Your “Cinco de Drinko” Thirsty Thursday Open Thread

Another light day in the NFL. How long until OTAs and the inevitable Jags draftee injury?

Ole Miss is shocked…SHOCKED that people are taking Laremy Tunsil’s accusation seriously. Secret footage unearthed by crack DFO researchers discovered coach/eventual supervillain Hugh Freeze being confronted by NCAA investigators inside what I can only imagine is the alumni association building. Apparently, Ole Miss had been informed of an investigation back in January, but the draft-night revelations turned things up to 11. University admin has until the end of May to respond to the NCAA.

Taking another page from Crimebeat!, JFF has been arraigned and given his release conditions. Obviously, the no-contact order, and no guns, is the key takeaway here; standard domestic violence procedures for release. The best thing his ex-girlfriend did was delete her social media, because I’m sure there’s no A&M bros who want to give her their opinions. Rich Eisen raised a pretty interesting point related to affluenza & Manziel. He didn’t believe JFF has it – he, refreshingly, doesn’t buy into that Texas-bred bullshit – but he did offer up the context that Manziel’s lived so far up his own ass for so long, he may not know any better at this point in life. Working with dropouts, I get his point: If you’ve never been told your behaviour is wrong, and that you are a precious little angel that no one should ever question, why would you listen to the learned voices telling you that you’re wrong? I work with kids two levels below regular school, and I’m constantly having to break them of that thinking, because that attitude got them sent to me, “and that’s not a reward”. Sometimes, I’m the first person whose ever tried to “parent” them. In that context, I kinda see his argument.

Counterpoint: he’s an anti-Tebow with the same arm.

So, after deleting all the spam related to phony charities and the Fort Mac fire, at the top of my inbox was an advertisement,

Go on…

There it is. Commemorate the Battle of Puebla with a discount, and maybe a salad. God Emperor Doom Trump knows what I’m talking about.

Actual twitter photo today. “The best taco bowls are made in the Trump Tower grill.”

Unfortunately, it’s not that big a deal in Canada, as everyone instead chooses to focus on Victoria Day, the official start of the summer drinking season. But it reminded me that, like how every Saturday now has a charity walk/run/cycle, every cultural holiday is now a mass-market PAR-TAY! And I say, “About time!”. St. Patrick’s Day has had it too comfortable for too long.

WAY too comfortable.

Of course, the thought of all-day drinking sent me down the reminiscence rabbit hole. God, I miss university. My BA was probably the best 6 years of my life. Parties! Road trips! I helped found a concert that stood as the official end-of-year celebration for 15 years. I drank like someone was going to take it away, and I ate like Papa John’s kid. On the day I graduated in 1992, I was 6 foot, 130 lbs, and probably had a 0.14 BAC.

Actual photo

I went to the University hospital last month for an MRI and decided to go on a walking tour of the campus after it was done. BIG MISTAKE! Everyone else was 18-22, so now I looked like the creepy grad student. Going into a building? Don’t follow too close behind! Libraries I studied in? Demolished! Taking photos? Better make sure someone’s not in it without their permission! An afternoon beverage? THE OLD BAR WAS CLOSED!!! Sure, it was “dark” and “condemned”, but that was part of its charm, and I helped make it that way, dammit!

For extra depression, I went to the new Student Council offices to look at the old photos. Because – like many people – I had delusions of grandeur about myself and actually ran for, and won, student council office. My God – how did that kid ever get any action in university, let alone at all?! I could see the Canadian Club coursing through my veins; no wonder I don’t remember 1987. I was translucent. That’s not how I remember things.

Never go back, kids. You don’t miss “university”; you miss the concept of “you at university”. Write ’em a cheque every ten years for the alumni fund or for whatever building they’re talking about renovating. Live in the memories; don’t try to re-live them.

Don’t be like Troy.

The games!


  • Stars @ Blues – 8:00 – Game 4 (Blues up 2-1)
  • Sharks @ Predators – 9:00 Game 4 (Sharks up 2-1)

NBA: Miami @ Toronto – 8:00 – Game 2

Enjoy your evening. DON’T EAT THE WORM!


