Tiny Conflicts

I’ve been so consumed by working on this cute little board game that I forgot to write horror this week!

Tiny Conflicts is a 4x game (explore, expand, exploit, exterminate) in the vein of Sid Meier’s Civilization series, but for the tabletop. The vision for the game is to take tiny, cute hoards of beings and smush them against each other in a black-and-white sketchbook landscape.

Using transparent playing cards, you can stack small groups of your units on top of each other by sliding the cards into sleeves, cobbling together a completed image of a mob by stacking the three layers.

The intention is to create an environment where you feel immersed on three levels. First, you have the godlike player perspective, seeing the entire board and making decisions on how to build and develop cities and capture territory. Second, by controlling a unique character avatar to perform actions on the table, you will take the individual perspective. And with these mobs of little guys appearing everywhere that you touch with your choices, you get a moblike perspective.

They found a berry bush!

Little seedlings working on a farm.

I think a lot of 4x games lean too far into history, stern tone, and realism. This game subverts those ideas while also staying simple enough to play with your hands instead of a keyboard and mouse.

One example of the simplicity is how resources and development are handled. To expand your city, you play down building cards. These cards have resources in each corner, and to build the next building you must overlap a corner. In doing so, you cover a resource, spending it to gain the new corners’ resources. To know what you have, just count the icons on all the corners that are showing. And to know your gold income, count the corners that are overlapping.

I think this concept shows great promise, and the art style is very endearing to me. I might update again in the future to tell you how it’s going.

Have a great week!

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Game designer, junk collector, paint chip taste tester
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We’re talking about games?

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Huh huh. “Load.”


This Liverpool/Sheffield game just got a lot more interesting.

Horatio Cornblower

Did a meteor hit the Liverpool side?


Briefly. They scored an own-goal to tie things up (more of a deflection, really). But it’s 3-1 now.


Gloom https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/12692/gloom kind of sucks as a game, but that transparent card mechanism is pretty cool.


I mean I wasn’t expecting much but Jesus Christ Sheffield…


They should change their name to the New Sheffield Jets.



Oh that’s delightful

Doktor Zymm

Makes me think of Happy Tree Friends, but with strategy!


Thats a throwback and a half

Horatio Cornblower

News is showing scenes from Taiwan where over 60 miners were rescued from a quarry after the earthquake and picturing Matt Gaetz rushing to book a flight to Taipei because this wouldn’t be the first time he put an -o- in a minor.


This is a 4X problem that a lot of games have: they can degenerate into a game of Risk. If I’m researching tech trees, building cities and monuments and wonders of the world, and my neighbor decides that they want to play Risk and builds a bunch of units, then I’m now playing Risk too, or losing.

Horatio Cornblower

That’s your own damn fault for not focusing early on Australia, then building up through Asia.


You can make South America sort of work, if you don’t want to fight with the other player that knows that it’s Australia FTW.


Horror Week is what Ben Domenech-McCain calls it when Meghan McCain is ovulating.


Oh…horror this week.

Same concept.


Yeah I know. I read it.

It’s gonna all just be a Bud Light ad at the end.

Horatio Cornblower



The same sense of dread that Ben Shapiro gets when his wife instructs him to “get a bucket and a mop” while she’s watching the Aquaman movie because he assumes she spilled some tapioca pudding on the floor, and he didn’t even know she liked tapioca pudding and now she’s gonna get mad Mr. Don’t-You-Know-I-Went-To-Harvard for not remembering that.


Thimble looks like my trooper. It was the automatic long gun that impressed me.


I hear you. Some friends (who I really like a lot) invited us to see Funny Girl tonight on them and I’m having trouble psyching myself up to go.


If you haven’t played Innovation, you might want to take a look at its “Splay” mechanic, where the direction cards are played (stacked left, right, or down) affect their abilities.


Innovation is totally nuts as a game. That game (and Chudyk’s other game, Glory To Rome) has no problem with broken cards and big swings of fortune. It’s not a problem in Innovation, because you can play a game in 15 minutes. Glory To Rome takes a little longer, and suffers a little bit as a result.

Don T

“I think a lot of 4x games lean too far into history, stern tone, and realism.”

I would guess that, 😅. All of the “e”s in 4x describe how colonialism is carried out: explore, expand, exploit, and exterminate. Imperialism too, which can be carried out without exploring.

Making the game mindless fun detached from crushing reality is a challenge. Maybe owning cruelty, for fun. Or, I remember two things that pried yuks from imperialism or colonialism, without denunciation.
1. SNL’s sketch “Judge Reinhold, Nice Guy Dictator”
2. Hanks & Candy’s “Volunteers”, which I gotta watch again.

Horatio Cornblower

So far this morning I’ve been woken up at the ungodly hour of 8:22 by the cat, so I decided to take advantage of that and go get that blood test to see if the cholesterol meds are doing anything, found the lab crowded so made an appointment for 9:30, ran up to the gym to retrieve some stuff I’d forgotten last night, ran to the bank to complete another errand, got the blood test, got home inhaled a bowl of cereal, then took two depositions, the first of which included the plaintiff talking about being in charge of a trust that has something to so with her immigration status.

Me: “earlier you told me you were born in Virginia.”

Her: “That’s right.”

Me: “So where are you EMigrating from?”

Her: “I wasn’t prepared for these questions.”

Me: “I’ll bet”

Other Atty. (Good guy, clearly blindsided): “Horatio, give me a minute with her.”

Anyway, that case is gonna settle on the cheap side of town, and I feel like I’ve done enough for one day.

Last edited 1 month ago by Horatio Cornblower

Did you remember to let Lowratio out into the paddock for his union-mandated exercise time?

Horatio Cornblower

It’s raining and sleeting here today. I’d get in huge trouble!


This reminds me of rainy days during gym class where they would bust out the parachute. Perhaps memory is failing me but I thought we used to ride that thing like a bouncy magic castle and picturing that happening to Lowratio is very amusing to me.

Horatio Cornblower


An attorney.

Horatio Cornblower

Oh, I had to turn my soul in during 4th semester of law school.

It’s a requirement.

Don T

Much worse. Being a dick is required to make folks forget the typos.

Senor Weaselo

The CSA, I’m guessing?


Was the deposition face to face? You would think people would have a notes / cheat sheet with any previous story lines (lies) clearly noted to keep them on track.

Horatio Cornblower

No, remote. They’re almost all by Zoom these days.

The Right Reverend Electric Mayhem

Well that’s all fine and good, but will I be able to nuke the berry bush?


That’s in the expansion pack.


Deanna Favre right now (artist’s conception):

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