Once again, all the lights are off in the studio, and it’s completely silent. The studio lights come on to reveal DJ 3000′ in sleep mode.
In the hallway that leads to the studio a series of frantic footsteps can be heard.
HUNTER RENFROW: I’m here, I’m…[noticing that DJ 3000′ is still in sleep mode]…here? Am I finally early?
Suddenly, the video console on the front of DJ 3000′ changes to show…
HUNTER RENFROW: What the heck is going on?
The screen goes hazy, then changes again to show…
And then…
HUNTER RENFROW: [under his breath] I’d better call somebody.
HUNTER RENFROW pulls a cellphone from out of his backpack.
DARKEST TIMELINE ZACK MORRIS: Hey there, what’s up, kiddo?
HUNTER RENFROW: Hi Mr. Morris. Sorry to bother you, but something strange is happening with the DJ 3000′ unit. It won’t come out of sleep mode and is just displaying footage from old video games.
DTZM: What’s the date? Oh right, it’s March again. Yeah, that’s normal. He’s got it written into his contract – and his code – that he gets to take the first week of March Madness games off. The video game footage is just a screen saver, like arcade games used to play while waiting for someone to put quarters in.
HUNTER RENFROW: Oh. So…um, what am I supposed to do?
DTZM: Same thing as us! Put the games on as background, grab a script and get readin’. I’ve got a submission that has something to do with a space colony where the ambient temperature is so low that superconductor technology is ubiquitous, are you interested?
HUNTER RENFROW: [attempts to conceal his excitement but is almost literally vibrating with anticipation] Yes please, Mr. Morris.
DTZM: Great, I’ll email you a pdf.
HUNTER RENFROW: But what about Request Line?
DTZM: We treat this one like a bye week. Folks are welcome to request songs if they like, but mostly we’ll just chat about the NCAA games.
HUNTER RENFROW: Oh. Okay. Should the song requests be about any particular topic?
DTZM: [shrugs] Sure. Let’s do…dreams. We’ve only sort of done that once before. Why don’t you get us started with a little Weezer?
Today’s sort-of theme is “Dreams”. But don’t let that distract you from the basketball! Please post and request links as “https://www.youtube.com/watch?cL04k&da663r and they should embed in the comments after you refresh. Last week’s puzzle clue of “Wild Version” left our listeners stumped until SonOfSpam swooped in late with the solution of “Wild Honey Pie” by the Beatles. Now let’s watch these kids try to fulfill their dreams and achieve that one shining moment.
Why so many commercials with podcast guys, least radio was smart enough to keep them out of sight. they will never achieve a movie as quality as FM
so far our wishes are coming true
I Dream Of Jeannie
Petition to refer to this Troy team as the “Buckets”.
“The ball boy’s tending to a wet spot”
This March Madness turned into porn so gradually etc
Hey, thanks for the fun, RTD!!
Thank you for your contributions. I wasn’t prepared for how rich a topic this would be!
Not common to see a team getting tripled up when they have more than 6 points. Norfolk State currently has 14.
–thats gatorin
What would it take for UConn/Oklahoma to be able to compete with these guys? A plane crash?
+300 Measles
Louis Cole, These Dreams are killing Me
Big dance, big dreams
Gee whiz
Bobby Darin up in heah!
Anne approves
Baby Depeche Mode
UNC elbowing people in the face to get to the basket and getting away with it.
Evolving from Tar Heels to Tar Full Contact
If applicable, will take Blair Witch penalty
Ella Fitzgerald
Vandy fans right now.
Sleep to Dream , Fiona Apple
Sexy Friday!
bracket pool reward now changed to one gently used logo
There’s no way they didn’t know exactly what they were doing with that.
Marketing will never admit it, but they will cash the checks!
Hmmm, reminds me of something
And yet no one thinks it’s difficult to locate the baseball in that logo!
It’s symbolic, not real.
/Georgia O’Keeffe has entered the chat
Silvio Rodríguez – Sueño con
Bertold Brecht quote at the intro:
There are men who fight for a day
And they are good
There are others who fight for a year
And they are better
There are those who fight for many years
And they are very good
But there are those who fight their whole lives
Those are the essential ones
Santa María, madre de ¡11¡DIOS1!!1
But really tho: make those FTs. Even Jesús couldn’t overcome some boners.
Aterciopelados – Sueños del 95
Dreamlover, Mariah Carey
sexy jorts for Florida today
Just made some hot wings and elote with a creamy sauce
That sounds good! Hey, it’s Friday! There’s a food truck that has great elote up the street tonight, Desert Hot Springs has a block party on Friday nights in the spring, before it gets crazy hot.
yeah the butter and cheese was sweet enough for the elote to add a nice counterpoint to spicy wings
& the Blair Witch dreams of a song about sunshine and bunny rabbits.
“UNC is getting waxed? Where’s the rub?”
-not Robert Kraft
Good finish brewing in Vanderbilt/St. Mary’s.
These are taking forever to load for me; hope I’m not Blair Witching here.
giving me, giving meeeeeeeeee
Mount St. Mary! Mount St. Mary!
Fuck my bracket! Where am I?
There’s a dreamscape going on here thanks to the brilliance of these fine Junkies-you can’t can’t tell me different.
Distant Dreamy -Duffy
Live version skirt version
end jojos short
Can somebody approve my Joni Mitchell song? What a weird one to get modded for!
You fucking got it, lady!
You are fucking awesome, I don’t care what everyone else says about you!
No wonder nobody watches this shit game.
WOOOO 80s earworm
Roger Hodgson double shot
Great tune
It’s the only Supertramp song I like
Wait, I’m wrong, there’s another one.
My guess is “Give a Little Bit”. I don’t like Goo Goo but they knocked this bastard out of the park.
Nope, you’re bloody well wrong. But you had a bloody right to guess!
Crap! It’s “Even in the Quietest Moments”, right?
That’s not a Logical Song. Once again, you’re Bloody Well Wrong, but me, I don’t care anyway!
Me n Del were singin a little Runaway
(for reference)
54-40 ramps up the disturbed narrative voice as well as the feedback from the lead geetar and it’s brilliant.
And then The Odds came along…
Dreams and schemes and circus crowds… I’m glad Joni rerecorded this when she was old enough to know what it really means
Don’t Dream It’s Over – Crowded House
When your bracket depends on 5s going deep and to many teams this week
Another 12-5 upset!
Fuck. My bracket has gone fucking kerbloooooey
Like the mounting brackets on the seat belts of a Tesla!
Did you see they got recalled again? Eighth fucking time! They make Ford Pinto’s look safe, at least you had a shot at escaping those when they went all asplodey!
I’d just like to point out that Memphis has been “soft-pressing” since about 10 minutes into the first half in the hopes that they would eventually “break” the Rams and it was a disaster a long time ago yet Penny is still doing it.