Subsequent GTD reflections

Hello there fellow DFO’er.  Hope you’re well today.  And thanks for coming back to see last weeks tl;dr of last week as decided by my brain.  There’s no reason as to why some comments make it and others don’t. Seriously. There isn’t.

This weeks cheesy motivational quote is:
By the will art thou lost, by the will art thou found, by the will art thou free, captive, and bound [in bed]. Angelus Silesius

Remember kids, have a safe word. Or not, whatever floats your boat.

My tradition of watching zero seconds of awards shows continues this year, with me not watching a second of the shows.  I think i’ve seen clips of some of the funnier parts, but haven’t seen an awards show live in years, like 10+. And it does not help that I don’t really remember the people so never know who is anybody, where my wife’s like look at so and so and them and I’m like “huh”?

Without further ado, here are the comments of the week.

Eli laments about the Snorks being a one season wonder.

Don’t you dare disparage the Snorks


Point out where I disparaged them! I just stated a fact.


Man, if the Clubhouse gets blown up over a dispute about the Snorks it would…

actually, it would be pretty much on point for this Year of Our Lord 2025.
Horatio Cornblower

I am sooooooo glad this series is back.

I have a demand to make of DFO Productions – WarHammer! The Musical.
King Hippo

Apparently JD Vance is in or headed to Vermont to do some skiing. My son, who lives in that brave little state, just texted me “Why is JD Vance coming to ski in a state that voted against him faster than he finished in that couch?”
Horatio Cornblower

Today I learned that dolphin wang looks a lot like that iconic photo of Nessie
Doktor Zymm

Did you learn that the hard way?




Fun story about Pioneer. One of my dearest friends was born with a pretty pronounced underbite which used to drive her crazy. Ultimately when she was at the age the doctor deemed safe, she had surgery where her jaw bone was cut on each side, a section was removed from each side and it was put back together.

Point is, she had her jaw wired shut for something like 3 months. She could tell you where all of the best mashed potato and gravy places were in town because that and soup was about all she could eat.

She loved Pioneer’s mashed potatoes and gravy the most.

Before the surgery her, her boyfriend, my still best friend, and I used to go out to dinner bi-weekly at this great little family owned Italian place. She always ordered the rigatoni and meat sauce.

During the time when her jaw was wired shut she got so desperate that we picked her up some rigatoni with meat sauce and brought it home.

She put it in a blender so she could get it in her mouth.

It was hilariously awful to be a part of that.
yeah right

My parents weren’t perfect. But they gave me a fucking shot for a killer disease that it’s pretty fucking embarrassing if you let your kid get/die from it.

Come to think of it, the shot was probably presented as a form of punishment

This was a gem. Bonus Gravey Y’all!


I need to have a (very minor) surgical procedure. Getting a cyst removed. I’ve had two others removed over the years. Both times I walked in, shook hands with the doctor, got a shot of novocaine, cyst removed, couple of stitches, shake hands again, walk out.

I thought it was getting done yesterday, same sort of deal, but in the 15 years since I last had this done things seemed to have changed. A week or so ago I saw my PCP to schedule this. He referred me to this surgeon, they scheduled me for yesterday. I walk in expecting handshake-slice-pop-stitches-handshake. Nope. This was just a meet-and-greet, (for which I will be billed, naturally), and I had my weight taken, blood pressure, pulse, medical history. Then advised I’ll have to be sedated, which I pushed back on but was told the cyst is “too big” and the doctor might have to “really dig into the skull” and then the word “cauterize” was used and then I said, “OK, I’ll take a nap” but still, this seems a bit much.

Today they call to schedule, but not the surgery! Nope, this is for the pre-admission physical the doctor, (who just yesterday took down my weight, blood pressure, pulse, listened to my lungs, and took down my medical history, technically for the second time since I had filled the latter out ahead of that visit anyway) had ordered. AND they’re very booked so I have to drive to a different hospital a half-hour away and they only have two dates and if it’s not too much trouble can I blow off work a second day and cancel some combination of five depositions to do this completely unnecessary thing?

At that point I said no and I’d just cancel the removal entirely, because it’s not like I’m that guy from Mars in ‘Total Recall’ to begin with. So they then call my PCP and his office calls me back and gets me in much earlier to do this completely unnecessary thing, and the long and the short of it is I’m probably just going to have my wife, (who used to be a medical assistant in a dermatology practice), slice into my head and pop it out and then go to the ER for the now-inevitable stitches and probable need for antibiotics not because it’s safer, (because holy shit it is not) but because if I get one more phone call about this today I am going to straight up murder someone.

Thanks Joe Biden!!
Horatio Cornblower

Draft idea: people we would like Horatio to murder after he inevitably gets a phone call about this today.

Saw this & thought of a certain member of the commentariat:


February 27, 2025 10:05 am
I’ve got to let some politics out for a minute. This is from yesterday’s first cabinet meeting. President Musk is doing a Silicon Valley power move, with a logo t-shirt and ball cap in a meeting full of $3000 suits. Trump is sitting there in the corner of the table, which is where I sit in meetings when I want to be left alone. The members of the cabinet, and the President of the United States have those little name tents. “Donald Trump – President”. The VP is off by the door, probably sitting on a folding chair. Eyeliner is looking good, too.


Where’s the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch when you need it?

Started the most recent season of Shoresy last night, and now the line “came to banging a 9 while surrounded by the bodies of 10s she’d fought to the death for me” lives in my head forever.
Horatio Cornblower


I’d probably talk myself into this being good, then feel completely stupid by week 1 halftime.


Spam, you ignorant slut! I don’t think there’s enough weed in California that wouldn’t make me long for a double achilles explosion every time he touched the ball. They could dig up the corpse of Roman Gabriel and I would be hella rooting for his bones before I ever cheered for that obnoxious wanker.

I dearly want to post several other Hackman scenes that I adore but I’ve got to be up very early tomorrow. Maybe you guys could…?

Say no more fam

I always liked the quick and the dead


If you’ve seen Crimson Tide, how accurate is it, Brick?


Terrible. It’s among the least realistic submarine movies ever, down there with Hunt For Red October. I’m sure they are entertaining for civilians, but they are pure fiction. But hey it’s just a movie.

Brick Meathook


BIG PIRATE NEWS: We are gonna be homeowners! The house we’ve put an offer on has passed inspection with no major red flags on a house built in 1937. There is nothing in the way between now and our projected closing date.

The house is in Salem and is within walking distance of the Oregon State Fair grounds. As such, there’s absolutely gonna be an “End of Summer, Get Drunk At The State Fair, Housewarming, Get Drunk With TPS While He Grills You Food” Party in late Aug.


JD Vance is the result of the pain, irritation, and ennui of passing a kidney stone wished to become a real person. A person without a soul, empathy, dignity, and common sense, but a person nonetheless.

To borrow from something I saw on the internet, it’s small wonder that JD Vance’s mother tried to trade him for drugs.
Horatio Cornblower

Hometown Brier starts tonight. Canadian men’s championship curling with a healthy dose of vicious broom tech controversy.
Going to a draw on Tuesday afternoon. Maybe Wednesday, too. Look for the drunk guy in plaid.
BC Dick

This is most Canadian thing I’ve ever read.


He really covered everything from A to Zed.

Greetings from my mushroom trip. I’ve never realized just HOW purple the flowers are in my garden until just now.

Low Commander of the Super Soldiers

Ask if they want to be friends, I bet they do

Doktor Zymm

I didn’t, but I did water them. And now they’re watching me through the window.
Low Commander of the Super Soldiers

The cabinet has been assembled and are union remains strong.

Also we put it together backwards and therefore can’t get the cabinet doors on. So we looked at it and said “fuck it” put the doors aside and we’ll call a friend of ours who’s a carpenter and have him do it later.
Horatio Cornblower

You aren’t the only one who sucks at assembling cabinets


After dinner, my wife asked if I could clear the table. I needed a running start, but I made it.

Was supposed to do a brewery tour of Brisbane today, but it was canceled so I’m gonna do my own brewery tour!

First stop, Felons Brewers
Doktor Zymm

Got a free ticket to the 6:30 draw tonight at the Brier. Only one good matchup but I’ve been drinking all day to prepare for it, regardless.
It’s been a blazing hot 12 degrees and sunny today. No better way to finish off a great Sunday than an evening of high-end curling action.
Hope you’re all having a great day, too.
BC Dick

March 2
That looks really, really good, will have to try some time. Not today! As this marks the beginning of my 59th trip around the sun. I wonder if hitting 60 next year is an another level set for daily chronic pain.

This looks phenomenal[ yeah right’s adobo-and-garlic-rice]. My only remark is that in proper Filipino fashion this post needs to be about two hours late.

/Source: My youth orchestra conductor ran rehearsals on Filipino time
Senor Weaselo

THAT shit right there. That’s one reason I love this jorb. Someone thought her house was being broken into. She was calm, cool, collected, and followed instructions brilliantly. Situation ultimately was fine. It’s great to hear the tension, fear, apprehension in a caller’s voice fade when they realize help is there.

EDIT: Is this how yeah right feels when the right spawn laud his latest ace culinary concoction?