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A Canadian man-child of indeterminate age, he stays young by selling alcohol at sporting events and yelling at the patrons he serves. Their rage nourishes his soul, and their tips pay for his numerous trips to various sporting events.
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Ah…I forgot to share about my day. So I arrive at work very early in the morning, hung over and pissed off. I sit in the lab, running the drive and motor, doing trends, making sure everything works.

No one shows up for five hours. Finally, one of our bigwigs show up with a bunch of government officials and I am told I have three minutes to explain drive theory, motor operation, medium voltage safety, and actually make a motor spin.

I wasn’t sure if the pounding in my head at that point was from the late night drinking or the simmering rage. In two minutes, I try to explain as much as I can. I then go to run the drive that I have been running all day…and it trips. I try again and it trips. The higher up guy looks enraged at me, the government official people awkwardly laugh, I apologize, and they go off to eat a catered lunch while I sit there fucking utterly confused.

I find out that an intern was sent down to the motor room to clean up in case the VIP’s were brought in…so shit for brains just started pulling cables out of the wall and killed my encoder signal.

Hey but the O’s just won in extra innings….


It’s not murder because interns aren’t people.


Woooo….walk off sac fly in 10. How exciting.
This calls for wet willies for everybody!!!!


Pause on hawkey, time for Archer.


The fucked up thing about Italian politics is that Trump has nothing on him…


Chaos Theory No. 16: Trump picks Bernie Sanders as his running mate.


While this whole race going totally bonkers is appealing as hell, Bernie won’t do that. He’s too busy being his own demagogue.

Don T

Café Tacuba

Ojalá que llueva café

El fin de la infancia

Covalent Blonde

Hey, Sharks. I’m not a hockey coach, but seeing these highlights, it might be advisable to keep Nashville forwards OUT from BETWEEN Jones and the net.


So you’re saying you’d rather they were in…
…The Slot?
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Red Corset…10/10.
Would let her feed.


Os/Yanks go into the 10th tied at Zero.
It’s been a classic, well-played pitcher’s duel by both teams and IT’S PISSING ME OFF!!!!
Somebody score some damned runs already.

Senor Weaselo

I blame you for Johnny Barbato.


I will take it like a man.
(the blame, that is)


Question, with your election system would it be impossible for an Independant to run a put in a good showing. There is profound hatred for bot Hillary and Dangerous Donald. Or are the 2 party values so ingrained that there is no fucking chance. I mean Perot gave it a go but got stomped. I mean is Deez Nutz still an option?


Short answer: No.


Long answer is no also.
Sadly, it comes down to funding and name recognition.


That’s not it. The system is set up in a winner-take-all format which incentivizes getting a majority.


Agreed that that is the end product. But the reasons it became that was is more what I was referring to. And I do realize that my list of reasons was far from exhaustive. But money drives all, as much as I don’t like to admit it.


We’ve had a two-party system for far, far longer than we’ve had massive influxes of cash into the political process.

The way our government is set up pretty much keeps us at two parties.


The illusion of democracy is America’s greatest virtue.


Perot had a better chance in 1992 if he didn’t temporarily drop out.

Independents have tried, but people in both parties hate them. Perot allowed Clinton in ’92 and ’96 to win with a plurality of the popular vote, which the GOP used to undermine both terms as illegitimate.

And Nader, well … Fuck Ralph Nader.


People still blame Nader for 2000, but the number of Democrats who voted for Nader in Florida were actually outnumbered by the number of Democrats who voted for W.

Doktor Zymm

Perot fucked himself by dropping out and then rejoining the race. Deez Nuts is a teenager, and thus sadly ineligible for prez. While the 2 party system has it’s flaws, there have been +2-party elections in the past, and failing parties have been replaced. There are also some advantages to the 2 party system that aren’t immediately obvious. The main one, fringe parties with extreme racist views tend to be excluded. In countries with many parties, extreme parties will be included with a coalition government. In the US, when conditions are like they are now, and extremist sentiment is higher than normal in the country, yes, we have one candidate that expresses extremist views (though I have my doubts that he would carry through on any of them), but he’s not the favorite for the general election. Hilary does inspire dislike, but she’s actually very centrist. The American system is set up for large changes to take a long time, and that promotes stability.



