DFO Radio: Mo’ Money Mo’ Problems

I'm going to be trying something a little bit different with DFO Radio in the upcoming days, so DOUBLE SHOT radio is getting sent to the discarded 8-track bin in the sky and you'll only be getting single doses of these older ones until we've successfully burned them off.  Speaking

Request Line: Eli’s Slumber Party Mixtape – Volume 2 (D.A.R.E. to Just Say No)

INT. ELI MANNING'S BEDROOM - NIGHT DANIEL JONES removes the set of earplugs that ELI MANNING had provided him with. DANIEL: Hey, that was pretty boss! ELI: [wary of sarcasm] Really? DANIEL: [seemingly genuine] Yeah man, totally. ELI: [smiles bashfully] Yeah, I guess it's pretty cool. DANIEL: [points to the speakers attached to ELI's computer] Let's crank it up some

Request Line: Rage Against the Machine

Thanks to my own idiocy, Wordpress ate most of the post I was working on, and it's too fun of an idea to publish a truncated version, so we're going to celebrate that fact with a different topic.  Today's theme is RAGE.  Pick up to ten of the angriest songs

Request Line: Gingers

INT. RECORDING STUDIO - DAY ANDY DALTON: [impassioned] Red hair is a quarterback's game. PRODUCER: [reading from a magazine] Uh huh. ANDY DALTON: The harsh truth is, most red-haired football players look like blonds who've spoiled from lack of refrigeration. They look like brown-haired men who've been composted. Yet that same pigmentation that