Happy middle of summer Friday. I'm still getting slowly unpacked and recovered from the last week at the beach, so I wasn't in the mood for something overly complicated to make and write about this week. I happened to remember I had some Aperol in the bar still, and saving the
Oh Boy! Sunday Night with Litre.
Sharkbait’s Cocktail of the Week: RTFM
Sharkbait’s Cocktail of the Week: FIRE!
Oh boy! Sunday night with Litre.
Good evening to you! Happy Fathers Day to the Dad's out there who didn't go for smokes and not come back. Decilitre is 5 now and sneaky for a large individual (He takes after his uncle BC Dick in brick shithouse stature and will be as tall as Gametimedecision). The other
Sharkbait’s Cocktail of the Week: With A Little Help From My Friends
BOTG Seems Very Likely – Sign-Up Sheet Nightly Thread
No, this isn't like signing up for one's week in the barrel. I am not much of a planner, but I wanted to take the group's temperature overall. Where: Baltimore, MD When: Friday, 15 July through Sunday, 17 July Why: Frank Lampard's Everton v. King's Afrikan Water Pistols (7p Saturday, 16 July, whatever the
Sharkbait’s Cocktail of the Week: Merry Gin Day Eve
Sharkbait’s Cocktail of the Week: It’s Pronounced Nuclear
Oh boy! Sunday Night with Litre.
Good evening. Had a bitch of a week and completely gapped on this. Don't say its the weed because I have cut way down. So much so that the company I order off of has recently sent me a "We miss you" email! I got to go to Decilitres new Kindergarten