People love to talk about alternatives but don’t grasp what a three or four party system makes it way more likely a pack of nutcases take control of everything.


We have 3 up here as you know, except in Qweebek but they are separatist and fringe. As much as I would like to have the Green PAaty prevalent they sadly are not. Fiscal conservatism, with a leaning towards green energy is what I am after. Sadly I live in a province that was right wing for 50+ years until last year where a protest vote put in the lefties and that will never happen again, the pendulum will swing hard right here next time provincially.


We have 3 up here as you know, except in Qweebek but they are separatist and fringe. As much as I would like to have the Green Party prevalent they sadly are not. Fiscal conservatism, with a leaning towards green energy is what I am after. Sadly I live in a province that was right wing for 50+ years until last year where a protest vote put in the lefties and that will never happen again, the pendulum will swing hard right here next time provincially.


Also, the “Hillary is a criminal” trope is getting a bit tired since she’s been in the spotlight for a quarter century with people intensively trying to nail her to the wall without success. Yet, it’s been repeated so often that most people just nod in agreement.


Fun fact: “Cinco de Mayo” is what Andy Reid said when his housekeeper Lupita asked him if he needed her to pick up any jars of anything at “el supermercado”.


“Keep on truckin’. Signed, Ben Murphy.”

Doktor Zymm

So, is “The Cleveland Show” a successful spinoff?


As successful of the XFL.


Not true. Cleveland Show actually made money during the four years it was thrust upon an unwilling public.
(In truth, there are some gem episodes of Cleveland, but by and large it was done lazily and poorly and lasted two years longer than it should have)


Yes, in that it’s made Seth Macfarlane really wealthy.


I think Fox gave him $100 million to produce shows for them.

Take note: if you ever want to be rich, produce something that’s just a bit better than average but not actually good.


Cubs winning again.

Doktor Zymm



Ahhh… that’s better.


I’m calling it a night. Have fun, everyone. Drink responsibly.


When they’re dead, they’re just hookers.

Covalent Blonde

Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck you, smilodons. You fast fucks.


So, 7-6, then.

Covalent Blonde

Most probably, at this point.

Covalent Blonde

Do the Preds have an adorable mustard-yellow leprechaun greeter?

Don T

I love these folks, but I’m too dumb to understand their songs. Video’s creepy ass shit, so another good point.


True story: When I was a kid, for Cinco De Mayo my dad would take my me and my sister to Old Town (San Diego) to have dinner. I fondly remember being excited because he would let me ask the Mariachi to play my favorite song, Spanish Flea.


Not La Bamba?


Im assuming La Bamba and Spanish Flea are only your favorites because Tequila had its number retired?


I feel like I need more visual kei in my life. Behold Kurenai by X Japan! They of the 26 minute full English progressive rock singles, a drummer who wore a neck brace towards the end due to headbanging too much, and Hide, shredding through solos all while looking like he was about to kill himself. SPOILER: He was.


Meanwhile, the Ice Titans get a goal before the game even started.


And the Ice Niners tie up two minutes later. This game is either going to end 7-6, or 2-1.

Covalent Blonde

Damn right! I admit, I was hiding when I saw how quickly the Preds nailed one in. I am afraid of CAP-sizing.


Shut up, Windows! I don’t want to upgrade to 10!


Broken Thumbnail? You can silence me all you want, I’m not upgrading!

Doktor Zymm


Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

Another completely unrelated to my search picture. Hot redheaded schoolgirl. Ill take it


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Deborah Ann Woll is a sexy redhead.



This gif is horrible and I’m going to make my own.


The Democratic Justice Department says there is no sign that Hillary Clinton willfully broke any laws with the emails. This is the political version of the Patriots not being flagged by the refs for obvious fouls.


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The incredible part of this election season is that it’s very likely that was put together by a Democrat parroting every right wing line used against Hillary for the past 25 years.


I’m a lifelong Democrat and that’s been my position for years.

Horatio Cornblower

This is where I would feel compelled to argue that my side is right and all that but with Hillary I just sigh and figure if she doesn’t shoot herself in the foot with the emails she’ll find another way to do it because she and Bill are horrible, horrible people.

