The Oscars are almost upon us, with all their unpredictability. You don’t need an oracle to tell you what will happen. You don’t even need a film critic. You need someone who sees into the very souls of the Academy voters. You need a Straight White Man.
Welcome back. This is going to be by far my worst piece on this year’s Oscar nominees, because I don’t have even the flimsiest of qualifications for judging it. I think I have at least some capacity to spot good writing, to gauge whether an actor’s performance is convincing, even to appreciate a beautiful shot or general approach to shooting. But I don’t know shit about the technical side of producing sounds or mixing them or creating digital effects, and when something in these categories is done well in a subtle way, I’m probably not even going to notice it. Basically, I’ll be able to tell you what movies have the most sound editing or the most visual effects, but best? Eh.
Why listen to me at all, then? Well, remember: I’m a Straight White Man. And I have at least watched all these movies. You won’t get that kind of dedication from your average Academy voter.
Before I continue, a quick programming note: I’m hoping to have illustrations for the remaining posts!
Mad Max: Fury Road – As I see it, in sound editing, you’re mostly doing one of two things: You’re making things that are already real sound like they should, or you’re inventing sounds for things that aren’t real yet to make. Despite being basically a science fiction movie, Mad Max is also mostly a movie about cars and guns and explosions, all of which exist in pretty much the same form in real life as they do in the movie, and so Mad Max mostly does the first thing. It does it well, too! The cars sound powerful and muscular, and the explosions feel like they’ve got some real force behind them.
The Martian – The thing that struck me about the sound in The Martian was the way it lends urgency to everything that happens to Astronaut Matt Damon on Mars. The battering windstorms, the air hissing out of his suit through a crack in the visor, it’s all genuinely scary and it ratchets up the tension, reminding you how little separates him from death at all times. The Martian doesn’t work if you forget about the stakes, or if it has to keep using dialogue to hammer them home.
The Revenant – This is, once again, a movie that depends heavily on making you feel its characters’ pain and uses every available tool, including sound, for the job. Near misses with gunshots and arrows whiz by threateningly; hits land with visceral wet thuds. The bear sounds real, and really, really pissed. That’s the one thing in this category I do have a real point of reference for, because one of the cats that lives in my house thinks she’s a bear.
Sicario – I’m not going to get to be the first to call Sicario the Drug War’s Zero Dark Thirty, just like I wasn’t the first to say The 100-Year-Old Man Who Climbed out the Window and Disappeared was Sweden’s Forrest Gump, even though I swear I thought of both comparisons on my own. Sicario‘s a smart and carefully crafted thriller that could easily have been nominated for two or three more awards than it was, but this sort of movie isn’t really in the Academy’s wheelhouse, and Sicario doesn’t have a great hook like being about the killing of the guy who did 9/11. Sound-wise, there’s a lot to like here. Without giving too much away, one early scene stands out as really bringing home the disorienting effect of a nearby explosion. Like The Revenant, Sicario excels at making you feel the action through sound. If you haven’t seen this one yet, let me recommend a double feature with Oscar-nominated documentary Cartel Land, currently streaming on Netflix. By the time it’s over, you’ll hate everyone.
Star Wars: The Force Awakens – Here we are at the “making all the sounds up” end of my imaginary sound editing spectrum. Is it weird if I don’t have much to say about Star Wars from a critical perspective? I really didn’t watch it with an eye on how it would perform during awards season. A lot of the groundwork for how things should sound in Star Wars has, of course, already been laid, and I thought the movie did a good job of sticking to its roots.
Will/Should Win: The Revenant.
Second Choice/Upset Special: The Martian, as far as I’m concerned. This is a strong category top to bottom, though, and nothing would really surprise me.
Bridge of Spies – To my ear there’s not really anything extraordinary here. The movie does a couple of neat things with crowds, first in a scene on the New York subway and later as the Berlin Wall is being constructed, but a movie that largely consists of Tom Hanks having conversations with people indoors doesn’t offer quite the same challenges as some of these other nominees.
Mad Max: Fury Road – For most of Mad Max‘s nearly uninterrupted two-hour car chase, everything is loud, which makes it all the more impressive that nothing is too loud. You’ve got all these characters crammed into a turbocharged truck-and-trailer rig that may be using an actual jet engine for propulsion, but when they have something to say, you always know what they’re saying. It’s the polar opposite of last year’s inexplicable sound mixing nominee Interstellar, in which I couldn’t hear what anyone was saying any of the time.
