Doktor Zymm

Superflex league trying to decide 2 out of Love/wee Kyler/Fields/Goff. Yes I AM hoarding decent QBs and it feels glorious watching people grab 3rd stringers off waivers. Just too bad I had Rice and Nico as my receivers

Mr. Ayo

I’d go Love and Xbox, Jr, but I’m not very good at this stuff.

Doktor Zymm

That seems to be consensus, and how I have it now, just nervous about them playing each other and Mr. Call of Duty hasn’t had 2 good weeks in a row yet. I’ve also shown a talent for leaving great days on the bench, it was honestly a relief when Goff was on bye last week.

Horatio Cornblower

I’m starting Murray, and based on how that’s been going for me I’d suggest you bench him.

My alternative is Daniel Jones thanks to Derek Carr’s owie, and just not having been very good the last few weeks.

King Hippo

think I agree with Bastard Man. Hope for a shootout!

Doktor Zymm

So hoped!

Doktor Zymm

My opponent this week has Kmet on the bench 😀
They’re starting Herbert and AJ Brown in the superflex with O’Connell and Rattler on their bench. It might not matter who I start (gets cocky, loses by a kicker)

Doktor Zymm

The key to sleeping after a long nap: don’t fully wake up in between. At most, I usually just grab a glass of water and brush my teeth before back to bed. Then it’s easyish to be up stupid early!

King Hippo

Hippo is TOTES JELLY of this superpower.

Doktor Zymm

It honestly means I’m just really sleep deprived, it’s not something I do regularly but it is handy for when I’ve seriously screwed up my sleep schedule

King Hippo

oh, I have SUCH a lifetime sleep deficit. Makes no difference to my randomly-recurring insomnia.

King Hippo

I wonder how Hanson will analogize it to his beloved octopus.

King Hippo

Jesus wept. A Euro-Ditka cosplayer, with a man-bun.

King Hippo

deffo play Dell, and 90% confident re Pitts

Mr. Ayo

I’m starting Likely, so you’d be best advised to avoid him.

King Hippo

Is VP Harris a confirmed Tomsulas supporter? The electorate demands 2 noe!!

Mr. Ayo

She is. Pretty appalling to me.

King Hippo

at least she doesn’t root for the League office, ala Rob Lowe!

Doktor Zymm

She’s from the area so it’s logical. Her parents met at Berkeley of all places. I think she became a DA to rebel against all the hippies

King Hippo

First Gentleman Doug apparently is a fantasy FITBAW junkie, I wonder if he ever got her into a League

Doktor Zymm

I say last place in Lowratio league has to write a proper snail mail letter and offer her their place in the league

King Hippo


Doktor Zymm

The Bears have been there since Monday, the Jaguras were on a delayed flight and arrived yesterday. They really should know better

yeah right

First day after a long international flight is never my best day.

/ writes “Game over” in Easterbrook’s notebook


That’s a bad idea. I have jet lag just reading that!

King Hippo

I wonder if the practice squadder who has the best week in training gets to wash Prison Girlfriend’s hair gameday morning.


“my bad, coach.”

Mr. Ayo

/cuts Gabe Davis


/cuts Gabe Davis

— LemonJello

King Hippo

Game Recognize Game! – S. Naut, wilds of Ontario

King Hippo

As a recovering parent, I swear to fuck I hear the “we are going to Looooonnnndon, now everything is fine” song every UK fixture.



Better than that little bastard Caillou!

King Hippo

God, how I hated that whiny little bastard.


Slice that fucking Canadien pounce into pieces with Neptune’s rings.


I’m here.

Mr. Ayo


To the freezer vodka!

King Hippo

I mean, one really can’t risk the shakes on a beautiful MANDATORIUM like this.

/smacks Bastard Man on the ass



Hurtful, but I’ll allow it.

Col. Duke LaCross

Top O’ The Morning to ya’s! Let’s fucking go!


Ciao tutti. NFL in my time zone. Can’t beat it.

King Hippo

How one knows one’s 4-1 fantasy record is completely illusory – one agonizes over Jerome Ford v. Rome Oduzne v. Zack Moss. When ALREADY starting two TEs.

Mr. Ayo

Also, losing to sharkbait after only Thursday’s game.

Stupid FF.

Mr. Ayo


Don T

Buenos días. Riding the Cam Akers train today. Akers being dropped by everyone in FF must mean he’ll break out.
Join me today at 12:30 for my weekly “Choices” Zoom conference, today’s guests are Marti Shkreli and the body of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi.



King Hippo

as FUCK chuh chuh!



*with an English accent

Let’s avoid bed shitting on two continents this season, Jaguras!

King Hippo

home pitch advantage guv’ner!


Balls reporting for booty!