Your “Cinco de Drinko” Thirsty Thursday Open Thread

Another light day in the NFL. How long until OTAs and the inevitable Jags draftee injury?

Ole Miss is shocked…SHOCKED that people are taking Laremy Tunsil’s accusation seriously. Secret footage unearthed by crack DFO researchers discovered coach/eventual supervillain Hugh Freeze being confronted by NCAA investigators inside what I can only imagine is the alumni association building. Apparently, Ole Miss had been informed of an investigation back in January, but the draft-night revelations turned things up to 11. University admin has until the end of May to respond to the NCAA.

Taking another page from Crimebeat!, JFF has been arraigned and given his release conditions. Obviously, the no-contact order, and no guns, is the key takeaway here; standard domestic violence procedures for release. The best thing his ex-girlfriend did was delete her social media, because I’m sure there’s no A&M bros who want to give her their opinions. Rich Eisen raised a pretty interesting point related to affluenza & Manziel. He didn’t believe JFF has it – he, refreshingly, doesn’t buy into that Texas-bred bullshit – but he did offer up the context that Manziel’s lived so far up his own ass for so long, he may not know any better at this point in life. Working with dropouts, I get his point: If you’ve never been told your behaviour is wrong, and that you are a precious little angel that no one should ever question, why would you listen to the learned voices telling you that you’re wrong? I work with kids two levels below regular school, and I’m constantly having to break them of that thinking, because that attitude got them sent to me, “and that’s not a reward”. Sometimes, I’m the first person whose ever tried to “parent” them. In that context, I kinda see his argument.

Counterpoint: he’s an anti-Tebow with the same arm.

So, after deleting all the spam related to phony charities and the Fort Mac fire, at the top of my inbox was an advertisement,

Go on…

There it is. Commemorate the Battle of Puebla with a discount, and maybe a salad. God Emperor Doom Trump knows what I’m talking about.

Actual twitter photo today. “The best taco bowls are made in the Trump Tower grill.”

Unfortunately, it’s not that big a deal in Canada, as everyone instead chooses to focus on Victoria Day, the official start of the summer drinking season. But it reminded me that, like how every Saturday now has a charity walk/run/cycle, every cultural holiday is now a mass-market PAR-TAY! And I say, “About time!”. St. Patrick’s Day has had it too comfortable for too long.

WAY too comfortable.

Of course, the thought of all-day drinking sent me down the reminiscence rabbit hole. God, I miss university. My BA was probably the best 6 years of my life. Parties! Road trips! I helped found a concert that stood as the official end-of-year celebration for 15 years. I drank like someone was going to take it away, and I ate like Papa John’s kid. On the day I graduated in 1992, I was 6 foot, 130 lbs, and probably had a 0.14 BAC.

Actual photo

I went to the University hospital last month for an MRI and decided to go on a walking tour of the campus after it was done. BIG MISTAKE! Everyone else was 18-22, so now I looked like the creepy grad student. Going into a building? Don’t follow too close behind! Libraries I studied in? Demolished! Taking photos? Better make sure someone’s not in it without their permission! An afternoon beverage? THE OLD BAR WAS CLOSED!!! Sure, it was “dark” and “condemned”, but that was part of its charm, and I helped make it that way, dammit!

For extra depression, I went to the new Student Council offices to look at the old photos. Because – like many people – I had delusions of grandeur about myself and actually ran for, and won, student council office. My God – how did that kid ever get any action in university, let alone at all?! I could see the Canadian Club coursing through my veins; no wonder I don’t remember 1987. I was translucent. That’s not how I remember things.

Never go back, kids. You don’t miss “university”; you miss the concept of “you at university”. Write ’em a cheque every ten years for the alumni fund or for whatever building they’re talking about renovating. Live in the memories; don’t try to re-live them.

Don’t be like Troy.

The games!


  • Stars @ Blues – 8:00 – Game 4 (Blues up 2-1)
  • Sharks @ Predators – 9:00 Game 4 (Sharks up 2-1)

NBA: Miami @ Toronto – 8:00 – Game 2

Enjoy your evening. DON’T EAT THE WORM!


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A Canadian man-child of indeterminate age, he stays young by selling alcohol at sporting events and yelling at the patrons he serves. Their rage nourishes his soul, and their tips pay for his numerous trips to various sporting events.
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Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

I am watching Legends of Tomorrow. Holy shit is bird girl the worst fucking person on earth. I won’t even give her the gf addendum

Senor Weaselo

All right, bedtime for weasels. Hope to have myself a good night tomorrow.

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van



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Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

I forgot you are gonna actually gonna be out there for game 6. Fair warning I will harass you for having better viewing, better booze and better food at home for less than your ticket cost. That being said hockey games are the only that have any perks live. Have fun!

Covalent Blonde

Good night, gents. I’ll be counting sheep… and by counting sheep I mean repeating “it’s only tied, it’s only tied, it’s only tied.” Sleep tight, sweet things!

