Aye Mon (and Monettes)! Welcome to dee ‘No Problem, Mon!’ Copa America Jamaica preview. As someone who does not follow Jamaican soccer but spent a week at one of their all-inclusive resorts a couple years back (and visited the Appleton Estate distillery), I feel quite confident in my abilities to forecast the The Reggae Boyz 2016 Group C performance.
First off, a little about our island neighbors. From what our driver told us, Jamaica had been a British colony (or whatever metric equivalent they use) until the 1960’s when they received independence. And by independence, I mean complete dependence on The Crown as their legislative and judicial governing bodies escalate to The Queen for final decisions. I don’t really relate but I guess it makes sense that, you know, if you’re England and you’ve been ‘taking care’ of this third-world country for centuries, it’s more advantageous to keep them under your thumb under the guise of privatization and crony-capitalism than to just cut them loose and let the Ruskies or the ISIS step in and take control in that vacuum.
Famous Jamaicans you all might be familiar with include the bobsled team John Candy coached in Cool Runnings and the current world’s fastest man, Usain Bolt, a physically gifted, young, black, athlete who loves to smile and celebrate.

Amazingly, there are not regular letters to the editor in The Kingston Chronicle from citizens complaining about Bolt’s celebrations and antics. I know…I know…but, remember, it’s a third world country. Their national priorities don’t include acting like they’ve been there before.
For our more [DFOnline] readers, you more likely know of Jamaica as the home nation of Street Fighter’s (the video game and the movie) Dee Jay. For the rest of us, Jamaica is home the Sandals Resort.
Now, as Balls (actually a Mexican name – who knew?) mentioned in his Mexico preview, separating the CONCACAF/CONMEBOL wheat from the chaff, in Group C, looks pretty clean on paper. The current FIFA/Coca-Cola rankings of the teams are: 9 (Uruguay),16 (Mexico), 55 (Jamaica), 74 (Venezuela — assuming they have enough money to fund their national team through mid-June). So, yeah, looks pretty unlikely that Jamaica is going to advance out of the group. But if you’re interested in checking them out, they will be playing at the Rose Bowl, Soldier Field, and Levi’s Stadium next month.
As many of you are aware, I’m no media sympathizer. This #contentforthesakeofcontent bullshit is old and, to walk the talk, I’m not even going to waste my time talking about post-group possibilities for Jamaica. They aren’t going anywhere and, frankly, I don’t feel bad for them one bit. Jamaica is a fine place to visit (maybe second or third amongst Group C nations) but, while technically the third most populous Anglophone country in the Americas (after the United States and Canada), I’d just like to give the warning that their language sounds more like a buttered up form of Cajun. But the food is great, the Caribbean is beautiful, and, while illegal, you can get like a shopping bag of weed there for like $20 (which, I’m sure, is the tourist price so if you’ve got some haggling skills…).
In fact, I’m just going to leave this preview by saying, if you can tailgate any of Jamaica’s Copa America games and find some expats cooking, it’ll be worth the outrageous parking fee. Or, if you’re watching at home, just celebrate with yeah right’s jerk chicken — except don’t drink Red Stripe. That shit is for tourists. The locals drink overproof rum. Don’t be a tourist.

Remember when Frasier’s John Mahoney sang the “C-H-E-R-S” jingle for the bar?
Well, replace a few words: “Rum and ganja, that’s our game”
“Vancouverites may be relieved to know the thieving bird dropped his knife — because he has a history of violence.”
This post was excellent, and hardly even talked about soccer!
Fun Fact: Jamaica has a pretty big Chinese minority, and they have Jamaican accents. It’s surreal.
On either No Reservations or Booze Traveler, they went with locals that were drinking a different beer, I believe it had a green label. Somebody also said that the Red Stripe exported is different from in country; not sure if that is true or stoned talk. P.S.; thank you Colorado.
This was very good, but I’m disappointed that it didn’t include Mike Zimmer or Beansie.
God, I love this man. If the Vikes win a SB or two I think Zimmer will be hailed as an all-time great down the line. He has a work ethic not unlike Belichick… except without the cheating and the MILFs.

