Sunday Gravy with yeah right: In-N-Out Burger and the “Secret Menu.”

Hello hello again everyone. We slowly but surely approach the return to my football viewing slovenly ways. I've got this. Just one more week of Season 8 and I hit my offseason. I confess to extreme burnout and laziness regarding todays post. The temperature just hasn't been friendly and it's only a

Sunday Gravy with yeah right: Kulajda! Pro Vítězství!

Hey everyone! Damn good to see you all again! Sunday Gravy coming into the home stretch! We're midway through preseason week 2. As excited as I thought I was last week I was barely able to stomach a couple of series of plays watching my team. You can only get so excited

Sunday Gravy with yeah right: Swedish Meatballs!

Hello hello everyone! Look at us. We're right in the middle of the NFL preseason and have been given the full slate-o-shit games for our viewing entertainment. In fact, later today my own team - well the players trying to make special teams and the practice squad - will be in Las

Sunday Gravy with yeah right: Special guest Star DJ TAJ! Let’s make some scratch made Mexican Food Again! WOO!!

Welcome back people. As we near the completion of another season of Sunday Gravy I've started to notice that I've hit my annual "Finish line is close and my ass is dragging" moment that inevitably hits me right around August. I blame the NFL for most of this since they're just teasing

Sunday Gravy with yeah right: Bucatini all’Amatriciana!

Good Sunday morning everyone! Damn glad to see you all here. Holy fucking hot damn we've got a game on Thursday night. Yeah it's the Hall of Fame game and no, the actual starting units won't play but it's football! In uniforms that we recognize! That means we're in full goddamn swing

Sunday Gravy with yeah right: A Very Unfair Wing Challenge

Good morning folks! Welcome to the goddamn dog days of summer. Hope y'all are staying cool enough out there. I won't even comment on our local weather because I've seen the temperatures raging across this entire godforsaken, doomed fucking planet and wish I could provide happy thoughts and good news. But that

Sunday Gravy with yeah right: Pork Tenderloin and the many things to do with it.

Hello everyone! Welcome back to another edition of Sunday Gravy. Good to have everyone here. Sorry about the absence last week. Many thanks to Litre Cola for filling the Sunday Morning void. Work has been reasonably stupid lately. For those who don't know I recently started managing a second department at work in

Sunday Gravy with yeah right: A Passing of the Torch

Welcome, welcome everybody! Woo three day weekend! Good to be back to relative normality after an entirely strange weekend last week. I'll just leave it at that. Before we get going today I thought it might be enlightening if I shared a little insight into how the whole "Sunday Gravy" thing comes to

Sunday Gravy with yeah right: yeah right phones one in

Good morning and happy Sunday everyone! I never thought it would happen to me. I'm in need of kitchen-Viagra over here. I simply wore my ass out the day this "menu" happened and lost the desire to return back to the kitchen. It can happen. I have a theory too. For these last several months I've

Sunday Gravy with yeah right: Food Science! Calzone VS Stromboli. Who Ya Got?

Greetings Gravy Heads and welcome back! You tuned in to a good episode if you're new around here. We've got a two-for-one deal going today. Try as I might I still haven't been able to fully convey how my thought processes lead to an episode of Sunday Gravy. Fuck man, I can't

Sunday Gravy with yeah right: The Club Sandwich of the Gods!

Good morning DFO! Damn glad to see everyone. Hope everyone is having a bitchin' early summer. I'm just happy that the schools have let out for the summer. Hopefully this will be reflected in lighter traffic. There were certainly not too many good things that came out of the pandemic but God DAMN

Sunday Gravy with yeah right: A quick trip to Thailand. Yellow Curry and Thai Green Beans

Good morning everyone,Happy Memorial day weekend. Sports wise today we've got a promotion to the Premier League play in game and in the NBA we've got a game 7 where the winner gets the ignominious glory of getting their asses kicked by Golden State in the finals. If you're a sports