Sexy Friday – 20250228

TGIF! You still have 2 days to binge watch all the Oscar movies, so get to it.

Survival – Personal Edition

We’re enjoying a nice false spring here, which makes one wistful of summer. Which brings to mind the 4th of July and that day’s highlight: the hot dog eating contest. Let’s go over the tips on how to dominate in your next contest!

  • In the weeks leading up to the contest, stretch out that stomach. Drink a ton of water and eat nonfattening food like pineapple, cabbage, and celery. Do not fast as that can cause the stomach to shrink.
  • Eat a light breakfast the morning of the contest. Make it just a bit smaller than usual so that you’ll be hungry at the contest.
  • At the contest, start with your stance. You want to be close to the table and leaning slightly forward.
  • When it starts, grab a hot dog and remove it from the bun.
  • Tear the hot dog in half and shove the two pieces into your mouth side by side.
  • Chew and swallow the hot dogs. At the same time pick up the bun and dunk it in water.
  • Shove that bun in your mouth and chew and swallow. At the same time pick up the next hot dog and tear it in half.
  • Repeat until time is called.
  • Drink water after every third hot dog to lubricate your throat. Don’t drink too much or you’ll fill yourself up with water.

Congrats, champ!! One last thing, a reversal of fortune is an immediate disqualification so avoid doing that.

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Survival – Species Edition

Time to put the sexy in Friday!

Enjoy the weekend, folks! Alright, now let’s get to the comments!

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Mr. Ayo
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I mean, if it’s cool, I’m just going to keep doing mah thang.


Bonus REM, now with Warren Zevon!

Brick Meathook

This works here on so many levels . . .

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JD Vance is the result of the pain, irritation, and ennui of passing a kidney stone wished to become a real person. A person without a soul, empathy, dignity, and common sense, but a person nonetheless.

Horatio Cornblower

To borrow from something I saw on the internet, it’s small wonder that JD Vance’s mother tried to trade him for drugs.


How much blow was inhaled during the composition of this track? All of it? The answer is all of it.




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Never too late! I once hosted an evening by starting a music shuffle with a Sade song and it was perfect. Oh man I’m drunk.

yeah right

I’m telling you folks, please consider the Toronto DFOCAN April 15th thru 18th. The flights are crazy cheap.

In fact, the airline in flying out of LAX on changed my flight so instead of leaving at 7 in the morning and getting to YYZ at 2, I’m now getting in at 9:15 at night.

Fuckers cost me a day.

Looking at different options there’s a Delta flight that gets in earlier at 3 or something in the afternoon.

Granted it’s the exact same flight and flight number as the plane that rolled over and upside down a couple of weeks ago but they got CRAZY cheap prices!

C’mon! Let’s party Canadian style!


If yinz want to float all my expenses, I’m in 🙂


Like the Princess would let you visit a lowly member of the Commonwealth…


She’s a Yinzer, too.


All of us Princess types are Yinzers.


Um, have you considered that it’s cheaper to land upside down?

yeah right

Dirt cheap.


That plane completely lost its right wing. Wish we could do that.

yeah right

Then you wouldn’t be able to fly.

yeah right

Oh shit. Gotcha.

The definitive version of this already all-timer. The intro’s progression from drums, bass, guitar, synth, and finally vocals shape the rest of the piece magnificently.


Really digging this.


Ciao tutti


A nod to lady number 3 this week. Solid work like always Ayo. It’s warming up here hopefully to stay.


yummy mummy


Jésus !

Horatio Cornblower

/immediately attacked by ICE agents


Missed Request Line, and I’m not sifting through everything.

Besides, looks like I’m solo here anyway.

Game Time Decision

I’m solo too
/Ignores the other voices in my head


This is absolutely one of those nights where I’d be happiest alone, smoking cigarettes until my throat burned through, and listening to whatever seems good at the moment.

I’m here instead. Of course, outside of not being able to poison my respiratory system, work is actually pretty close thus far.


I wrote the best joke of all time but then lost the paper and forgot what it was.


Aw crud, i posted a comment and forgot the spoiler tags


And it has a bunch of pictures.

Ayo what should I do? Can you approve it with an edit, or should I post it again with the proper brackets?


Never-ending i guess




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BC Dick

Hometown Brier starts tonight. Canadian men’s championship curling with a healthy dose of vicious broom tech controversy.
Going to a draw on Tuesday afternoon. Maybe Wednesday, too. Look for the drunk guy in plaid.


This is most Canadian thing I’ve ever read.


He really covered everything from A to Zed.


Doun’t fourget your touque aund bring a case of Moulsen.


Good for Fathew, we don’t need QAron in Socal.

Game Time Decision

I think he’s from there but assume his family is still there, so he won’t be


I watched Real Pain on the flight today, holy shit was that intense. Worth watching for sure, probably won’t win shit but Kieran Culkin was great in it.

yeah right

It was one of my favorite films this year. He’ll win best supporting actor for it in my opinion.


My money is on the one with the witch… I have not seen any of the movies nominated.

Last edited 5 hours ago by Jimbo

Kiernan Culkin is brilliant.


Very nice, Meester Ayo.


“Shove that bun in your mouth and chew and swallow.”

When did you install the camera in my bedroom?


Perfect Ten this week!


Got to Request Line far too late, and wasn’t going to sift through.
