SD @ Oak: Did you know that this is the last game that Charles Woodson will ever play in Oakland? Aside from winning the Heisman in college there was little to no indication that he would be a dominant NFL player. Did you know that fellow Heisman winner/Michigan alum Dez Howard retired way back in 2002? Did you know that interception-wise the guy is ahead of fellas like Ed Reed, Ronnie Lott, Mel Blount, Darrell Green, Deion Sanders and Champ Bailey? Now that you’ve been informed, can I stop typing sentences that end in a question mark? As far as the Raiders future is concerned defence-wise there’s this ridiculously talented guy by the name of league sack leader Khalil Mack. Shall we watch him hit the Jesus out of a certain prolific baby-maker?
Someone save this gif and use it when the Cowboys fuck up. I am gonna save it but I will forget I have it saved
Spike has cut out so much funny parts of Back to the Future Part II, its like watching the synopsis of the movie being acted out.
That’s not an eternal flame.
That’s Al Davis’ gateway from Hell.
At least I opened the beer anyway.
Moose rating; delicious:
Only one rating, but he is about the same as what my impressions are.
Very mellow IPA, but very enjoyable; the reviewers here apparently expecting a bigger hop IPA. This one is great if you are not in the mood for big hop, bitter, or huge malt.
Hull Melon & Blanc IPA – The Hop Concept Brewing
Also has a category that is not talked about often; great burp taste.
I’ll be live tweeting Die Hard in a little while, if you’re interested*.
*you’re not interested
With this authority I want to say we are interested. Have you seen this game?
And the Oakland Raiders do their “Salute to Offensive Penalties” to close out the half…
Just HERP baby.
MFW switching to ESPN to see how Cincinnati Bearcats are doing in their bowl game.
How is the L.A Bowl?
appropriately shitty
That penalty…
and of course they Raidered it up
Just popping in to wish you all a Happy Christmakwaanzakkah! Hope you all have a great holiday and don’t spend it getting arrested for assaulting that one asshole relative, even though they totally had it coming.
The three older brothers are here. Daughter #1, son in law and both granddaughters are on the way.
I’ve begun referring to the youngest granddaughter as “Wolverine”. She is one energetic little maniac.
Almost time to break out the hard liquor!
“ I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain. ”
Impressive linesmanship.
It’s nice to see craftmanship isn’t completely dead in this rushed day and age.
“This boy is Ignorance. This girl is Want. Beware them both, and all of their degree, but most of all beware this boy, for on his brow I see that written which is Doom…”
That’s quite the impressive set of testicles.
Oddly enough mine are named Ignorance and Want too.
So I am, as always, late to the party, but I see that Tunison is writing a column called “Dumb Football” on Vice Sports. Isn’t “dumb”, “football”, and “vice” our bailiwick? I see a class action lawsuit
(Glad our boy found work)
Done with the majority of my obligations for the day.
Except for the pants thing.
Old people problems, volume infinity. I was all excite that the physical therapist is discharging me as in good shape/recovered from my bulging C5/C6 cervical disc (one above my fusion site)…and now of course my left knee is killing me for no reason. Probably arthritis, since there was some in my right knee when I had it scoped (frayed meniscus that thought was torn) 3 years ago.
This shit never fucking ends.
Oh, it ends…
ah yes, as Homer SImpson sagely noted, the cool comfort of the grave. Or better yet, the blast furnace of the cremation facility…
Last time I had to get a physical, it was for work. Pretty extensive because I had come from working in a country were TB is pretty common. So chest xray and all that jazz.
Its always fun when the doc takes a look at your xray and just mutters “Holy shit”…
Even worse is “Huh.”
“Holy shit!” means they’ve seen it before.
“Huh.” means they have no idea what they’re looking at.
I usually end up having to explain why my back looks like I was dragged behind a car and my x-rays look like shit. Good old birth defects…
You would think my mom could have stopped using LSD for 8 months….
The neurologist did a “huh” for my brain MRI, which turned out to be basically nothing. But it’s never re-assuring when they go “huh” about your fucking brain.
That’s why I reviewed all my films in private.
I’m 10 months into a 12-18 month rehab for surgery on my right knee. The 3rd on that knee.
Last Friday I’m pretty sure I suffered a partial tear of the medial meniscus in my LEFT (good) knee, the one I’ve only had repaired once.
Osteoarthritis in both knees.
Mother of fuck this shit sucks.
Also, I worry you may be my ghost of Christmas future.
Getting old ain’t for pussies!!!
NO SHIT. And man, am I ever like the biggest pain-related pussy out there.
Well, in a way. I don’t like to be babied or fussed over. And I don;t like making a scene. But I do expect to be heavily medicated. Shit, an at-home sedation kit would be lovely.
Holy hell, I forgot that I have a vicodin left over for emergencies.
