Your “Don’t Forget To Keep Fit” Friday Evening Open Thread

In this time of...well whatever we want to call it.  Let's say "Teh Viruhl Threat"?  And with the social distancing thingy, etc.  It's easy to become complacent and just nap on the couch while watching documentaries and game shows. (stop looking at me like that) ((OK fine, yes that's mostly what I've

Your “Maybe This Was A Bad Idea” Friday Evening Open Thread

Hello there imaginary friends. No one needs to hear me talk this week.  So I'm not gonna.  Well not much at least. For the most part it seems all of us are holding our own (no pun intended).  And I'm happy for that.  I wish all of you and yours the very

Your “Not Even Close To A Good Friday Let Alone Eggcellent” Friday Evening Open Thread

I like Jeebus.  Even though I'm not particularly religious I really do mean that.  He was a good dude.  Brave.  Cared about people.  And did a lot of things to try to help make their lives better at his own peril.   God or not, he had balls.  Can't deny it.  Go

Your “There’s No Place Like Home” Friday Evening Open Thread

As with many communities across the country, my locale has instituted martial law beginning 2 hours ago.  Well, martial law might be an overstatement I suppose, but not by much.  But according to them I'm not allowed to go anywhere.  And I could be fined and/or jailed if I'm not

Your “Isn’t Autumn Wonderful?” Friday Evening Open Thread

Well, it IS Autumn in Australia.  One of the only nations which still has enough cojones to still play sports.  Don't get me wrong though.  They're taking precautions. But they're playing.  At least so far. As most of you know I've been filling in foar the lovely and talented Balls Of Steel

Your “Jeebus It’s Friday The 13th Again?!?!?” Friday Evening Open Thread

See, this wouldn't have happened if it weren't for the stupid leap year thing.  Criminy. I've got a lot to say.  But I'm not gonna. Leap year can go suck my nuts. As can Covid-19. I'm not dead.  I have food.  And water.  I just put some plants in the ground.  I have shotgun

Your “tWBS Depresses You Again And Then Saves It By Posting Photos Of Partially Nekkid Wimminz” Friday Evening Open Thread

I'm in a really bad mood.  Fair warning for what you are about to read.  Close your browser now if you don't have the stomach for it. - I love women.  I mean not like that.  Well not ONLY like that.  I mean....  NO YOU SHUT UP. What I'm about to type out? 

Your “The Space-Time Continuum Is Annoying” Friday Evening Open Thread

Seriously, it really is.  And I'm gonna tell you why. Well, it's the last weekend of February already.  Can you believe that?  I can't.  Even still, however, it should be the last DAY of February today, but we arbitrarily add a 29th day every four years, which comes tomorrow of course. 3

Your “Dark Necessities” Friday Evening Open Thread

This week might not be everyone's cup o' tea.  I know this.  Frankly, it's not mine.  At least not usually.  Usually I prefer the laid back easy going types. But every now and again, however, I do get a bit curious and have a look at the genre. Alt Models, they're called.