And I’m still gonna vote for her because the alternative is just too horrible to think about.

Senor Weaselo

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Yeah. If Hillary was as tenth as likeable as Bill, she would already be the White House now.

Plus, the funny thing is, I’m a Republican but I liked Bill. He wasn’t that bad, and he was likeable. Bill comes off like a cool math teacher who lets us have fun if we get everything done in class. Hillary comes off like an shrew librarian who give us detention if we breathe too loudly.


He’s an amazing bullshitter. A Democrat who fucked over the party’s foundational demographic groups—and they love him for it.

Doktor Zymm

This slice of gouda cheese I’m eating has chipotle flakes in it! OLE!


I had McDonald’s because I’m a terrible person and then got a fresh strawberry shake.


Doktor Zymm

Is she going to return that bra? Take the damn tag off!


It’s a behind the scenes photo, so I assume it’s a loaner provided by the client for a shoot.

So… Yes.

Doktor Zymm

In that case, I really hope the thong isnt’ a loaner. No one wants used underwear.


Obviously you’ve never been to Japan.

Horatio Cornblower

Oh there are any number of web-sites that will prove you wrong on that Doc.

Doktor Zymm

I meant to wear as a regular item of clothing…


Loaner underwear? Ew.


Clothing companies are run by weirdos.


To commemorate Cinco de Mayo, I’m having leftover pasta and Arby’s for dinner.


Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

I went to the store today, all I bought was nacho chips, cheese dip, frozen burritos and rest of the stuff needed for them. Had no idea what day is. I wasn’t going for sacrilege for dinner but that is what I have here.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh
Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

What’s this about Ryan Matthews now?


RYAN MATTHEWS: My ears are burning…

TEAM DOCTOR: Yeah, that’s an infection, you’ll be out six weeks.

Doktor Zymm

How do you say “box wine” in Spanish?

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

I was just gonna make a comment something like “I am drinking cheap American whiskey, but I am sure that is made in Mexico anyways”. I lose both in timing and execution of the joke.

In my defense I started drinking early


Went to a place in Barca that was 20 Euros and you got a glass and a knife. Throughout the restaurant was cheap cask wine, bottles of coke and hanging dried ham. Basically you fill up your glass with bad wine, cut it with Coke, and hack away at cured meats! Hangover was huge but well worth it.

Doktor Zymm

I was familiar with the wine/coke combo, but not the cut your own meat idea. GENIUS!


Alcohol and knives. NOTHING CAN GO WRONG HERE.

Doktor Zymm

Eh, safer than alcohol and darts



Imagebam killed or lost my Archer pie macro and I never backed it up.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh
Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Don’t forget, a quesadilla is just a mexican grilled cheese sandwich.



Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Such a great body on such a horrible person. I know it shouldn’t affect my ogling her goodies, but it does.


Who is she? I need this information for scientific purposes.


This scene was such bullshit. Med and law students are too big a bunch of pussies to joke about a classmate having been a model, let alone pasting her photo everywhere. She’s the girl everyone is too afraid to talk to.

(Not that I would know personally …)

Doktor Zymm

Mmm, I should make myself a quesadilla!


Don’t forget the guacamole.

Doktor Zymm

If I were a religious person, I would say that avocados are proof that god loves us and wants us to be happy.


The Americans was kind of interesting, but Jesus Christ. Get to the goddamn point already.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

I was looking for an Archer gif to respond to… I forget, but our internet overlords remembered my search history and threw in a random Kelley O’Hara pic in the middle of 50 Archer gifs. I felt I should share

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The Reds are wearing Los Rojos jerseys. I know its for Cinco de Mayo, but I can’t help but think its a response to Trump’s coronation.

Horatio Cornblower

That’s gonna leave a mark.


If I eat Taco Bell will I still be eligible for the NFL this year?


Yes. There is no actual beef in their meat.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Saw dust and floor scrapin’s are not banned….. yet.


Before you do, I would wire your bathroom for cable and install a TV. You’ll be in there for a while, so you might as well make it as comfortable as you can.

Horatio Cornblower

What Redshirt said; you’ll be eligible but you’ll also be on the 60 Day DL with diarrhea.