The Martian – I’m sorry, guys, but it’s been longer since I’ve seen The Martian than any of these other movies. The details of the movie’s sound balance are, at least for now, lost to me.
The Revenant – The Revenant practically wins this award in its very first scene, which tracks a couple of hunters through a cold marsh. You hear the trickling water, the splashes of their footsteps the wildlife all around—it’s really something special to listen to. This is one of the things The Revenant keeps doing so brilliantly throughout, making its world feel lush and alive and also making it totally plausible that Leo DiCaprio didn’t hear that enormous bear rolling up on him.
Star Wars: The Force Awakens – Lots and lots of busy scenes in this movie, which is both very Star Wars and very JJ-Abrams-doing-sci-fi. I don’t think any film on this list had this sort of variety of high-activity scenes—a First Order raid! a crowded cantina! a chaotic air-and-ground battle!—but the dialogue and sound in every one of them seemed ably balanced.
Will/Should Win: The Revenant.
Second Choice: Mad Max.
Upset Special: Bridge of Spies, somehow.
Ex Machina – Most of the effects work in Ex Machina goes to transforming Alicia Vikander into the android Ava, who’s at her least human-looking early on in the movie. I could try to describe this, but I wouldn’t do it justice; you may as well just see for yourself. Cool, right? Evocative of some of the case mods you see from hardcore PC enthusiasts, which I think ties in nicely with the movie’s themes of creation, ownership, and personhood. Without giving too much away, Ava’s android body serves as a palette that the movie adds to and subtracts from in interesting ways as the plot progress.
Mad Max – Fury Road – Miller’s extensive use of practical effects where other directors would opt for digital ones pays off in a movie where everything has weight and looks undeniably real. Okay, maybe the fire tornado requires a bit of suspension of disbelief, but I think it says a lot about Miller’s commitment to realism that even in that scene, he shot the real vehicles rather than slap the entire thing together in a computer. Now, I don’t want to take this angle too far. When Mad Max first hit theaters, I remember a lot of breathless talk about how Miller had almost completely eschewed digital effects, and that’s not true. But the things that are computer-generated—landscapes and crowds, especially—are also beautifully realized and realistic down to the minutest detail; I’d never have known, just from watching, how much of the terrain in the movie simply doesn’t exist.
The Martian – I’m not sure why I don’t think of this one as more of a standout. It may just be that it’s been the longest since I saw it; obviously I know that it takes place on Mars and involves a lot of space travel and therefore must have required a small army of effects artists. I certainly don’t remember seeing one thing that looked hokey or wrong or out of place. I suspect what’s going on here is that I was too intent on the human drama to care so much about how the movie looked. And that’s very good for The Martian, which is a great, compelling movie! But it’s bad for The Martian in this category.
The Revenant – Years from now, we may look back on this as the film and the rumors surrounding it as the moment a generation of Bear Rights Activists found their purpose. For those of you that haven’t seen it, I’m pleased to announce that I can clear the bear of all wrongdoing. Yeah, there’s that one camera angle that looks pretty bad, but here’s the thing: It’s a female bear. It is not raping Leo from that position. It is also a marvel of effects work, thoroughly mauling Leo over the course of a single six- or seven-minute shot that feels at least twice as long.
Star Wars: The Force Awakens – I think it says a lot about the evolution of visual and sound effects in movies that the new Star Wars, of all things, feels to me like it so clearly lags in all three of these categories. I remember, or at least imagine that I remember, a time when sci-fi movies with no shot at the top prizes (looking at you, The Phantom Menace) could be assured of nominations and even wins for their effects. Now even the prestige pictures have amazing CG. Star Wars, it seems, is still the betting favorite in this category, but I don’t know. Maybe the wide-open creativity it showed off just doesn’t appeal to me as much as what these other films were able to do within their particular boxes. Maybe I just thought the rathtar was silly and unnecessary.
Will/Should Win: Mad Max: Fury Road, or I riot.
Second Choice: I riot.
Upset Special: The Revenant. The bear really is a big deal, and thanks to Matt Drudge’s scurrilous rumors it got a whole lot of buzz. I wouldn’t be surprised if The Revenant is top-of-mind for a lot of Academy voters right now.
Ok, one more Bridget Regan with stupid text over it. Last one
I lied. Had this open.
I think I am out for the night. I will leave you with something random. Had no gifs open, you get a song. 2 am on a Friday night seems like a good time for a FoTC song
Time to hit the road.
