I haven’t had a beer in 1.25 dog years. (when you go to two decimal points people think you’re good at math. Suckers.) This despite cold weather shutting down a few trucks, more Energy Vampire interaction, Syracuse doing their best mid-minor program imitation, not being able to get a specialist appointment and a political environment whereby Conservative Doug Fucking Ford seems to be the rational guy moving forward!
All that to say I’m drinking a beer-just one!-tomorrow night.
-There’s a GM out there that is desperate to save his job and he’s looking to draft a QB that will save his ass. In case you weren’t aware the guy is Giants GM Joe Shoen and all the talk is about Shadeur Sanders. But what do we see on the horizon? Jalen Milroe is figuratively knocking it out of the park at Senior Bowl practices and is shooting up imaginary draft boards.
-You can poke fun at me for this footbally thing being a waste of time but one of the alternatives is watching the news and seeing Trump flailing from position to position and good people (and a great number of bad people) reacting accordingly. The Canadian media is acting the part of Chicken Little, what with threat of tariffs on the way. Yes, our huge resource economy is going to suffer but it’s not like we no leverage whatsoever. As Doug Ford mentioned, we’re the biggest drinkers ever and he’s going to pull all American-made products off the shelves. CANADA! CANADA! CANADA!
-Someone disobeyed the Tuck Rule and failed to keep it in his pants. I believe it was a Ravens kicker.
-Good news for volcano lair owners! Sir Kliff of Kingsbury is returning as OC of the Commies. It would appear that he’s dying to get another chance at a head coach job but all the hiring guys have functional memories. Still, there’s no denying that he’s done an incredible job in Washington.
-Mike McCarthy is now waiting for the ’26 coaching cycle because the Saints aren’t interested and Jerrah fucked him over nice and good by talking him up after the season and then letting him go. JJ played the Dallas media and they should be embarrassed but they’ll fall for it all over again next time around when Damocles’ sword gets dangled over B-Shott.
-Anyone remember Spy Magazine’s “Logrolling in our Time” feature? Let me back up-anyone remember Spy Magazine? Anyway, the feature was about authors trading generous compliments to each other in a ‘scratching each other’s back’ kinda way on the backflaps of their latest books. I bring this up because ESPN is regurgitating the NFL’s latest concussion stats (It’s so totally wonderful, you can’t believe it!) as though it were fact.
Do your thing.
The Dr. Mrs. and I both agree that this Korean medical drama we’re watching should be called Bananacakes Hospital.
I saw a recipe for banana spinach pancakes and I was NAWT tempted to try it
Looks… like a picture of… something resembling food?
The scuttlebutt I’ve heard ol’ Kliff is actually pretty happy being OC in Warshington right now. I guess totally changing the shitty culture leads to having some success and fun even when you’re playing football instead of CoD. Someone should tell Big Tech that!
Cooch Kleef in oor hoose for another seasoon!
The Sens and Caps are playing playoff hockey. The Red Wings are playing road hockey with one of those sponge pucks.
Secession is not an option in the United States Constitution. Once a state legally joins the Union, via the prescribed voting method of The Constitution and the individual state’s legislature, that state is in The Union forever.
The so-called “Confederate States of America” never legally existed. They were referred to in international diplomatic circles as “the states in rebellion” and its armed forces were merely renegades.
The U.S. Civil War caused between 600,000 and 1.5 million deaths, de[ending on how you care to measure it.
I wouldn’t talk about it lightly.
We gonna have 600K dead in aircraft crashes this year alone.
As someone who has a low grade fear of flying, I’m not thrilled about getting on potentially two flights this year
I’m flying from Washington National to LAX this Saturday. Now is the safest time to fly. Don’t be such babies. Try diving down to 700 feet beneath the surface of the North Atlantic Ocean against the Soviets and sea serpents and with a bunch of jackasses as shipmates and then come cry a river to me.
/brick shakes fist
Oh shit, I should check if fares have dropped
That’s what I did for LA in Sept thanks to you! Saved me 150 CAD each way.
I’m pretty sure neither side is organized enough for anything approaching the Civil War this time around
I should eat.
Jameis can offer you a delightful W to snack on.
It’s okay, these sour cream and cheddar potato chips and hot chocolate should be sufficiently nourishing.
Can Canada annex New England?
You have to wait until they annex Turks and Caicos
One thing Sir Shitzinpantz Von Rapefraud doesn’t understand (out of many many many things) is just HOW MUCH we trade with Canadia.
This is gonna hurt red states more than anyone. Say, Canadia…you wanna adopt a friendly west coast state that needs a new home?
Californium has a larger economy than Canadia. Who adopts who?