I just ate a bunch of brussels sprouts. Now I can feel okay about sucking down my own weight in tequila and nachos tonight.

Horatio Cornblower

I mentioned this in the emails but my son’s high school team beat another team 33-2 today. My son didn’t play since he’s probably pitching against the same team tomorrow. I have to guess he’s feeling pretty good about his chances.

I can’t even blame our coach, (who is kind of a dick); the bench players were in starting in the 4th and all in by the 5th. The scrubs scored 12 runs in the last two innings. One of the parents who was there said the other team, (and he swears this isn’t an exaggeration), hit 8 of our kids and easily walked another 18.


/also son’s team is not that good and will get wiped out early in the play-offs.

Horatio Cornblower

Oh man that’s perfect. I should bring that to tomorrow’s game on a big ol’ poster board.

/gets beaten to death
//deserves it




I should drink. Not because it’s Cinco de Mayo (That was the excuse to have the networking event on Tuesday), but because it’s Thursday and I’m broke and unemployed.

As an aside, I’m flying to Long Beach tomorrow and will have to take the metro to downtown L.A. since my brother’s meeting with his main client in the morning. So, yeah me.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Um, how do I put this? The metro doesn’t make it to Long Beach Airport. You’ll have to get a cab or Uber to downtown Long Beach and then take the Metro.

Enjoy the view of Compton!

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

I remember when Thursdays used to be full of TV I was just waiting to watch, so much so it had conflicts with other shows I wanted to watch in nearly every timeslot. Now it is should I just continue my RW of Game of Thrones or watch Bones or Legends of Tomorrow while I wait for Archer. No one wants to watch Bones anymore, and Legends of Tomorrow is getting there. Hawk People and Forgotten Superman are terrible and they concentrate on them a lot.


That’s cool.

Don T

I can’t believe how much time I’ve spent watching this.


I used to watch Bones. I tuned out the instant they added a stupid baby.

Doktor Zymm

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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh
Low Commander of the Super Soldiers

Is Low Commander going to drink some Mezcal when he gets home from work tonight?

Horatio Cornblower

Mr. Rogers was the commencement speaker when I graduated from college.

He gave a very nice speech but now I really wish he had thrown in some break dancing.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Doktor Zymm

I’ve had TWO different types of microwave bean and cheese burrito today! OLE!

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh
Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

How dare you Moose? That is a hero story, not a fail



Horatio Cornblower

I really need some sound on this.

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

Hand to God, this happened to me today:

Me at the Blackjack table when the player in the first seat hits their 14 versus a Dealer 6: “Okay, its only $15 lost. Honest mistake.”
Me at the Blackjack table when the player in the first seat hits their 13 versus a Dealer 6: “Okay, $30 lost. Its not worth jumping the table and beating him to a bloody pulp.”
Me at the Blackjack table when the player in the first seat hits their 16 (a freakin’ Sixteen versus a Dealer 6: “Okay, we’re now at $45 lost, and now I’m considering it.”

Doktor Zymm


Dude, take a deep breath, repeat to yourself “This guys play does not actually affect my outcomes at all”
If that doesn’t help, walk to the roulette table and do your damndest not to bet red just because black has shown up 3 times in a row.


Your kind of correct, his hitting the card does not affect my hand because I wasn’t going to take a card. However, the card the player takes would’ve been the first card the dealers would’ve taken. I call it either “saving the table” performing an action that results in the dealer busting or “screwing the table” performing an actions that results in the dealer getting a winning hand that beats the table.

I’m normally a patient man, but this guy screwed the table thricely.

Doktor Zymm

No, that’s not how that works. The cards are random. While you see one particular instance of what the card would be when the guy hits, and thus can tell what would happen if he had not hit, over time the outcomes for the rest of the table will be the same whether he hits or not. Unless you are counting cards and he’s inconsistent and only hits when the deck is negative, or only hits when the deck is positive, he has no effect on the average outcomes of anyone at the table. This is just basic probability. Thinking otherwise is a product of confirmation bias.


I know. I’m going by strategy and probability.

It wasn’t a complete loss, I finished up $60 so it was a good day.

