Request Line: Titles

NT. DFO PRODUCTION OFFICE – DAY A pair of sleazy Hollywood producers are seated behind the desk, having another conversation (via speakerphone) with their location manager.  JOLIET JAKE DELHOMME: …the homeowners are really upset that the parking restrictions went up early. RIKKI-TIKKI-DEADLY: Well, get out there and take them down. JJD: I can't, the

Request Line: In With The New

INT. DFO PRODUCTION OFFICE - DAY A pair of sleazy Hollywood producers are seated behind the desk, having a conversation (via speakerphone) with their location manager.  JOLIET JAKE DELHOMME: ...and so the HOA manager is asking us to pay to have the homes power washed. RIKKI-TIKKI-DEADLY: Okay.  So, uh, first off, no. DARKEST TIMELINE

Request Line: Gone, But Not Forgotten

Earlier this week Don T served up a touching tribute to our dear departed friend the Wee Baby Seamus.  I've said it before and I'll say it again: nobody contributed more to Request Line than tWBS did.  Whether it was filling in for me when I couldn't get my shit

Cabin Fever: Vaccination Station

As faithful readers may remember, last year when the pandemic started we ran a series of "Cabin Fever" posts about our status under lockdown.  It's been over a year since the last of them, so it's time for an update. RIKKI-TIKKI-DEADLY (Los Angeles): Early on I had spoken with a friend

Request Line: Days

As much as I like to complain that we've already done every single topic under the sun as far as Request Line is concerned, from time to time I realize that isn't quite the case.  Case in point: a certain anniversary is coming up and as we were discussing how

Request Line: Draft Day

INT. HOME OFFICE - DAY A lazy slob with sits in front of a desktop computer.  On his second monitor, a single image dominates the screen. DJ 3000: YOU'RE SERIOUSLY NOT GOING TO DO ANYTHING? RIKKI-TIKKI-DEADLY: I don't have time! DJ 3000: THE WEE BABY SEAMUS WOULD HAVE FOUND A WAY TO GET SOMETHING

DFO Insider: Reboot

EDITOR'S NOTE: If you came here looking for the Ultimate Roger Goodell Mixtape, stay tuned - we'll be publishing it next week to coincide with the draft.  In the meantime...let's check in with our two favorite sleazy Hollywood producers... INT. DFO PRODUCTION OFFICE - DAY A sleazy Hollywood producer sits at his

Request Line: Technical Difficulties

Welcome to a special edition of Request Line! We were originally scheduled to be picking songs for the Ultimate Roger Goodell Mixtape today, but given a.) the technical difficulties we've been having and b.) the fact that the draft happens in three weeks I thought we'd postpone that for