Sharkbait’s Cocktail of the Week: Annual Cider Experiment

Hooray for Friday! I had an idea to do some experimenting and make my own drink this week involving apple cider because why not? Checking my master spreadsheet where I track all of these posts, I see that I’ve been doing cider cocktail experiments around this time of year before. Which means apparently I’m pretty unoriginal. At the very least I can take some inspiration and do a little tweaking to the base spirit. So I took the last one I did, and changed around the base, as well as the citrus to see how it turns out.

2 oz. Rittenhouse Rye

1 barspoon(ish) Allspice dram

1.5 oz. Apple cider

Lemon wedge

Add the whiskey, allspice and cider to a rocks glass, add a large ice cube and stir to chill and combine. Squeeze a lemon wedge and drop into the glass

A little allspice up front, but nothing too aggressive. It is a pleasant aroma, and very seasonal.

Just like the other version, the apple cider flavors lead the way. But while they lead the show, they are nowhere near as strong as regular cider would be, no surprise there. Just underneath the cider, you get a clear zip of the allspice mixed in, mixed with a nice bit of rye making an appearance in there. I like what the rye brings here. Not just I am a big fan of rye, but it shines through the other ingredients easier and lets you know it’s in there, without completely overpowering everything else in there.

The lemon/lime swap seems to be a bit of a miss. The lemon gets a bit lost here, and I’m not sure why. I figured lemon would stand out more than lime did in the rum version I’m basing this off of. Maybe the lemon flavors is too close to the cider profile that it gets covered completely? Either way, I get little to no flavoring from it. Even at the end when the garnish is at the bottom of the glass with the last remnants of the drink in there, I hardly get anything.

The question now is, which version do I like better. They both definitely work, and work well. I guess it would depend on what your base spirit preference is. I think I might give a slight edge to the rum version personally. Despite my preference for rye itself, I think the rum plays slightly better here. Plus I get more of the other ingredients in the rum version.

(Banner image courtesy Matthew Tetrault Photography)

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Sharkbait has not actually been bitten by a shark, but has told people in bars that he was for free drinks. Married to a Giants fan, he enjoys whisk(e)y, cooking, the Rangers, and the Patriots.
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I’m hoping that today’s Mets are using up all the available runs for New York teams for the remainder of the postseason.


Note to self: Open a frozen yogurt franchise called “Yogi Berry”.


Watching an OG horror movie “Black Christmas” with a young John Saxon and an even younger Margot Kidder. Actually a good movie so far.


There’s a player on the Cleveland Guardians whose last name is Noel and nickname is “Big Christmas”. Quite possibly the best nickname in baseball right now.

King Hippo

Wait…Margot Kidder used to be BLACK???


Green Bay cut my kicker, lol!


Packer gangs are famous for maiming special teams players.


How the hell do you get cut as a kicker?


That’s what I was wondering?


by going 12 for 17.

Horatio Cornblower

Do that in baseball and you’re the all-time greatest hitter.

It’s just not fair.

Doktor Zymm

Is allspice the same as pumpkin spice?


Isn’t pumpkin spice is shorthand for nutmeg, cinnamon, and clove?

I guess also ginger and, sometimes, allspice.


I hope I’m wrong, but the Steelers are going to suck hard if Wilson starts. Him starting isn’t going to fix their OL problems and make a WR2 magically appear.


I’ve heard yakkers say that this will open up the downfield game but he hasn’t been effective in that way for some time now-they’re thinking of a younger version of the guy I think.


Yeah, I’m in the same boat. Kinda curious to see if Russ has anything left in the tank, but with our O line injury issues i’m wondering if he’s just going to get creamed.

Guess we’ll find out!


just going to let Russ embarrass himself vs Jets defense to put him away for rest of season


I hope he gets one series and has a career ending injury. Fuck him.


With our o line issues, you just might get your wish…


What Mike WANTED to say:

“Yeah, well that’s for me to know and you to find out on Sunday morning, ya thirsty-ass mothafuckas”!!!


Tomlin is thinking, “It’s the Jets

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Being outnumbered in the household by women 3 to 1 means:
Yes you will buy the pumpkin spice Starbucks “seasonal special” at the commissary that she impulse insisted on.
And yes you will make a pot of it tomorrow morning since they have all now ganged up on you.
Sometimes it’s not easy being an alpha male.