Doktor Zymm

Basic strategy is an individual proposition. What anyone at the table does has no effect on anyone else at the table. The exception is if someone is counting, then they will adjust when they hit based on the state of the deck. However, that is rare and also almost impossible now with 8 deck shoes.

Doktor Zymm

Seriously though, go play craps. If you bet the pass line with full odds, it has slightly better odds than playing basic strategy at blackjack, and it’s way more friendly.


I would like to subscribe to your newsletter because I would have throttled the bastard in the lead position too. You have calmed me with your sensible talk.


Some people play Blackjack differently, I guess.

I usually go Blackjack or No-Limit Hold ‘Em. More often or not I last the longest and I have the best chance or breaking even.

I do sometimes play Craps, but those people have attitudes. I once had a nice runs where I rolled the number several times getting everyone a lot of money. My last roll hit the dealers hands (she was fixing a pile of chips and I was in mid swing), and sevened out. You’d think I took a dump on the table the attitude I was getting from the players.

The difference with me is I didn’t show my frustration with him. Shit happens. If you go to a Casino to win money, you’re going for the wrong reason.

Doktor Zymm

I used to go to the casino to win money, but I was only playing poker, which isn’t against the house. I also had as much fun with the social aspect as I did with the game itself. I actually did figure out how to game some roulette tables (it’s all about the croupier and your fellow bettors), but that was more of a hobby than anything else.
It’s also possible that I’ve had a different experience with craps since I’m female. It tends to be even more male than some other games in the casino, and in the mythology of craps, women at the table are good luck. I’ve had people place bets for me with no hint of flirting, just because they’re superstitious. But I also have male friends who love craps, so it might also be a matter of finding a good table, or maybe just drinking a lot 🙂


Ah, that makes sense. Not to sounds sexist, but you portray a different table image as a girl then as a guy.

Also, you can use your femininity to your advantage at poker (be timid or flirty while taking their money).

I have to either be shy or seem too lucky, which is hard to do successfully.

Doktor Zymm

Eh, the table image thing at poker is a bit overrated. It might work when you first sit down, or on a a couple of idiots at the table who have some preconceived notions, but even drunk idiots who are pretty blatantly hitting on you won’t really change their play much. And dudes will still get pissed if they feel wronged, perhaps more so.


Even knowing enough statistics to know how true that is, I am sympathetic to Redshirt here. It’s just impossible to enjoy yourself when someone is doing that.

Horatio Cornblower



If I wanted to start a Blackjack fight, I would say that a regular Blackjack table is better than Spanish 21 or 21+3 because you can focus on the cards and not the side bet.

That fight would never end.

Doktor Zymm

I don’t think I’ve ever enjoyed myself playing blackjack, and a lot of it is the adversarial attitude of other people at the table. It’s the only casino game like that and just…blech.


Really, I find it to be the best table. When everyone wins, everyone’s happy, even the Dealer because they’re getting tips.

I once one $2000 in what was My Proudest Gambling Moment and I was getting high-fives when I left the table by people down hundreds of bucks.

Don T

You’re right. But in my experience, pointing that out to pissed regulars at a casino would end with a shove and a Tom Collins to the face.


Spending Cinco de Mayo same this year as every year: drinking bourbon alone and watching hockey.


Low Commander of the Super Soldiers

Ah yes, “Cinco de Gringo.”

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

It’s only really Peak Mexican if you’re drinking Crown Royal

King Hippo

Most Glorious el beisbol Cardinals back over .500! I’m sure you’re all relieved.

Who we’uns play next? The Dirt Stillers?? JEEBUS FUCK.


Cardinals or Pirates? I want them to last 30 innings every game, but only because they can’t tie.


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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh
Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

His images aren’t showing up so I will sum up

First one, you are right to be afraid of heights

Second one, you know that friend that wants to drive your car? Don’t let them

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

Ok. I will try to describe the third one since it isn’t showing up either. Asian kid eating a dildo of corn off a drill


did he died?

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh
Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

I physically don’t understand 6′ 130. I am 6’2″ and I got down to 225, and was defined everywhere except my abs, and it made me sick, I gained back some of the weight to be healthy, then a couple more pounds because I stopped trying.

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