Request Line: Down

INT. DFO PRODUCTION OFFICE - DAY A pair of sleazy Hollywood producers are fulfilling their investor-mandated office hours.  One - DARKEST TIMELINE ZACK MORRIS - appears to be hard at work, depositing royalty checks, opening and closing manilla folders, and making notes on a post-it pad.  The other - RIKKI-TIKKI-DEADLY -

Request Line: Piano Men

INT. PATRIOTS TRAINING FACILITY - 9 A.M. - SATURDAY Patriots Director of Player Personnel NICK CASERIO is hard at work in a conference room.  He glances up as the regular crowd of players shuffles into the training facility to begin their entirely "voluntary" offseason workouts.  There is an old man -

Request Line: Duets

INT. UNDERDOG SPORTS BAR - NIGHT A thin crowd mulls around a dimly lit sports bar.  Practically every available surface in the bar is covered with a television screen; most are showing basketball and hockey games.  A door behind the bar marked "OFFICE" opens and the bar manager emerges, followed by

Tales from the Meteor: The Last Journeyman (Part 3)

Sunday, February 3 Right ascension 17 31 22.9 Declination -74 16 68 Elongation 76.4 Delta 0.02 AU This is the end of my journey. I pull up the motorcycle in front of a pleasant, but modest-enough, home in Redondo Beach, California.  The hybrid that Ryan Fitzpatrick had let me take remains in Arizona, abandoned in the