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

Goodnight. It’s only tied

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

Fuck. I missed the goal


I want to make a joke about each team being too polite to take the victory for themselves, then I laugh at the fact that there are no canadian teams in the quarter finals.

it was funny in my head okay

Covalent Blonde

Can all three stars just go to goalies?

Senor Weaselo

Something tells me Covalent isn’t going to be running because she will be drinking all the things.

Covalent Blonde

Drinking…. slicing wrists…. either way it dulls the senses.


Suicide is painless …

Covalent Blonde

Welp. And now I died.

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

I really miss my dual monitors tonight. Cig break


Kind of get the feeling if Ice Niners don’t score on this PP, this is going to four overtimes.


So, yeah, four OTs.

Covalent Blonde

So tell me more about how to prepare myself for losing the Game that Wouldn’t End?

Senor Weaselo

Some people started playing it not knowing what it was.

Senor Weaselo

I should probably go to bed. It’s not like I have to play with an orchestra or anything tomorrow…

/Eh, someone’s gotta score eventually
//Eh, it’s a 7:30 show and I took off from work, I can sleep in

Covalent Blonde

Yay for bad choices! I need to be running in 4 hours and just poured another drink.

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

Watch a Rocky montage on no sleep and drunk in the morning. It has worked for my runs


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Senor Weaselo

I’d say “people should come,” but the NYC/LI Commentists are less in number than one would expect.

Covalent Blonde

When you eventually tour out west to San Francisco I will be there with bells on…. only bells…. strategically placed bells

Senor Weaselo

If this is the closest I ever get to having groupies… I’ll take it!

Covalent Blonde

Credit goes to the Tooth Cat fans. First of all, they are paying their babysitters like $40 an hour by now, and not one seat seems to have opened up. Good showing from ya’.

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

Every time my stream goes silent for commercials I worry I have to move to an actual TV. I live in a house built in like 1985 that only has power outlets in rooms, no cable, no overhead lighting, no phone lines. The cable was added later by us after we moved in so I am relying on wireless internet now, wireless cablebox in an occupied room at other times


A house that’s 30 years old didn’t have landlines or cable ports built in? I lived into a brownstone in Philadelphia that was built in the 1920s, and it had both in almost every room.

Covalent Blonde

Good showing from Finnish goalies in the 2nd round of the playoffs now that I think about it.

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van
Covalent Blonde

How does her bra work?

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

I assume magic, like that puck not sneaking in

Covalent Blonde

Also, why is her necklace on backwards?


Figures I went to the one Mexican place that closed early today.

Covalent Blonde

Dude, is the only place for a burrito five towns over? How did it take you this long?


Fix your burrito options!

Or better yet, make a better burrito at home!

Recipes are available.


Scroll down and check out the chicken burrito recipe.

I’m not joking when I say I can eat this every day.

Time to fix your burrito game!


I’m a slow walker, I went someplace else, and I’m a slow walker.

Covalent Blonde

Coming up next: three guys who have run out of talking points in the last intermission filling 15 minutes of air time

Covalent Blonde

Oh yeah. Imma need a drink for OT No. 3. Fuck me sideways. Who needed to go for a run before work anyway?

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

Stop being in CA and your east coast friends would make a run


Soooooo….beards are unpopular in teh NHL, huh?

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

Who said they don’t like Olivia Munn?


That’s gotta be a high stick.
Ah yes, thank you.

Covalent Blonde

And just think, Weber will be in the box for the first 2:00 of the NEXT overtime

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

It was a glove hit though. I wish there was more leeway on the highsticking rule, Wait did I just here they only gave him 2?

Covalent Blonde

I thought I heard it was a double.

Covalent Blonde

This game is so long player have come back from IR


Try staying up for a 5-OT game, and your team still loses.

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In the last 4 games against the two biggest challengers to the Cubbies, they have outscored the Pirates on the road (sweep!) and game one against the Nat-i-tudes, 25-7.

I like the way this is going.

In honor of the Cubs fans who have never musically left the 80’s…
This was the first song I heard when I entered the Cubby Bear bar just a couple of years ago.

They still think Bob Seger is a god.

Please note, my actual opinion varies.

Covalent Blonde

I’m just excited you have anything to distract you from your awful knee pains!



Just a couple of days away.

I look like a Baltimore heroin addict with the goddamn holes stuck in my arm. I’ve had my balls fondled and my butt fingered and I’ve paid for 2 x-rays, an MRI, a pre-op visit that wasn’t “Covered” by my insurance and I am absolutely fucking FOCUSED to get back out there and keep grinding.

Is that all you got life?


Your shit is weak life!


So I spent most of my evening replacing my car battery. It was my first such outing without the interaction of someone with far more experience than I.

I feel like such and adult


Just wait until you change a tire.


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Just don’t try it with Mike Zimmer around…

Senor Weaselo

Did you go into the microverse and get it sorted out?

Covalent Blonde

Just don’t tell them!


This game makes me want take a lot of drugs.

Covalent Blonde

How is no one tired?

Covalent Blonde

And a power play. Fuck.


