The Losers’ Investment Club: Transportation

INT. CONFERENCE ROOM - DAY Several NFL personalities are sitting in chairs around a conference table.  BILL O'BRIEN is staring at a laptop, swearing repeatedly.  JOSH ROSEN, KATIE NOLAN and HUE JACKSON are gazing listlessly at the cellphones. --- [door flies open] --- COLIN COWHERD: Hi guys.  Sorry I'm late, there was...hang on

Your 2019 Rugby World Cup Preview

[Editor's Note: With Andy Reid sorting out a thorny issue with U.S. Customs agents at the Canadian border, The Losers' Investment Club will be on hiatus this week and presumably will return next week when $ARA is hopefully out of the toilet.  At least it's not ROKU, I guess.]   Greetings!  Welcome

Request Line: In Good Hands

INT. RECORDING STUDIO - DAY The PRODUCER is seated at the console, setting things up for the day's show.  DJ 3000 relaxes nearby.  DJ 3000: So who's the guest for today? PRODUCER: [looks up] Oh, actually it's quite the get. DJ 3000: We're closing out the season in style? PRODUCER: Very much so. RECEPTIONIST: [via intercom]

Request Line: Joy

I originally had a traditional Request Line planned for today.  It's going to be a delight, I promise you.  But you'll have to wait until next week, because I woke up this morning feeling inexplicably happy.  So I thought I dedicate this week's Request Line to the concept of "joy".

Why I Won’t Be Watching The NFL This Year: Your 2019 Homeless Raiders Season Preview

In Big Daddy Balls' 2016 edition of "Why Your Team Sucks" for the Chicago Bears, the fan responses were a pretty standard collection of laments about the team's ineptitude and fan culture.  Not exactly the place you'd look for a true revelation.  But I found one there, and it took

Request Line: Poolside

INT. RECORDING STUDIO - DAY The PRODUCER is pacing in the studio, running through a list of tasks. PRODUCER: ...and once you get the station directory updated, you need to start working through that backlog of DFO Radio podcasts. DJ 3000: [CONTROLLER NOT FOUND] PRODUCER: Knock it off, I know there's nothing wrong with

DFO Art Week: Masterpieces

Welcome to the fourth day of ART WEEK!  Today's theme is "masterpieces" so the images you see here are the absolute favorites of many of the writers from the site, including both photoshops and original photography.  I forgot to give credit to Low Commander of the Super Soldiers for his