Let’s see if we can make Yeah Right’s nascent dream into a rockin’ reality: where DFO disciples tour gastropubs as representatives for glory! For starters, I am not clever in any way so we can build this entirely off of his foundation and see what we can do to get this experiment off the ground using the proposed locale already mentioned: Father’s Office.
Without any personal experience in the matter, the interwebs tells me that the Culver City location is preferred. I am going to go on a hunch and some history and assume that for the most of us in this region, weekends work better. Since I am old and crotchety and afraid of crowds, I suggest we go for a lunch, maybe?
So if time and place make sense, how about dates? By a stroke of luck I am not in Mexico this Saturday, but since the notice is wildly short, I expect that few if any could make it, though I am more than ready and willing on a moment’s notice. With the holiday weekend approaching, and using negotiation tactics I learned as an adolescent, I will throw out the first bid and see if there are any takers, perchance: 2:00 p.m. on Saturday the 11th of July?
Any takers?
*Who knows, if this is not a complete and utter bust, a ‘Cudas v. Gulls AHL game may be in the ether in a ways from now!
I’ve mentioned this before but if anyone says you can’t find real barbecue in L.A. they are dead fucking wrong and they just haven’t been to this place yet.
JR’s Barbecue in LA/Culver City is fucking amazing.
I think I have a few bones left from that rack of pork ribs.
There will be no more productivity from me for the rest of the day.
I propose this be location #2.
I’m jealous of you West Coasters right now. I mean, not that I’m not normally.
The middle aged honky in me thinks y’all really need to go rollin’ down Rodeo with a shotgun…
Have fun. I’ll keep it together here in the mountains.
I am not exactly far away but still far enough away to miss out on this inaugural event. However, the ‘Cudas-Gulls game I am 100% in for.
No excuses! I am in Palm Springs and have just as long a drive as you do!
I’ll have to look into some AHL schedules soon.
This adventure is planned on the same weekend as my anniversary. I like being married. That’s my excuse but I feel it’s warranted.
Forgivable and congratulations. But, hear this out: what better anniversary present for your Chargers-loving lady than a lunch with football weirdos from the internet? Ahh? Ahh? Amirite?
C’mon! You can do this. Make a day out of it. Sun will be out.
Weather here is much better than in The Box.
Former El Cajon resident speaking.
I probably wouldn’t want to drive back home after this one though.
I understand but it will be fun.
I can get you some local hotel rates.
Some of them rent by the hour!
One thing LA really needs is Tokyo-style capsule hotels. Hello Kitty-themed, preferably.
Count me in!
The Culver City one is MUCH more manageable. At the moment I am confident I can do July 11th.
You lucky West Coast fuckers have all the fun.
I’ve resolved to start juicing anyway. Hooray me.
/slices wrists
Don’t get jelly until we see how many of us get arrested for intox, nudity, or fisticuffs first!
Plus you can’t slice your wrists yet! You Easties have got to do one on your end! How else will we know where to hit up when we travel?
I was hoping for some nude fisticuffs! Yes!
2:00 p.m. sounds perfectly fine for whatever day! If you can delay your Office cravings for a couple weeks, I think there would be a better turn out, but I am also pretty impetuous so I am cool with the 20th, too!
For H. Cornblower: your presence will be missed sorely.
If this maiden voyage stays the course I don’t know why this would be our only one, or why it is that we wouldn’t be able to get your cheap ass down here one way or another, NSZ/OSZ!
Oh I’ve got a line up of places in my mental queue.
I was thinking we could do Langer’s, maybe Umami burger, possibly Yang Chow (home of some of the best Chinese food on the damn planet).
I also thought we could try something called L.A. Food Fight, where we each answer the question “What is the best ______ in L.A.?” Like best pizza in L.A. My pick would be Grimaldi’s. We could all then try each others favorite spot.
This thing has legs I tells ya!
I full endorse “Best ___ In LA”. I enjoy knife fights.
As for Best Pizza, I will go highbrow much to the dismay of all present, I’m sure. Pizzeria Mozza, hands down. I’m a fan of puffy, charred, chewy crust. Shout out to Hollywood Pies, which does a damn fine Chicago deep dish, which is sadly ineligible because deep dish is not pizza.
Also, I’m regretting my decision to move out of L.A. now.
I can do that.
Just add the plane ticket to the bill. We’re going Dutch, right?
I was thinking about this weekend but I agree that it’s short notice and I’m pretty sure that BallsofSteel is still out of town. July 11th is enough lead time to work something out and you are absolutely spot on that the Culver City location is the one to choose. Rikki Tikki Deadly is an LA resident too so maybe we can get him as well. This also gives us a little time to coerce fellow Angelinos Son of Spam and perhaps our long lost Sarah to attend.
One quick aside, this place is busy on the weekends. Crazy busy. How about we drop the time back to 2:00 PM and we can loose some of the lunch crowd?
Just a thought.
Great idea to post this.
You are right, I’m still in Vancouver this weekend, but the other dates work great for me. Count me in!
As I live in Connecticut, you guys go on without me.
Maybe not that enthusiastically though.
I will join you at the rejects table bub :/ And I am sorely hurt that Kentucky wasn’t yalls first choice for a meetup.