INT. DARKENED GUEST ROOM AT CASA MANNING - LATE NIGHT VOICE 1: Are you...are you sure this is a good idea? VOICE 2: It's fine. I mean, we're both adults. VOICE 1: Yeah, but...[trails off] VOICE 2: You're worried about what they'll say. VOICE 1: A little bit, yeah. VOICE 2: If they find out. VOICE 1: Yeah. VOICE 2: Honestly, it's none of their business.
Tag: Request Line
Request Line: Eli’s Slumber Party Mixtape – Volume 6 (Up All Night)
INT. ELI'S ROOM - LATE NIGHT ELI MANNING and DANIEL JONES have returned to ELI's room. ELI's cheeks are covered with tomato sauce from the pizza rolls he just scarfed down. ELI MANNING: Wow, man, I'm pretty stuffed. DANIEL JONES: [grinds teeth] ELI: I think maybe I should brush my teeth and then crash. DANIEL:
Request Line: Eli’s Slumber Party Mixtape – Volume 5 (The Fear)
INT. KITCHEN – NIGHT ASHLEY MANNING releases DANIEL JONES' wrist and he steps back, rubbing it. At that moment... --- [door flies open] --- ELI MANNING: about those pizza rolls... ASHLEY: [frowns] ELI: Oh, hey Ashley. ASHLEY: Hello, Eli. [looks at him more closely] Eli, what's going on with your eyes? Did you catch pinkeye
Request Line: Eli’s Slumber Party Mixtape – Volume 4 (Promises)
DFO Radio: Eli’s Slumber Party Mixtape – Volume 2 (D.A.R.E. to Just Say No)
Request Line: Eli’s Slumber Party Mixtape – Volume 3 (Getting Together)
DFO Radio: Mo’ Money Mo’ Problems
Sunday Gravy with yeah right: A new Chicken Marinade for Balls of Steel!
Good morning everyone! Happy middle of the Memorial Day weekend. It's our turn for the extra day off dammit. What is everyone doing over this weekend? Drinking? I already knew that. How about grilling? There we go. I'm a little worried that my grand ambition of grilling both on Sunday AND Monday this weekend might be
Request Line: Eli’s Slumber Party Mixtape – Volume 2 (D.A.R.E. to Just Say No)
INT. ELI MANNING'S BEDROOM - NIGHT DANIEL JONES removes the set of earplugs that ELI MANNING had provided him with. DANIEL: Hey, that was pretty boss! ELI: [wary of sarcasm] Really? DANIEL: [seemingly genuine] Yeah man, totally. ELI: [smiles bashfully] Yeah, I guess it's pretty cool. DANIEL: [points to the speakers attached to ELI's computer] Let's crank it up some