Sorry for your loss Kitty Cat.

You still have the better team

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

As a terrible hockey player who played his whole life. They grew up playing in 3 games straight if the Midnight game is a guy short after the 10:30 game was a guy short after their 9pm game

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

Oh shit. That was a goal. I missed it live

Covalent Blonde

So did several refs

Covalent Blonde

Shut your mouth, JR. You are on a slippery slope of “what is a catch?” territory…

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

I will defend JR no matter how terrible his commentating is because I grew up loving him.

Covalent Blonde

I have had the chance to speak with him twice (very briefly) and is just about as nice as you would expect–as a bonus, looks a lot less like putty in person.


Getting one’s face rebuilt (twice?) can do that.
But that was still a funny as shit comment. 😀
/yep, I’m still going to hell

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

Really obscure. I think a few went mainstream. I remember him when him and Amonte did a bunch of ads and promos together. I already loved his losing every fucking year ass but those were great.

/Lazy internet search did not find those adds


Is it odd seeing folks sharing Drew’s GQ stuff on Facebook and not one mention or reference to Big Daddy Drew?

This is a great article though.

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

I haven’t kept up with BDD since he left “the site”

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

Also. nice article. He always had high quality takes. <– He gets the proper spelling

Covalent Blonde

So, does JB Jovi advocate LAAAAAATE term abortions?


So, Dog is laying in the hallway, waiting for me to take her outside (NAWT GONNA HAPPEN TIL OT ENDS, MUTT), when Younger Cat comes walking down said hallway into the living room, turns around, and completely unprovoked by Dog, Younger Cat smacks Dog on the snout.



Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

I am the worst and should know this. What kind of dog do you have and how old?

Covalent Blonde

My Frenchie is currently raising a raven. Baby raven keeps trying to get my dog to regurgitate into its mouth.

Still less unprovoked than your kitty-doggy scenario

Covalent Blonde

Woo! Here comes second stupid-high energy OT!


God please….no…just no.

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

I turned on the OT game a bit ago. I have missed much of the second round like I always do after the round the Hawks lose unless there is a series I really want to watch because I am petty and will do that in any sport. Bears get knocked out in the NFC Championship. Not watching the probowl. Bad example because Bears will never make the NFC Championship and I will always skip the probowl.


I haven’t been this pissed off at a Shark since I paid cash money to see Jaws 3-D.


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Shark still looks fake.

Covalent Blonde

Awwwww. You should never have paid to see that


My movie choices were rarely my own at the time.
As I admitted last night or the night before, but that same summer I paid to watch Stayin’ Alive. GF at the time made some bad movie choices.
And I was out $10 bucks every time.

Covalent Blonde

Aww. What a good boy you were!


Yeah, I’m a peach.


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Speaking of… did Dr. Lucien Sanders ever make the switch from Buttfuxx to here?

Covalent Blonde

Save us, Jo Pawvelski
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You misspelled Joe Paterno.


Sharks about to lose and get a gut punch at the same time.


Oh, and the Baseball Broncos just put up a 13 spot in one inning against the Baseball 49ers. Good times at AT&T Park.

Senor Weaselo

That’s not how you spell Coors Field at all!

Covalent Blonde

Sometimes it’s hard to be a Bay Area girl.


Evening folks. My Drinko de Thursday has consisted of watching the pursuit on the 91. My wife has been stuck in that traffic hell and is not home yet. I would like to murder the guy in the car, but I’m sure the police will do that (once they ascertain his skin color).

Don’t get me wrong…still drinkin, just have to deal with (justifiably) pissed-off wife when she gets home. But I’m sure buzzed me will handle everything just fine.

Been nice knowing y’all.


tl;dr version: Traffic hell in SoCal due to police chase. Wife caught up in said traffic hell. Hell soon to be transferred to me.


Whatever you do, do not request oral sex before 2 hours or 3 drinks….whichever comes first.
/will never make that mistake….again


Thank you. I was gonna demand a beej immediately for making me wait, but I’ll rethink it.

Covalent Blonde

Bawhaha! For one tiny moment I forgot I was shitting kittens as Nashville sung every song in complete unison


It’s funny how the LA crowd gave the “like” to this post.

Goddamn police chases.


Going for a burrito. Adios.


Either way, somebody is about to be really pissed off.
Yay entropy.


The verdict is… no verdict.
Nice job, NHL. Nice job.

Senor Weaselo

We pause this review to announce the play is under review.


That is clear goalie interference.


He was checked from behind.


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Covalent Blonde

I need education; what is this from?


“Garth Marenghi’s Darkplace”

Imagine every terrible Stephen King show from the 80’s, written and starred by him, and directed/produced by a porn king.


Pissed off Sharks are pissed off.
And I think they might have a case….let’s watch.

Covalent Blonde

I don’t even know how to feel at this moment.


Screwed by the zebs….is the answer you’re looking for.

Senor Weaselo

For the record, I’m now opening up when DTZM answers his PDJs to the betting pool. On an unrelated point, props to the organist for the Punch-Out theme.