Your Drink Thru That Hangover Monday Nighter Open Thread

From what I can recall yesterday I had fun watching and drinking, drinking and watching. Did anyone not come remotely close to earning their pay today? [raises hand] Did anyone use a flimsy excuse to leave early? [raises hand] Well, at least we’re being honest. Tuesday I’ll get right back at it and…there’s more games? I went to the beer store to replenish stock? I can start drinking at 6 EST because there’s a double-header? You don’t say! Sorry in advance, folks at my workplace tomorrow…

Phi at Atl: This is the Eagles year this year, isn’t it? People in Philly without long-term concussion problems AND Brian Dawkins think so. He looked good in the pre-season so there’s no pressure whatsoever on Bradford tonight and the following weeks. As I recall, he and pressure of any sort did not get along in St. Lou. The Eagles finished with the 2nd most sacks in the league last year and a Falcons site thinks that the O-line is made of Arena League drop outs . Balsa Hard! guys. Don’t let the nay-sayers get to you. Oh yeah, Freeman and White are banged up as well. It’s all on you, Julio.

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John Difool

Kicker fight!

King Hippo

Kicker wants to fight! Love it!!

Defensive Back Mike Wallace

Jeff Garcia laughs at your arm strength, Matty.


So Atlanta and Philly are doing their “Salute to Shitty Second Half Defense and Offensive Penalties”

Mike McCarthyism

Weekday games in a nutshell


So nice to share your family videos

Mike McCarthyism

That was me during my 10th birthday party.

Just kidding I didn’t have that much chest hair back then.

King Hippo

Wait, someone hired Kyle Shanahan other than his Dad??

Defensive Back Mike Wallace

Behold the power of nepotism!

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

Yeah, twice, he tricked Cleveland into hiring him last year.

Doktor Zymm

It’s amazing how much better players get when they leave the [*Redacted] s

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh
Defensive Back Mike Wallace

ESPN should’ve played Whoop Dat Trick for Purple Jesus.

Mike McCarthyism

I’m a little afraid to ask where her other hand is

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Smell her finger……


Sam Bradford ate it

Doktor Zymm

He looks kind of like a chipmunk that found an acorn filled with cocaine.

Buddy Cole's Halftime Show

Jungle2Jungle 2: All Growed Up.

John Difool

Sam Bradford has Geoffrey the Giraffe totally snowed up.


NFC east defense is taking sabbatical this year

Defensive Back Mike Wallace

Is Casey Matthews still a starting LB?

John Difool

Sam Bradford & The Eagles:

I was standing on a corner in Little Big Horn, Montana, I’m such a fine sight to see…. there’s a General my lord on a flat bed horse slowin’ down to take a look at me….

Mother Puncher

Sam, Eagle.

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Sill Bimmons

/waits for Teatards to arrange boycott of Denali trucks

Charge of the Light Brigade

That poor woman is being assaulted by Norv Turner’s neck!

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

You know she wants it; look at how she’s dressed………… in that sexy SCUBA gear.

Mother Puncher

From the creator of Sons of Anarchy,


Not Game of Thrones

Good ‘ol “A Tale of Two Halfs” game.


Every game of thrones rip off keeps forgetting about the boobs,


And blood

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh


The Mighty Feklahr

Would it really kill the Falcons to find a LB named Keith Stone?


Is it still vulturing if he’s the starting running back?

The Mighty Feklahr


I wonder how Gruden misuses those hidden cameras?


To find out Gay Hooters’ ‘ghazi wings recipe

The Mighty Feklahr

Gay Jammerin Jooters


AND my Directv is out and I won’t see a technician until Saturday.
It’s opening fucking day!

Darkest Timeline Zack Morris

You can stream the game through ESPN with your Directv account.

King Hippo

Jeebus, that makes me feel almost happy to have cable.

Charge of the Light Brigade

Chip Kelly looks like a cabbage patch kid on cocaine.

The Mighty Feklahr

I roflkotaled

The Maestro

Wow, first guy onto DeMarco whiffed HARD there.


Dat sidestep though

The Mighty Feklahr

Murray Pwnvich


DeMacro Murray is productive now, you guys.

Doktor Zymm

WOO, Yahoo draft grades can suck it, my fantasy team is awesome.

King Hippo

My A+ was at one time a 95% odds favourite last night, now on the precipice of a loss. Que lastima!

Doktor Zymm

They projected my team would have 2 wins and end up last. I’m at 130.9 points right now, with Julio Jones, DeMarco Murray and Corey Parkey.

Charge of the Light Brigade

Went down awkwardly.


Welp, falcons lost


Demarco down pls.

The Maestro


The Mighty Feklahr

Tiny Darren still tiny.

Mike McCarthyism

What is Darren Wilson’s pick up line, Alex?


Hold me closer tiny Darren…


Who else left sproles on their bench

Sill Bimmons

Damn the Chargers are stupid.

Sill Bimmons

This could be the first ever 200 yard drive.

The Mighty Feklahr

Riley Cooper still raycess, tomahawk chopping after Bradford throws a first down smh.

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

I don’t see the problem

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Falcons where the hell did your defense go?



Mike McCarthyism



Apologies if it’s a repost but HOLY BALLS THESE ARE AWFUL
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Mike McCarthyism

Is that a fucking onsie?


I was going to ask what college team that was until I noticed the helmets.

The Mighty Feklahr

Is this actually a real thing?


I don’t know what reality is anymore


Does anyone remember when Matthews was at Vanderbilt and he took a huge hit to his head? It was crunch time, so he stayed in the game despite vomiting on the field after the hit.

Good times.


The NFL calls that toughness.


He was just vomitting up all of his weakness, BRO!

King Hippo

YES. Super disturbing.