Sharkbaits Cocktail of the Week: Frisco Kid

Hey! We made it! I don’t know about you all but once again this week just took it out of me. But at least we’ve got college basketball to keep us company in the afternoon while we pretend to work. Even I get sucked into it, and I know fuck all/have watched zero games this season. Yet, I always fill out a bracket in the vain hopes that I somehow fall ass backwards into success, or create the worst possible bracket while hoping for upset chaos. Either way, it’s still better than doing actual work on a Friday.

Anyway you need a drink while watching the games right? Well good news! I’ve got an easy 2 ingredient prohibition era drink that should be strong enough to get you through that upset you didn’t see coming, or to celebrate the upset you picked that torpedoed the rest of your pool. It’s called the Frisco and it comes from Please Don’t Tell.


2 oz. Old Potrero Hotaling’s Rye Whiskey (I used Rittenhouse)

.5 oz. Benedictine.

Stir with ice and strain into a chilled coupe. Garnish with a lemon twist. 

There is a very strong citrus aroma up front. I find it surprising that the lemon took over as much as it did here.

When I take a sip, The first thing I can think of is bold. This this is very, very strong. The lemon that is teased on the nose is nowhere to be found. The familiar rye flavors start off, but are overshadowed by the Benedictine.

The liqueur seems to take a second to mellow the rye out. It’s still strong, there’s no mistaking the fact that this is almost entirely whiskey. Of which, the rye plays nicely with the Benedictine. Im not sure what the black magic fuckery that goes on but the whiskey brings out some of the deeper herbal flavors in the liqueur, giving it an ever so slightly earthy flavor and finish.

That lasts all the way to the end, and then the whiskey “burn” comes back into play, and hangs out on the palate.

Mrs Sharkbait wasn’t a fan when she tried it Though she says she took a bigger sip than she should have and was surprised at it’s strength. I was somewhat surprised as well, and slightly off put at first, but this is growing on me. I wasn’t sure about it when I first tried it, but then I started to enjoy it towards the end. It ticks all of my boxes : whiskey, strong, and simple so it seems like a no brainer. But yet I’m still somewhat hesitant on how often I’ll make it. It seems profoundly lazy but Im trying to think of how many times I’ll remember I have Benedictine to add the next time I want a neat rye. I’m thinking it’s not often. It’s good, but not quite knock my socks off good.

(Banner image courtesy Matthew Tetrault Photography)

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Sharkbait has not actually been bitten by a shark, but has told people in bars that he was for free drinks. Married to a Giants fan, he enjoys whisk(e)y, cooking, the Rangers, and the Patriots.
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You should garnish the drink with a butt keychain!


Bobby Mo makin’ Bama sweat at least.

Horatio Cornblower

Zebras are gonna fix that.


C’mon (Colorado St.) RAMMMIT!


Nice intensity on D so far.

edit: forced 3 turnovers early

Last edited 2 days ago by scotchnaut





Qaron is visiting the Stillers’ facility.

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King Hippo

I mean, (Black) Jesus. Charmslinger ain’t THAT BAD,


I can’t believe I’m gonna say this, but I don’t want either of them. Let the Racist Reindeer play, and hopefully get lucky in next years draft. And by lucky, I don’t mean Shadoobie Prime Time.


I’m okay with this. Bring in Danny Derps for competition on the cheap. If it sucks, oh well, good QB draft next year with a good pick. If it doesn’t suck, trade Danny Derps for whatever you can and still can finagle a decent draft pick next year, too.


I thought he signed with someone? There’s been so much to-ing and fro-ing, I can’t keep up


I forgot he did with the Clots.

My brain compartments are refuckulated with everything this week.

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News is reporting that there is black smoke coming from the Steelers facility as they make their decision but it’s actually fans burning their jerseys.


That’s just the Monongahela River venting the coal slurry again.

King Hippo

I really, truly, would like the world to be over already. Except that I do (very selfishly) want to see WIll Wade do this thing at NC State, first.

God, how I hate myself.


/I just heard this on Sirius

Guy Ragging on the ACC: “I figured Wade had one foot out the door-turns out that foot was halfway up Clemson’s ass”.

/and btw, Qadir Copeland is a junior


“yesterday this guy tapped his girlfriend on the shoulder, turned in my direction, and said, “Looks like a Transformer took a shit.”


…a guy who saw me in a parking lot this morning didn’t even bother to lower his voice when he said I looked like a dishwasher fucked a Robocop.


That was my other favorite quote from this lil gem. I was in a bit of a quandary on which to include. Thanks for posting it!!


The Onion always gets it right


Give those with credit what they want!

Doktor Zymm

Sounds like something I would really have to be in the mood for. Love a lemon twist though, citris oil is really great stuff

When I was on my vacation last month there was one night I ordered a gin martini with a dash of bitters and a lemon twist and wow did they make it strong. Basically just an eyedrop of vermouth for each shot of gin. I was having dinner with this fun couple from Sydney and they each tried a sip and made some great jokes about how dry it was. Good times!


Please tell me at least one of the jokes was about Ben Shapiro’s wife.