Miranda Kerr because I googled Australian women for no reason. I will blame it on my last pic I posted
Are none of your image posts awaiting moderation? Lemme try another test:
(also, Hi Megan!)
Is that Dutch Boy paint?
Ill-fitting swimsuit…. would not ba………….. ah fuck it.
Bella Hadid looks like a sexbot in this photo.
*not sayin’ that’s a bad thing.
I feel bad having an open tab with Anna Torv making out with a stripper open, I think it should just be posted instead
This…. uh, this is definitely worth posting a few dozen times over the next, oh, day or so.
Keeping with MTWV’s idea of somewhat unknown hotties, here is Alona Tal, the best recurring hot chick from early Supernatural, and also Burn Notice:
Ok… now my image posting ability is all jacked up, so I’m gonna repost Alona from a different source, see if that clears things up:
Hmm. Seems imgur is all pissy about hotlinking images now. Fuck em.
Legend of the Seeker was a show that aired at like 10 pm on Saturdays on god knows what channel for a short run 6 years ago, it featured a lot of Bridget Regan cleavage and this girl that wore skin tight leather for most of the second season
Her incept date was what, last week?
Also, my obsession with Jeff Nichols’ movies has somehow lead me to an obsession with his brother’s, Ben Nichols, music, and I make no apologies for posting this in two threads, because it is AWESOME.
Okay, Trumbo‘s not a great movie, but it’s still probably my favorite comedy this year.
I just rented that tonight, along with the phenomenal 99 Houses. I will most like watch Houses again at least once before returning it, and now I can look forward to Trumbo, too. Cool.
I’ve got a good movie weekend ahead as well. lady snow’s Valentine’s Day present to me was a promise to take me to see Brooklyn. I’ve also got Theeb rented off Amazon and ready to go whenever.
My Good Movie Weekend started last night with the first viewing of Taking Shelter (yeah, it’s so good I watched it twice), and I could not be happier. I will now also check out this Theeb you mention.
I have become obsessed with Jeff Nichols as a filmmaker, and am downloading Shotgun Stories as we “speak.” Mud and Taking Shelter were just amazing, and the trailer for Shotgun makes even his debut look like something I’d kill to have written.
His next movie, Midnight Special, also looks great, and I really, truly hope his run of damn good movies continues.
Gonna have to add all of these to the big list in my head. I’m not in any sense a genuine film geek. I don’t aggressively pursue movies year-round the way I do during awards season. But I’m always interested in watching something good.
I’ve always been interested in film, and somehow got really into dissecting movies as a hobby about 20 years ago. Now I can’t stop and SO MANY PEOPLE hate talking movies with me (understandably so).
It’s clear enough that you know a lot more than I do. I don’t mind, though. I might learn something.
Ah, a lot of it is just knowing about composition, visual storytelling, and such from learning how to draw comic books, and the rest is from a lifetime of reading books and then reading critiques of said books.
Also, hating certain filmmakers tends to focus your critical thinking in rather severe ways.
Of all the damn things to compare it to, there’s a lot of Thank You For Smoking to it.
I wanted to find a random gif that wasn’t someone mainstream. So I tried to think of the most random show that no one has every seen. Did the gif search, I forgot Bridget Regen was the female lead before she was more well known.
Just so many typos recently. Really sorry about that
That superfluous “y” is really bugging me, man. GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER.
(seriously, one typo has you bothered? Let’s do a shot and forget about it)
Totes unsatisfying Deadwood conclusion.
Fack you HBO for not greenlighting S4….I fricking hate you right now….huh? Wait…really?
Help us, Deadwood movie.
I was so very, very pissed off at the end of the series, although the whole “wants me to tell him something pretty” line was the most perfect summation of Swearengen I could hope for in a seriously unfair early cancelation.
And now, back to the show.
Freakin links

If I had to give my vote as a straight white male for all of these categories. I think I lean Mad Max on all of them. It knew exactly the kind of movie it was and hit every note perfectly. The only wildcard is the Revenant, only because I absolutely did not see that movie and it could have been great for all I know.
I phrased that awkwardly. I used absolutely to explain my ignorance of the actual plot of the movie, not to discredit it in any way. All I know of it is it’s name and it exists
its* That would have been bugging me all day tomorrow.
Revenant is this year’s Torture Porn entry, which usually works well for the main actor and not so well for the movie itself (it’s a straightforward Revenge Flick, the sheer beauty and pacing are all that separates it from the 70s flicks of the same ilk). It’s worth watching at least once, but after that, it’s a tough row to hoe.
