Angry Dad – Who is this bastard?


They fucked up.

Yup, the Gods of DFO decided to let me write a regular post. There’s no going back now. Like Hunter Thompson wrote, “Buy the ticket, take the ride.”

So what’s this ride about?

Angry Dad is about my experiences as a middle aged father of three living in a world that is full of strippers, heavy drugs, fast cars, and weekends soaked in debauchery. Nah, it’s about the banality of life, the sheer boredom, days bleeding into one another like a PowerPoint deck filled with slides of differing shades of grey.

Good grief, I just made myself sad.

One more try. Angry Dad is the ruminations and observations of JJ Fozz. I want to make it relevant to DFOers of all ages and backgrounds. Read if you want, and comment, and send me nasty emails and suggestions – send me complaints, so I can shoot back emails loaded with words dripping with black, dank ichor. (Look up ichor, dumbfuck, and learn something.)

I want to provide a frame of reference:.

  • Age: 47 – where in fuck did the time go? I want to be eternally 24.
  • Occupation: Marketing consultant (yes, it’s as bullshit a job as the title implies.)
  • Family: Three boys, I call them the Wild Bunch. I love them unconditionally.
  • Wife: Yes. She’s a saint with a black belt in busting balls.
  • Drink: Bourbon and cheap beer. Occasionally I have one of those sissy craft beers.
  • Hobbies: Are you kidding me?
  • Team: Ravens – I do not own purple camo shorts.

Tune in next time. I think I’ll write about dipshit sports parents who think their kids are going to college on a scholarship – except their kids suck. And the parents are dipshits.

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Senor Weaselo

What’s the color of intrigue? Because color me that.


So when is “next time”. Every Monday? Or once a week when you can?

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

I came for the misplaced and therefore amusing rage over petty things and all I got was this introduction. Well, it was a good introduction. May the “obligation” of this regular column further instigate a vague hostility toward something or some perceived collective of people. Well done; this has possibility a streaming vile vat of spitefulness that has a potential for great hilarity. I feel that with some practice JJ can develop Apesque hate articulation to the point where one can visualize the anger induced spittle on this very screen. Good luck with ulcer.


I too was looking forward to some good spittle. I’ll have to wait until next time…


Ulcers and parenting go hand in hand. Now that my daughters are grown it’s been dialed down to acid reflux.

No joke, ulcers are painful as a motherfucker.

I also had no grey in my hair until my youngest was born.

King Hippo

I’m awaiting first heart attack and/or stroke. If the latter, hopefully fatal.

King Hippo

Let this get you started:


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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh



Married with Children remains one of the greatest TV shows ever.


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Yeah, a Ravens fan who doesn’t have purple camo shorts. You must be friends with that not-racist Patriots fan and the Raiders fan without a felony record.


As far as I know, RTD doesn’t have a felony record and The Maestro, I think, is not racist.

DFO may be the home of the unicorns!


You know RTD is in the midst of some white-collar Enroneque shit and The Maestro isn’t a true Pats fan because he accepts dahkies off the field.

Doktor Zymm

As far as I know, WhyEaglesWhy has never thrown batteries or intentionally vomited on anyone!


I’m friends with a Texans fan.


Rikki, in order for this game to work, it has to be realistic. Come on!


And I’m sure that Texans fan has a cousin who is big on the Titans but doesn’t live in Nashville or Eugene.


I’m a Bears fan who doesn’t constantly call for Jay Cutler to stop being a pussy and be replaced by his backup.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Next thing someone will tell me is that there is a Ravens fan out there who gives Joe Flacco credit for playing well in the playoffs? GTFO!


I live in a hotel that were turnt into apartments as a profit measure.


That sounds like a 70s-80s sitcom premise.


Maybe it’s actually a show about ghosts, who are adjusting to their new life now that they don’t have someone new to haunt every week.


I had to go to my niece’s softball game last week (she’s 11) and there was a dipshit parent arguing balls and strikes with the umpire. I was SMDH so hard I almost got whiplash. Anything you can do on those idiots will be greatly appreciated.

Doktor Zymm

He said shorts. He said nothing about pants.

Then again, we do have a strict no-pants DFO policy…

Doktor Zymm

So they defend your money by making it smell so bad no one will steal it? That’s certainly a unique angle.


What’s anyone in Baltimore need a bank for? I mean, besides robbing it.