Whatever. Just tired of being with those assholes (gestures at area from Texas to Florida)
Here’s the thing: I want Trump to do everything single thing he said he would do. He won the popular vote, so a majority of people wanted all those things, or think they do.
So have at it, you dumb fucks. Coal company took the top off your mountain and polluted your water and the EPA’s been gutted and can’t do anything? Fuck you. They gutted Obamacare and now you can’t get medication for the diabeetus? Fuck you. Public school funding gutted and now your 8 kids under the age of 12 are getting a 4th-rate education because your part-time job slinging hash doesn’t quite cover the tuition at that Christian private school down the street that the Supreme Court is about to say is cool? Fuck you. Your niece died because she couldn’t get the necessary medical care when her pregnancy went sideways because your Governor-on-wheels gets confused about the difference between an ectopic pregnancy and minding his own fucking business? Fuck you. You’re afraid to take that trip to Branson you’ve been scrimping and saving for because Trump and Musk shit-housed the FAA and now helicopters are plowing into jets over the Potomac? Fuck you.
Price of eggs and chicken isn’t coming down. The tax cuts aren’t going to remotely help you. Your kids aren’t going to be safer from trans folk because trans folk weren’t a threat to them to begin with.
You voted for this, America. Fucking wallow in it.
I have a good friend from WVU, Army vet, who’s only source of “news” is DailyKos, Counterpunch, and Huff Post. He can’t seem to understand why everyone is pissed off for the exact opposite reasons. I tell him to pull his head out of that bullshit, too. It’s just as useless as anything from FOX, NewsMax, or Rumble. Just because it’s the polar opposite politically doesn’t make it any more helpful. It isn’t; it just gets the looney libs as pissed off as the pissed off for no reason MAGAs.
MAGAs are angry because their corporate overlords keep them that way. Libs are angry because their message is workable, but our leadership has been broken for decades.
Democrats like Chuck Schumer and Debby Wasserman *still* can’t wrap their heads around the fact the overall population doesn’t have time to care that Bruce Springsteen or Beyonce are performing a concert for Get Out the Vote for Kamala two nights before the election. WAKE THE PISS UP ASSHOLES or “we’re not Trump!” wasn’t a tangible policy. People want leadership. MAGA is a form of that, like it or not. When you put an overall angry majority looking for direction, and one is claiming to offer a way, and the best the other side is “WE’RE NOT THAT,” people will choose the former option.
If we, as individuals, don’t expose ourselves outside our personal bubbles, society as a whole fails.
My point is, these Parties are broken. There will be change afoot, but I don’t know which way either will go.
Shumer needs to be relieved of leadership positions because he lost Roe v Wade, which was the Super Bowl Trophy. If the voters of New York State still want to keep electing him that is their right, but he’s no leader.
Canadia wants no part of California. Our government suuuuuuuucks.
Worse than Canada’s.
Totes. As a resident of WA state:
I saw someone refer to him as the Count of Mostly Crisco. That was a new one to me
“One beer.”
(tomorrow morning – artistically animated interpretation)
Canada needs to make like the US and make Modelo the most popular beer in the country.
Bohemia is better
(starting Mexican beer war…now!)
[adopts fighting stance]
[attempts to smash the lip of his bottle of Pacifica on the edge of the bar]
[cuts self badly]
[returns briefly to snatch half-finished abandoned beer from an empty table, carefully tucks it into his pocket and covers the neck with his untucked shirt so the bouncer won’t take it away from him]
[resumes retreating]
[wonders what Pacifica is while sipping a Pacifico]
She dances at one of the bars in the Tijuana red light district or so I’ve heard.
Ah yes, the one with the sexy donkey. I believe it’s called The Sexy Donkey.
I thought her name was Rio.
I say this with full respect for Mexican cuisine: Mexican beer is piss.
Bohemia and Modelo Negra are really good.
Corona didn’t need a Lite version, it’s basically beer-flavored water.
Tecate needs a lime, salt, and the taste of aluminum to make it tasty.
Pacífico tastes like the Pacífico which, if you’re ever been surfing in the Pacífico, is not a good thing.
The Equis (Dos and Tres) are…. there.
Modelo has a chelada variety pack, and I enjoy this one, but it’s something like 3% ABV.
All of their Cheladas are tasty, but I don’t really consider them beer.
More like beer cocktails
Yes, that’s the right call.
This one is particularly good:
Oh, I haven’t had that. GIMME GIMME GIMME
Now THAT looks tasty
If I get a michelada when I’m out, and my daughter is with me, I tell her, “mmm, clam-flavored beer!”
I just opened one of these, no regerts.
Si se puede!