Horatio Cornblower

Whatever, cuck.

/does dishes, cleans toilet


I do my share of dishes. But somewhere along the line they decided that I do not know how to clean the toilets. So I’m off the hook for that particular chore.
And I’ve kept my big mouth shut about my latrine duty experience. Momma didn’t raise no dumb azz…


I handle all trash and dog issues. Keeps me out of the kitchen mostly.

Oh, but the grill is all mine.


Wife cooks, I clean. We very rarely switch.


We very rarely switch.

“You should more often. It’s a really good workout.”
-Adrian Peterson


Brother! The first thing I do before cooking a bunch of things is fill the sink with soap and hot water.

/wifey is so much more organized than me in other respects but when she cooks, to climb the mountain of dishes she leaves requires rappelling equipment


Okay, none of y’all have a dishwasher???

Man, I can’t even be arsed to fill the dishwasher…


One day I’ll tell y’all of the story of getting our house built and why we don’t have a dishwashing machine but today is not that day.


I am old, I was thinking that the mom from this 80’s movie is way hotter than any of the young ladies.


’80’s babes were the best. Married one. And I flirt with a bunch. The younger women I know are a bit more difficult to converse with. Few of the Steve Martin bits hit home with them. And explaining a joke is a real buzz kill. So yeah… I guess I’m in a time warp. It’s comfortable here.

Horatio Cornblower

(does some quick math)

Ah yes, I also hooked up with and married an 80’s babe!

(late 80’s; man, big difference between them being 21 and being 11, but just try telling a right-leaning evangelical that during a debate about child brides)


Holy Shit, child Corey Haim is in Friday the 13t part 4 and then a very young Crispin Glover.


Whoops, I meant Corey Feldman.

Horatio Cornblower

Jason wouldn’t distinguish between the two of them, and neither should we.


Pro Tip right there…


You can’t give away a used mattress but somehow we’ll pay three hundred bucks a night to sleep on one at a hotel.


You mean $300 to BANG on one.




Rum has more of a tropical/island vibe. I vote for rum.

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Had to work last night so I just finished watching that steaming pile of garbage.

This Saints team? I call them shitty because they stink!!

How did they fall so far?


Horatio Cornblower

OK well, now I need to drink to excess for the rest of the day.

What, and I cannot emphasize this enough, the fuck?


Wilford Brimley was an old man when he was 12.


Wilford Brimley had diabetes, ppl forget that. Especially Jay Cutler, because he’s blackout drunk.




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Game Time Decision

Checking my master spreadsheet where I track all of these posts

You are far more organized than anyone else here for posting


I’ll throw my hat into the ring as far as Request Line is concerned. It’s quite possibly the most well-documented thing I’ve ever done.

Horatio Cornblower

Time for seasonal ales, you say?

Also, Sam Adams apparently replaced their Octoberfest version with this Jack-O’ Pumpkin shit, which is not a great decision.


I had a 12 pack last month that had both. The Jack-O stuff is fine for about half a beer, then it’s too much. Oktoberfest is still decent.

Horatio Cornblower

Have yet to see Octoberfest around here. Always liked it, although it’s been passed by by a lot of others these days.

I bought this one for the can art last week, but it was decent. Great name, too.

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DFO Meetup in Munich, Sept 2026. Let’s do this.

Horatio Cornblower

“Honey, good news about our 30th anniversary trip”

(cut to) CT man found brutally murdered, story at 11.


“Here’s a thought, why don’t you do the Dachau tour, and I’ll, uh, meet up with you later.”


“Sir, I smell alcohol on you”



As Sharkbait mentioned elsewhere, “FAILURE TO EXERCISE DUE CARE” is about as on-brand for Jay Cutler as you could possibly get:

King Hippo

apparently, when Smokin’ Jay was in Denver, he did his radio show with a Slurpee cup filled with red wine.


It keeps him rockin, all of thee time


The police report sez he has a rifle. We all know that isn’t true!


He’s lucky they didn’t find the 3 kilos of catnip he was hauling “for a friend.”


Now now, Culter had a cannon for an arm. The problem was that it was about as accurate as one of those Revolutionary War era types.

Game Time Decision

6’3′ and 225lbs


Horatio Cornblower

That’s just ridiculous: cats simply don’t get that big no matter what.


/Mantacore cage flies open



Groper Cleveland is terrified of a pussy big enough to fight back.