Got on the chug cam at the Brier tonight and slammed a beer. They came back at us with the marry Me cam and I kissed my friend on the cheek. He went for the lips though. Got a good cheer from the crowd at least.
BC Dick

For all the hype and awards for Anora and The Substance there was a marked lack of semen and blood compared to my couch.
Mr. Ayo

Thanks, JD.
Horatio Cornblower

Katherine Hegl advertising for adult diapers is pretty fitting, considering the way she pissed away her career.
Horatio Cornblower

My wife is officiating at her nephew’s wedding this summer. I am not terribly fond of her family. She met them today to go over details of the wedding. It’s BYOB, and she tells me “it’s an afternoon wedding, and they don’t drink, so they don’t think a lot of people will be drinking.”

Me: “I assure you at least one person will be drinking.”
Horatio Cornblower

If you have having trouble “loggin in”, once logged in it may say that you are not logged in, at that point, refresh the page. If that does not work, then clear your cache and “loggin in” again.

Thanks for all the comments and funny and everything else.

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Game Time Decision
Recovering lurker; jack of all trades, master of none; Canukian; not as funny as he thinks he is. Funny, but not funny ha-ha
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Horatio Cornblower

Pretty big week in the comments for yours truly. Think I’ll hit the showers, blow off my conference calls, and take a nap.

Just kidding.

About the shower.


One for movie vs. Brick’s submarine experience: anything I’ve had personal experience with, media, both real and in fiction, gets wrong.


That is rough that the media gets the details of greased-up-dwarf rhythmic gymnastics wrong, but it’s embiggening that the Cornblowers invited you to one of their soirées.

Horatio Cornblower

We’re a welcoming home, and BugEyedBoo does clean up after himself.

Doktor Zymm

That’s more important than ever with RFK around

Doktor Zymm

It’s hilarious when authors who don’t know anything about horses include them in their books. Especially when it’s an historical novel that is very well researched except for the bits about horses

Horatio Cornblower

comment image


Best thing I saw about that is that history doesn’t repeat, but it does rhyme.


I really, really like listening to this guy, I wonder how much the other history loving people on here would agree with him. Most of his work uses SF stories and movies to illustrate or talk about how the SF setting works in a historical context.


A Canticle for Leibowitz is magnificent. I wonder if there’s some way to make it into a Request Line topic because I assure you that Hunter Renfrow is a big, big fan.

Last edited 53 minutes ago by Rikki-Tikki-Deadly

I really enjoyed his discussion of the book and the cyclical nature of mankind’s history.


Just make sure it’s the others who are the starving men taking breast milk from a girl who just lost her stillborn baby.

Then the rest of us can all be successful bankers!

Last edited 55 minutes ago by blaxabbath

I forgot how awesome the faces were in that scene. I hope that every extra who got to participate has a framed still of themselves hanging in their homes; they should be so proud.

Doktor Zymm

Cyclone Alfred officially headed for Brisbane. Glad to be home well beforehand!


things best left in the rear view mirror for sure.

Doktor Zymm

Missed a lot this week (didn’t miss the Alot though!)

Congrats to TPS on the house! What do they fry at the Oregon State Fair?

Collective noun question: I’m thinking ‘cloud’ of surveillance nanodrones but ‘swarm’ of attack nanodrones and maybe ‘aura’ of shield nanodrones?


Swarm sounds more menacing.


Read a book years ago about a guy who invents Dust, which is a powdery substance made of sensor nanobots, you spread it out or just let it flow like regular dust in the wind. It acts as a sensor net, a hive type mind, and can detect light, sound, temp, and the shapes of whatever it is covering.


Is his name….Al Gore?

Doktor Zymm

But can it do laundry? Because laundry powder made of nanobots is my billion dollar idea


They fry Beavers.


Thanks GTD, nice roundup as usual.

I’ve got to go after work to look at the 3rd flooring and tile options place. After the past months other sub contractors meetings, 3 door and window place options, and being asked countless times for an opinion on something that I really don’t have an opinion on (younger is living there not me). Wifey’s other property reno is really making me want to give back shit I didn’t even steal.

Pray for 2pack.

Doktor Zymm

It’s Italy, don’t they just automatically put in marble floors? Or is that just Venice?


They will default to that. But now ceramic wood finishes are popular too. Since we are getting in floor heating installed real wood is no longer an option.

Hey hey… I said REAL WOOD… hey hey… and LONGER…

Sorry Dok.

How’s the heaters working by you?

Doktor Zymm

You totally could have gone with REAL HARD WOOD, lol

(edit: not actually sure why they specify, is there such a thing as softwood flooring?)

Last edited 2 hours ago by Doktor Zymm

Yeah nobody likes soft wood…

Last edited 2 hours ago by 2Pack

There is such a thing as too many choices. Especially when you are with two women and a BIL who is worse than a woman.

Doktor Zymm

If it’s a big space, dark color, small space, light color, for the material pick #42 or the one on the left if there is no 42