SCENE: Two large(ish) men speak in hushed tones as the walk the rough and tumble streets of Lake Forest, Illinois. They appear prepared for a long journey, massive backpacks hugging their muscular bodies. Both carry flashlights despite the sun beaming down from its peak height. And on their hips are
Tag: DFO
Hard Ride To Nowhere (Chapter 84)
Hard Ride To Nowhere (Chapter 83)
Hard Ride To Nowhere (Chapter 82)
The scene: Marc Trestmans Windowless Van's new van. Well, new for Marc. This thing has really seen better days. In any event, Doktor Zymm is behind the wheel, although she's not driving. She's actually on her phone. Ballsofsteelandfury is asleep in the passenger seat, and Marc Trestmans Windowless Van and
Hard Ride To Nowhere (Chapter 81)
The scene: The operating center of the National Emergency Response Division. The date is March 29th, 1984. men, mind you...are looking concerned while they smoke cigarettes. There's a feeling of tension running throughout the entire center. An elevator door slides open and a grim-faced General approaches the smoking men.
Back in the Barrel With Ya
Dear HRTN…
The scene: The HRTN editor's meeting room. It's a large room with a table and several chairs around it.Covalent Blonde, Old School Zero, Ballsofsteelandfury and Marc Trestmans Windowless Van are sitting around the table, and there are yuuuge stacks of letters strewn about. There are two doors in the room.
Hard Ride To Nowhere (Chapter 80)
Hard Ride To Nowhere (Chapter 79)
The scene: That wasteland known as the Forbidden Zone, where Top Detective and Hard-boiled Detective have arrived at the scene of the carnage from last week's episode. They are currently surrounded by a mob of angry men with mohawks, who are dressed in your typical post-apocalyptic chic. Voiceover Narration (by Top
Hard Ride To Nowhere (Chapter 78)
HRTN Spring Break Special 2017 (Part Deux)
The scene: Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Future Moose is silently packing up the Moosemobile, Cookiethulhu is cleaning the windows and Old School Zero looks over a map. In the back seat of the Moosemobile Señor Weaselo lies in a fetal position, occasionally making whimpering sounds. Otto's Brain comes rolling up. Otto's Brain: