“Late in the evening the American Football Fan, awash in a sea of carbohydrates and intoxicants, settles down for the evening. Its energy is spent and the couch sings its siren song-few can resist. Those that have already found their way back to their lair begin to go over-in what could be called their minds-the things they’ll type on blog sites or shout into phones during call-in shows the following day.”
Dal @ NO: Good news for the Cowboys-Ingram is not Devonta Freeman and Spiller isn’t anyone at this point. Dallas should be able to put Taylor Swift behind this O-Line and get 75 yards out of her. The only concern would be the song she inevitably comes out with detailing the lack of support Weeden gave her and that she has to move on now. Can you see the despair in Brees’ eyes as he surveys the diseased deathscape that is the Saints roster? The one that reminds him of New Orleans post-Katrina?
(a lone wolf howls in the distance)
Good hustle!
Back for a moment but read the article before I found a link. Why are people watching this game? Dal/NO?
14-hour day, all games mandatory
I hate you… turning on the game.
Final Act you guys!!!!!
Andy Reid wonders why they don’t just kick a FG already
Each of the empty seats next to Jerrah represents a hooker he’s murdered this week.
Chris Collinsworth (11:13PM): That’s just a veteran move, pick play. Nothing wrong with that.
Christ Collinsworth (11:18PM): There’s that pick play, that should be called.
*Chris. No way Doopy Pantz is our savior.
The Saints in prevent is a pretty Doop-friendly setup
So we’re rooting for the tie here right?
Sorry Zymm
What are the odds Weeden actually ties the game here? 1 in 25? 1 in 100?
I’m thinking they get the touchdown, blow the extra point.
Weeden’s the guy I want leading my team on a 90+-yard drive without a top receiver to throw to. No doubt.
Oh yeah? Well, how do you feel about Brock Osweiler?
I mean, he’s no Brandon Weeden.
/chugs arsenic
Shit, that PK punts purty good!
I would say the other PK is very experienced when it comes to punting away from actually doing any work or analysis.
Off topic, but is Fear the Walking Dead just going to become another Walking Dead? I’ll spare the spoilers, but, it really seems like they’re just setting up the same show.
Wifey suggests maybe they’ll pull an American Horror Story and/or True Detective, and each season will focus on different characters?
I wanted this show to be good. AMC proved they can do prequels with Better Call Saul. FTWD wasn’t bad, but, what kind of season finale was that?
Anyway, back to Doopy & Crew.
I need to continue watching BCS. The thing about BCS is that it pretty much stands on its own merits separately from Breaking Bad
FotWD is basically the family friendly version of The Walking Dead. They probably show it in nursery schools to put toddlers asleep.
I’m trying to cut back on drinking…after this bachelor party I’m going to next weekend. So apologies in advance if I’m more coherent than usual.
Oddly enough, I’ve had my first beer in weeks and I need to step my game up for next weekend
Seriously, I have homecoming next week and I have no idea if I can drink like I could when I was in college (all of two years ago)
Tight End Package?
-Aaron Rodgers
Is it time to start posting teh sexxay pics yet?
It’s never NOT been time to do so.
I really hate that Willie Snead can get open and Cooks cannot.
NBC Sports clearly picked up the FoxTrax lighted puck technology to highlight Brees’ arm.
Early Saturday morning. At a yard sale.
Oh God, Elisha AND Kaep next week?
Oh, cripes. I’m gonna lose my fantasy week because of that fucking Ingram replay. Why put Robinson in there after Ingram drags Brees’ carcass down the field? Fuck Sean Payton with a rusty bayonet. He hates my fantasy team.
Plus side, though, I won my fantasy baseball league today. Whoooooooooo! I can afford to keep the lights on here another month!
I’m in the same boat. Fuck you Robinson, that was my touchdown.
I need a make-good, Payton. MAKE THIS RIGHT
I know you’re not talking about our match, but you’re gonna lose that one, too. SUCKER.
Yeah, but I’m still not going to break 100 points because I am MEDIOCRE.
/has Robinson in Sill’s insanity league
//is still losing beyond hope
///weeps gently
WOW! What creative playcalling! Who would have thought they would have ran up the middle again? Truly visionary.
Pantz? Dooped.
I skipped most football in the interest of, um, domestic politics today. How are things around here?
San Diego barely beat Cleveland, which didn’t do anything to instill hope in me.
But I made a hell of a baked ziti and some chocolate mousse, so I’m cool.
I could go for some chocolate mousse right now. Or chocolate moose. Whatever we got.
Holy shit that sounds awesome (the baked ziti and chocolate mousse)
Each time a touchdown is scored, the ball must be silently deposited into the appointed receptacle.
In accordance with the FanDuel protocols, brought to you by DraftKings!
I take it the defensive team doesn’t have the option to enforce the unsportsmanlike penalty on the extra point? That would actually be worth doing now with the new rule.
they don’t.
I’m surprised they don’t enforce it at the end of the return (or the touchback).
Huge Edge? They’re going to start from the 20. Like they almost always do
Yuuuuuge edge.
That’s my favorite Misfits tune.
Did Collinsworth just admit being all about dat azz?
The frag gods demand moar sacrifices!
Fuck I needed those fantasy points.
Eagles, [*Redacted] s, Cowboys, Giants: “No, YOU take the NFC East.”
Dallas first half:
Dallas second half:
Dallas with Doopy as quarterback:
Last ‘za is baking…did I ever mention I hate this fucking game?
Collinsworth invoking the “Just the Tip” rule
Relax, Cowboys fans. The game is in Brandon Weeden’s DOOPY hands.
Nice tackling, Dallas.
Elusiveness ratings? Are those like cop-speed?
That flag was thrown farther than the pass.
Honest questions: Would Brandon Weeden have less perceived doop in his pants if he didn’t start his career with Cleveland? Because without the Browns stink on him, he’s basically your replacement level Henneesque backup QB.
It’s like the Scarlett A, except a brown D. You’re marked forever.
The first-round thing really works against him
he’d still have that face, though
He was how old when drafted?
28 I believe,
I was never impressed with him in college. I’d still think he’d DOOP SO HARD
Not enough, Cooks
At this point if the Cowboys tried to flip someone over to the other side on defense that guy would tear his Achilles on the way over.
mmmmmmmmmmm waffles.
“He goes through data like crazy”
“Honey, I don’t think he watches scat porn”
kids today ,, smgdh
‘Sup Lil