I’ll be right back.
My dad asked me who owned the Raiders now…for shits and giggles, I looked up his pic, cracked some jokes, and looked up his wikipedia page and read some of it to the old man…
The following is an actual quote from his wikipedia entry…
“Davis is a graduate of California State University, Chico.[1] Davis says he is a food connoisseur and has said that his favorite restaurants include Dan Tana’s in Los Angeles, California, Joe’s Stone Crab in Miami Beach, Florida, and P.F. Chang’s.[19]”
I could not come up with something that funny. He is like a living character from “Arrested Development”
Lucile Bluth: “Mark Davis is the best!”
Narrator: “Mark Davis was far from the best.”
So that’s what happened to Tunison
Xmas Ape sighting!
well, there was at least a simian in a Santa outfit on mah teevee box
yeah got it on the rewind
oh i see
Go you stupid Raiders.
The carne asada burritos have arrived and I destroyed mine.
As a former San Diego surfer dude, whenever someone brought the burritos you never said “Let’s eat a burrito”.
You said, “Let’s murr”.
Because nobody talks during the burrito consumption and the only sound you hear is “Murr!”
Aunt Bethany…does your cat eat Jello?
Additional burrito nomenclature: You don’t call them carne asada burritos, they are simply known as “Carnage”.
hey guys
Greetings and festive salutations, Sill.
Greatest Christmas Movie Ever?
just Greatest MOVIE Ever?
Can I refill your eggnog, Eddie? Get you something to eat? Drive you out to the middle of nowhere, leave you for dead?
Weird…sitting in the recliner, watching the old football game with my old man…
Usually one of us would be tased by now….
The night is young…
From the Black Hole, we take you on the field to the Black Mole!
How it’s going you fucks?
I learned this holiday season that oxy’s and egg nog do not go well together for me….
Fucking lactose intolerance…
puking up a perfectly good oxy really hearts the old heart, too.
Asking now since I’m gonna be hammered later: are we open threading here or in the Xmas eve post later? I want to be part of something special tonight.
my guess would be here
I vote here.
Hippo’s right. Dump TNF and give us Friday Night Football!
The Last Boy Scout is (ostensibly) a Christmas movie, too!
The TV at the gym wasn’t working. Even when I try to do something good, the universe says NOAP.
The universe is a cold & unfeeling place, and hates TNF.
Well, tell the universe we hate IT, too!
I have the game on mute while we finish prepping dinner, so I was really hoping Pheeeeel was about to keel over from a seizure there.
My gift to fellow kommentists is a summery of every Kevin Hart movie/tv:
Hart: Here’s the pla-
Someone: Shut da fuck up shorty!
Hart: ok
(Repeat 50x)
Mariucci looks like a grown-up Eddie Munster.
Last night I was fucking around on the Youtube looking for Pavarotti’s version of “O Holy Night”, which is magical by the way, when I stumbled across this fine young Swedish fellow, Jussi Björling.
Holy fucking shit do I love a good tenor.
If this doesn’t bring tears to your eyes on a Christmas Eve, you may need to be checked for signs of life.
Temptations “Silent Night” or GTFO
Derek Carr has developed a great deal as a QB, but he has this face that’s all like “why won’t you look into my eyes when we make love??”
I am so sads that this is the last Thursday TNF we gets. And Saturday’s TNF is the last one of the season PERIOD.
Kill TNF and Saturday TNF with fire
Friday night TNF would be the ideal TNF.
And home.
To sweet, sweet alcohol and to sweet Mary Jane.
Youngest daughter was so disgusted from dealing with asshole mankind shoppers she couldn’t bear the thought of driving to LA from San Diego. Now I won’t see her until some time in mid January.
Thanks commercialization of Christmas!
Speaking of which I’ve got a doozy of a post I’m going to drop tomorrow when everyone has moved past the “Magic of Christmas” stage.
Now let’s get to drankin’ proper!
America ruins everything! YOU’RE WELCOME WORLD!!!!
Edge of alcohol limit reached – gotta drive them kids home. Get home soon and bourbon it up
Bourble on you crazy diamond!
I need the Oakland D to kick major ass and the Oakland O to suck major dick in order to win the two championships I am playing for this week. Will it happen?!? STAY TUNED!
So…you need the Denver game redux?
You and me, pal. Winner gets Insanity.
I’m captivated by how fucking incredible Dee looks in that gif
Overprocreation is narcissism run amok.
/Throws down cigarette butt in lieu of gauntlet
If Karma is real, at least 80% of his litter will grow up to be wild-eyed liberals. Maybe even SECULAR HUMANISTS!!!
Scotchy – YES, we shall!
I am watching the “Sugalumps” episode of Flight of the Conchords as pre-game, shit don’t get more Xmas Eve than THAT!
Peppermint Roll!