I’m hoping we get more Zimmer pieces in the future.
I don’t know if the story has gone beyond local media, but after a respectable 11-5 season Zimmer has spent the entire offseason telling everyone how he didn’t think the Vikings were a very good team and they need to keep improving. It’s things like that that make me pray he never leaves.
You will.
I’m waiting until training camp but he will be back.
With a vengeance.
Pete Carroll’s evolution into Statler is coming along nicely.
We went to Jamaica when I was maybe ten years old or so – stayed at this place. My dad was pretty good friends with the staff by the time we left (to the point where we got a random collect call from some of them a couple months later). I suspect he smoked a LOT of pot during that vacation.
Dad decided to take the family on a cruise for his 60th birthday. First stop: Jamaica. Me & my younger brother stagger off the ship noonish, having gotten plowed the night before. Very first guy we walk past on the gangplank nods. I nod. Game on. Tiny fishing boat pulls up to the dock. We climb aboard. Fucking thing has a motor that looks like it got ripped out of a dishwasher. So we putt-putt our way out of this bay filled with enormous cruise ships, and dude asks what we need. Weed? Yes. Coke? No thanks. So we pull up to a…commune? Lots of men, women & babies laying in hammocks, running around etc. We drew zero interest. Guy jumps out. Guy runs back. Hands me @ 1/2 oz. of otherworldly looking buds. He also has one of those big conical joints that I don’t know how to roll. Putt-putt. Puff-puff. I am no longer hungover. Down the coast a bit to an amazing, empty beach where there’s ANOTHER guy, and he shows us to this waterfall where you can hold these tree roots and let the water wash over you. And he’s got a merch stand! Why yes, I WOULD like to buy a totally unnecessary dread bag! Back in the boat. What do I owe you? $150 soup-to-nuts. Done. This was before the Underwear Bomber, so I was able to smuggle the stuff home under my balls. Got a whole Super Bowl party high with it. The one the Eagles lost because McNabb was too fat.
Protip: get a good driver if you visit JA (this pretty much applies to all third world vacations). I will unabashedly promote the guy we used and, in fact, I’m a little embarrassed that I went with the, ‘I am not doing fuckall while I am here just relaxing’ mindset because I probably could have learned a lot more from going around with the guy. But whatever, next time.
Anyways, point is, he was this Rastafarian guy who, no shit, rolled a joint while we were cruising in a boat. Like, it’s windy as shit and he’s just working this thing like he’s sitting at his kitchen table. It was the most impressive part of the entire trip.
Also, is McNabb one of the most under-appreciated players ever?
Dude had a great career and had far more success than Ricky Williams.
Plus great on field puking footage.
Best qb we have had since Randall. I pray that the Jesus loving Dakotan can eclipse both of them. Howevah I see another Koy Detmer coming.
The killer is the bus ride from Montego Bay airport to the resorts. It was about 2 1/2 hours through some equal parts historic and depressing third world shit. I’m on the bus for 30 seconds and the baggage handler asked if I needed anything. I read that the closer to the airport the more likely you can get caught in a sting operation. I waited until we got to the resort in Runaway Bay and you could buy everywhere.
Serious smoke too.
I love that fucking place.
The guy I used to buy weed from in college spent some time living in one of those commune type places when he was dodging a warrant.
I don’t know what it was, but it looked blissful. According to their price schedule, I probably got twenty cents worth of weed for $150. But according to my U.S. price schedule, I got @ $200 worth of truly remarkable pot for $150. Everyone goes home in a limo!
/hopes they weren’t a ruthless cartel
ACTUAL cool stories, bros.
Excellent work! I’m looking forward to reading the commentists’ account of good times at some of Jamaica’s “other” resorts…
Oh there were good times alright.
Take a 35 SPF for the main parts of the body but may I recommend a 50 SPF for the “parts” that don’t get too much sun exposure.
Also bring a pair of mirrored prescription sunglasses and some Icy Hot for the strained neck muscles.