Back to the VOID Saturday Thread

Do you have anything of interest to say?  I sure as shit do not.

Finished “The Crossing” last week.  Giving myself a bit of a breather, reading “Conclave” before I dive back into “Cities of the Plain.”  Also got “The Plot Against America” from the library, to equip myself against existential dread.  Everton are off this weekend, as various FA Cup ties play out.

You’ll forgive me then if I forget football exists, while all of English sportsball media suck the Redshite dry.

Also, I am having a very bad neck week.  Even with opium, I feel like warmed-over ass.  Lousy Smarch weather too, 74 today, then high of 50 tomorrow.  FFS.

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King Hippo
Reclusive, vulgar Broncos fan. Also a proud fookin' Evertonian. Likely dropped on my head repeatedly as a small child. [Insert George Carlin quote followed by thoughtful nod.]
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Gonna watch 12-16 Syracuse vs 12-16 Virginia Tech-programming says NR but I think this should be rated Adults Only.


Planning a trip to Texas this summer to visit my wife’s family , I should get a husband of the year award. Texas in August is the worst.


I assume you’re talking about the people and not the weather?




I will say that one thing that Texas and northern Ontario have in common is lifted pickups as far as the eye can see.*

*the best one I’ve come across had fire decals on the hood and “Fuck Trudeau” spray-painted on the door.


I kid, they’re good people. It was jarring seeing some people open carry at the grocery stores.

yeah right


Which part?


Killeen, it’s about an hour from Austin.


Shoutout to all the BIL’s that have snow-plowing businesses that show up unannounced when you are an hour into shoveling and have at least another hour to go.

yeah right

Just finished Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro.

The last 40 pages or so were mind blowing but there were 250 or so pages to get there when I was thinking, I really don’t like these characters and could give a tin shit what happens to them.

Can’t fully endorse.

Wolf Hall next up

Last edited 45 minutes ago by yeah right
Horatio Cornblower

Mrs. Horatio and I will be assembling a cabinet together as soon as I finish breakfast.

I expect to be in divorce proceedings before I start lunch.

Game Time Decision

Glue the wooden dowels in.
Will make whatever it is last longer
/Dick joke
//the cabinet is a sandwich


Leave your cell on “record”.


Thoughts and prayers

Game Time Decision

Getting 710 changed now
Already got my haircut
Some errands and then home for lunch and chores

Fun day for me. Lol
Bet you’re jelly

yeah right

Super jelly.

Just the butcher shop and 3 hours of kitchen scullery maid detail for me.

Might try to catch one or two of the remaining best picture nominees after.


I am not nearly as hungover as I should be from a wine tasting evening. Huzzah!

Still have to take Deci to swimming and then to a French Canadian festival. There will be a nap in between.


Napoli and Inter are fixing to go at it here for the Series A lead. I hope they put Marika on the national coverage. Lately she’s only been on a post game show broadcast throughout the week. Such a waste of big upfront talent if you ask me.


So my equipment rollout was like a C-, which puts my overall score to a D+. So that wasn’t *great* but, also, I’m clearly in first place amongst my competitors who still don’t know a race is starting.

So now I’m trying to get as much distance as possible while they’re still disengaged because I’m gonna be the rabbit for some industry cheetahs.

But don’t forget — cheetahs are damn near extinct for a reason.

comment image

*This photo is also my argument for guns kill people because guns can also kill cheetahs but that dude can kill no other men without his gat.

Game Time Decision

It all he can do to hold up the cheetah. I’d bet he was sore the next day from doing it.

Horatio Cornblower

Trophy hunters should, themselves, be hunted for sport, and to extinction.


Beat me to it, fuck them.

Last edited 49 minutes ago by Jimbo

If there’s a better indicator of toxic masculinity I’ve yet to see it.

/from what I recall Hemingway still had a good reputation into the early 80’s amongst my profs but when I found out he was a trophy hunter-women and big game-I knew something was not quite right

Don T

/fixes hair
All those spots… Does kitty scratch?
Sorry. Force of habit.


Good morning and greetings to our viewers, I’m Rikki-Tikki-Deadly reporting live from Hangover Junction! Our vacuumologist is predicting a 100% chance of activity, so be sure to get those noise-canceling headphones charged up! There’s also construction going on – roofing, to be specific – two houses over so if you had any dreams of sleeping this off on the couch you can kiss those good-bye.


My first dilemma this morning? Of the four snow shovels on the porch, which one to start with-Big Blue, Bendo, Old Tosser or Snowbanksy. Decisions, decisions.


I’ve got a snow blower, so no heart attacks!