Sexy Friday, Halloween 2020! edition

I said that this week I would post girls in Halloween costumes, but then I got to thinking and realized: Football gear is kindova costume!Swimsuits are kindova costume!You fuckers didn't post any pictures of hot girls in Halloween costumes last Friday. So, we're going to continue with the Top Twenty Five

Sexy Friday, It’s Almost Halloween! edition

I love all holidays as they are days I don't have to work. However, there are some holidays that I like more than others. It will not surprise you that, as a kid, my favourite holiday was Christmas. Obviously, that was due to the presents but I also enjoyed getting together

Sexy Friday, The Mighty 690 edition

As I was creating this post, I realized that this is the 690th post I have created for DFO and that reminded me of a once powerful and influential radio station in Southern California called The Mighty 690. The Mighty 690 was actually, as the number can attest, an AM station

Sexy Friday, 2nd Friday in October edition

We are back with our new format! I hope you like it. Please provide feedback in the comments. Another hearty well-done to SonOfSpam, who correctly guessed that last week's hidden theme for the music was songs with the sea in the lyrics. As for last night's game, it

Sexy Friday, What Do You Mean You Want To Try Something New? Edition

Recently, I discovered that one of our very own commentists has a hidden talent for finding pictures of hot chicks on the Internet. No, it's not Moose or Unsurprised or Spur or even Brocky! It's ! His recent posts on the open threads have inspired me and

Sexy Friday, Belated Mexican Independence Day edition

So, last week was Mexican Independence Day. In previous years, this would mean tons of people going to bars in Los Angeles and a lot of people taking off on vacation to visit family in México and partake in festivities there. Obviously, that didn't happen this year. Well, let me rephrase

Sexy Friday, you know what day it is today edition

So, today is September 11 and we all know what happened on that day. No need to discuss further. Instead, we are going to focus on hot and sexy soccer girls and figure out if you can spot the hidden theme. To make it more interesting, I challenge everyone to identify

Sexy Friday, end of August 2020 edition

This week I am continuing to feature sassy n sexy soccer ladies! Can you spot the hidden theme? It's not just that these are all fútbol fans. There's a little more to it than that. I'll also be continuing to showcase awesome songs except this time there is a twist. Let's get right

Sexy Friday, what day is it today? edition

It's not often that special days like wedding anniversaries, first date anniversaries, and anniversaries of the first time you had anal sex with your significant other (Your analversary, if you will) fall on a weekend . Let alone Sexy Friday! Therefore, this week I am celebrating a special day in

Sexy Friday, It’s August 2020! edition

We are back and Tik Tok has not been shut down yet! For now. Anyway, how has everyone been? Didya enjoy the AFL Sexy Friday? /crickets Oh hush. Ok, let's get right to it. *** Today, I will be showing you Tik Tok girls that have something in common, but I won't tell