Word. It’s torture porn, but it’s also scenery porn and filmmaking porn.
So very true. My yinzer buddy is a big film guy, so we talk about movies a lot, and when we watched the trailer for The Revenant, he was certain it was a shoo-in for best cinematography, and I said that it had an unfair advantage, being shot as it was in the most beautiful setting of any film this year. It’s a joy to watch whenever someone isn’t trying to murderdeathkill Leo.
Ok, I promise no more updates tonight unless she rises up from the bed and turns into a Wolfen. But my wife is fucking superhuman. Two days ago she could barely give a thumbs up, tonight she was writing full on sentences and when I tried to help her steady the clipboard, she waved me to the other side of the bed, put her hand up, and pointed down at my chair without glancing away from the paper. Sweet giant anteater of Santa Anita.
That’s fantastic news.
Also, I saw your earlier posts. As much as I’m glad to be away from ABQ and all of the awful people, at least the nice ones are really nice.
That is absolutely, balls-out, wonderful to see. You bring as many progress reports, posts, messages as you want, boyo.
Skipping a jig to see this. Awesome, just awesome!
If she rises up and turns into Wolfen, we will never forgive your sorry ass if’n you don’t get photos.
Great to hear, dude.
Oh, and allow me to translate her waving you away…
Huh. Didn’t know she used to be a screenwriter.
That is awesome. Update as much and as often as you’d like, man. None of us will stop you.
We will, however, make dick jokes at you.
Fuckin’ A.
That is awesome! Tell her some random dick jokers in the Internet are proud of her and pulling for her!
Some image from this needs to be the banner.
/Yes I KNOW I’ve posted this about 18 times but that show was criminally underrated.
That’s fucking great. Remind me of this later and I’ll use it if I run out of original artwork.
I have Michael Clayton on in the background and it amazes me how Tilda Swinton’s character became chief counsel to a Fortune 500/1000 corporation after her boss and mentor becomes CEO and has never in her career met a goddamn fixer?
I REALLY wanted to like that movie. Your summation is pretty much why I didn’t.
I live close enough to Providence Park that I was able to hear the crowds during that crazy playoff game that went down to the last shootout goal (Shame my iPhone couldn’t record the sound), so I’ll probably go to the games even though I am much more familiar with the Sounders because my previous roommate was a huge fan (He’s from Seattle). I’ve never been invited when I’d see people post on FB about going to Timbers or Blazers games, but I guess that’s why I deleted my account. Fuck them.
Anyway, I came across these and I feel like it sums up my feelings about the bar exam next week. All I can do is prepare and make myself look pretty before the bar examiners fuck me.
She’d make a great lawyer.
What kind of lawyer do you want to be?
At this point? Employed.
Good luck, man. The bar is hell, but if you’ve made a sincere effort to study you’ll almost certainly pass.
I actually am studying when I’m not dicking around here.
X-Box Netflix sucks. That is all.
One of the litany of reasons I discontinued XBox Live.
I tried it on the old Wii once.
About as well as you’d think.
When my old computer died I started using my old Wii for Netflix on TV, random terrible sound and a dark awful picture on everything
Also, anything on an Amazon device that isn’t an Amazon service (looking at you, Fire Stick) and Hulu on anything bigger than a tablet.
Strangely works well on everything compatible? Vudu. The fucking Wal-Mart service that all those digital copy codes go to. What a woild.
This is true AF
Welp, I have resisted the urge for more days than I thought I could.
‘Tis midnight in this here Eastern Time Zone, and I am about to roll tape on my final…Deadwood…ever.
Moment of silence…..
Thank you.
Now…Hang Dai, Cocksuckahs!!!!
Really hoping Sol is able to get a three way with Trixie, Joanie and Jane.
Poor guy deserves it for being so damned understanding.
OK, that would be a four way.
I are not good with teh counting tonight.
What has math ever done for anyone, anyway?
Said no Asian ever.
Some Asians had a couple of really bad days thanks to our diligent use of applied math.
Banner quote.
Yeah, Room was good. And now I’ve got an Oscar-nominated Bryan Cranston performance to watch!
Most people are like Slinkys.
They’re usually useless and boring, but it’s fun to occasionally push one down the stairs.–pOKsHDVC–/c_fit,f_auto,fl_progressive,q_80,w_636/765292275147400518.gif