TGIF! No time to chat. First pitch of the Hater’s World Series is at hand. Remember, at least one these shithead teams will leave this series labeled as chokers and losers.
Survival – Personal Edition
Speaking of haterade, let’s list some insults that could be lobbed on the field.
- You suck
- You stink
- Hit the shower, your game stinks
- i’m going to beat you like a drum
- Pay attention, class is in session
- I’m going to eat you up and spit out the pieces I don’t like
- Are you playing the same game as me?
- You know the game started, right?
- When are you going to start playing?
- When do the real players get here?
- Did your mama teach you how to play?
- Did your infant child teach you how to play?
- Not bad — for a monkey
- You forget your glasses?
- You forget your walker?
- You forgot how to play?
- You need a doctor?
- Shuffleboard court is over there
- Tetherball pole is over there
- Ping pong table is in the locker room
- Take a seat, the grown ups are playing now
- Bring it on
- How’s that feel? Good? Bet it doesn’t
- I can wake you up when it’s over
- Stick to losing, you’re great at it
- The good news is it’s all downhill from here
- I could tell you that you’re doing well, but I’m not a liar
- If you warned me how terrible you were, we would have spotted you some runs.
Feel free to add your own below.
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Survival – Species Edition
Time to put the sexy in Friday!
Enjoy the weekend, folks! Alright, now let’s get to the comments!
Marisa Tomei! Thank you
One of the great things about the internet is that you can spend hours cruising through it reading a bunch of nimrods defending Aaron “I’m A Big Fucking Idiot” Boone’s awful, awful decisions by saying “this is all hindsight, hurr, durr, where was this when he was making the decision” and then you scroll back a few hours and there are hundreds of accounts screaming “NESTOR CORTES!?!? BOONE WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING YOU ABSOLUTE GODDAMN BUFFOON!!!” just moments before Nestor fucked it all up.
God, I hate Aaron Boone so fucking much.
That was one hell of a baseball game.
I disagree.
Hey Balls. I am drinking all the wee bottles ye send wit ye care packages. Kinky pink was delish.
Nice! !
When does Balls begin his 4000 Hands Challenge?
His malt liquor cache is much more than 40 ounces.
@SonOfSpam did you get your $0.66 bottle of Bacardi?
Fuck and yes!
Plus steaks.
Best kill by a Freddie in October for quite some time.
I’m sensing a big Rutgers comeback here.