Your Second Annual “Solstice, Schmolstice” Friday Evening Open Thread

Yep.  Another year, another first day of Summer again.  Which means I get to experience heat and humidity, and sweat and be uncomfortable, for another four months.  Yay. Last year on the summer solstice, we honoured Summer Glau. Which was fun.  We like her a lot. And holy shit, I can't believe that's

Your “Half Mast Kinda Night” Friday Evening Open Thread

I just got in from the airport at around 2am this morning after a cross country flight  (and boy are my arms tired). I was already cranky due to having to leave California and come back home to North Cackalacky in the first place.  Then I hit a snag in LA

Your “Guess Who Flew To California And Then Woke Up Sick Today?” Friday Evening Open Thread

Seriously, it's almost funny.  I woke up sick today.  Not sick enough to miss the pub crawl tomorrow.  But sick enough that I stayed in today and napped most of the day so that I wouldn't HAVE to miss the pub crawl tomorrow. Anyway, I have no idea what to talk

Your “Sometimes Less Is More” Friday Evening Open Thread

OK, I have to be careful here.  Because I respect women a great deal.  And I sincerely mean that. In fact ironically, trying very hard (phrasing) to be respectful has seriously gotten me in trouble in some relationships lately.  Although I still am not sure why.  I've been told I'm trying

Your “Possibly Nihilistic” Friday Evening Open Thread

Yep, I'm mailing this one in big time this week.  Mostly because I'm traveling and I procrastinated all week on writing it until it was too late.  I probably should have shopped it out to someone else, actually.  Meh.  Who cares? But there is no content this week other than pretty

Your “Junk In The Trunk” Friday Evening Open Thread

This week's edition is especially designed for my good friend  BallsofSteelandFury . Even though he didn't ask for this by specific request, he's getting it anyway. He's earned it. Sort of.... But this week is all about 'dat ass. - Sports Which Will Make You Feel Like An Ass 2Nite (that might mean two things) NHL San Jose

Your “If A Woman Speaks And No One Listens Her Name Is Probably Mom” Friday Evening Open Thread

It's Mother's Day Weekend. You know what that means. OK, let's just ignore that. Anywhooooo..... I was going to use the term "MILFs" in the banner title.  But then I realized that would only get us flagged as a porn site once again.  And I've done that too often and I don't want to

Your “Your Balls Are Bouncing” Friday Evening Open Thread

This week in tWBS Depresses Everyone.... My father would have turned 80 years old yesterday had he lived.  Unfortunately, he died a little over four years ago from Parkinson's Disease.  But truth be told, he had given up on life long before that and was just existing.  For over a decade. 

Your “3rd Annual Hockey Chicks” Friday Evening Open Thread

Wow, three years I've been doing this.  No wonder I feel dirty inside. Anywhoooo..... For the past few years, the Washington Capitals and Pittsburgh Penguins have met in the second round of the playoffs.  Then the winner of that series has gone on to take the cup. Yeah, ummmmmmmmm.........that won't be happening this

Your “Easter Egg Hunts Prove That Your Lazy Kid CAN Actually Find Things When They Want To” Friday Evening Open Thread

It's Easter Weekend. Jesus was a pretty cool dude.  I'm not a particularly religious person, but I truly do mean that I think Jesus was pretty awesome.  I don't necessarily think he was created out of  "Divine Intervention" per se.  In fact, I think Mary might have....ummmm....never mind. But he was a

Your “My Goal Is To Be As Good A Person As My Dog Already Thinks I Am” Friday Evening Open Thread

I've got nothing much to talk about this week.  So I'm not gonna. Trust me, that's a good thing.  And you're happier this way. And in all honesty, I have been so distracted the past few weeks that I couldn't think of a theme for this week.  So this week's theme is

Your “Tell Me What You Want, What You Really Really Want” Friday Evening Open Thread First off, just so SonOfSpam  doesn't "Dude" me incessantly tonight (he probably will anyway)...Full Disclosure.... I was not a fan of The Spice Girls' music.  Of course for a while there, one couldn't help but be exposed to it regardless of whether they wanted to be or not.  So I am