Your “WOOO – LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!!11!1!” Thursday Open Thread

NFL Natterings:

  • The Ravens have released Eugene Monroe. The Ravens say it’s for football reasons; Monroe says it’s due to his advocacy for medical cannabis. He’ll probably be a Seahawk by Monday, where he can enjoy all the Mary Jane he wants.
  • CJ Anderson wants to remind people Mark Sanchez has been to two AFC Championship games. And, he’s right.
    • Counterpoint:
  • Muhammad Wilkerson won’t sign with the Jets until they offer him what he feels he’s worth. He wants two years; rumour is the Jets only want one. Ryan Fitzpatrick sits at home staring at his Harvard degree.
  • Von Miller says there’s “no chance” he plays under the franchise tag. John Elway, meanwhile, chokes on his oats.
  • ESPN reports the coroner’s report on Lawrence Phillips’ death has been published. He hanged himself with a bedsheet, but taped a “Do Not Resuscitate” note to his chest prior to going for a swing. Florio reports that his attorney and other journalists had a competing theory about Phillips’ death possibly being a murder, but the coroner doesn’t mention that.

    To ice up?
  • Steve Smith’s major reason for coming back is his quest to get to 1000 receptions. Here’s the sole reason I want to see it happen:
    • “I may catch that [1,000th pass] in my uniform, get in my car and go home,” Smith said with a smile.

  • Darren Sharper’s sentencing has been pushed back until August. Hopefully, the proximity to the Hall of Fame induction ceremony won’t prevent Peter King from providing supporting testimony on Sharper’s behalf. Hall of Fame votes count there too, right?

Finally, in what seems like rookie hazing but is an actual thing that happened, Carson Wentz got trapped in a bathroom in New Jersey.

Your Euro 2016 arrest report:

  • As of this morning, 323 people had been arrested for Euro-related violence in France
  • Russia: 43 fans arrested in Marseille; 20 fans deported
  • England & Wales: 36 arrested; 16 hospitalized.


Today is the last day of work in my alternative program. Out of 50 kids, I got 13 to graduate, and another 20 will return next year. Still, that’s pretty good numbers based on kids who’ve been kicked down two levels just to arrive at my door. So, I’m going to celebrate with a small SFW gif party:


Summer school starts in two weeks.

Mr Shoop


Tonight’s sports:

  • NBA: Game 6 – Warriors @ Cavs – 9:00
  • Copa: USA vs Ecuador – 9:30 – Century Link Field, Seattle

Alternative programming:

  • ABC: Battlebots: The Gears Awaken – 8:00
    • Season 2 preview; 12 bots battle for the last 4 spots
  • FXX: Simpsons – A four-hour block, but here’s my highlights:
    • “Bart the General” – 8:00
    • “Homer’s Enemy” – 9:00

It was announced today that Ashton Kutcher & Mila Kunis are expecting their second baby. Rather than be angry,



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A Canadian man-child of indeterminate age, he stays young by selling alcohol at sporting events and yelling at the patrons he serves. Their rage nourishes his soul, and their tips pay for his numerous trips to various sporting events.
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Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

I joke about me not getting any sleep. I got an hour last night and feel annoyed I have to wait until 8 so I can run out to the store and pick up booze and actual food for later

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Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

It is just a bad time to buy booze in the morning. The fact the 8 am people that sell me whiskey know me by name is a shame on me

It is still 80. I am still on board for suicide

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

it is just awful temp wise. I am just gonna get naked and be done with it for the night. I will be here at 5 am because I have nothing better to do

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

What is the rule for liking actresses while they are underaged? My first crush was Natalie Portman in The Professional. And Maisie Williams is hot as hell now but I am not sure when I can admit that

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

My fan with a temperature gauge has it at 90. I hate heat and am gonna bathe in ice. Or just kill myself

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

My dog just doesn’t understand why he can’t come up and hang out in my room with him. He hangs out while a smoke a cig with him then doesn’t get why he can’t hang out in my room after

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

My google search ended up with Greek and Italian women. I didn’t start there but fuck it

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

My neighbors painted their house a terrible, skittles version of purple in a neighborhood of white/tan/grey. Every day I grow to like it more

Beastmode Ate My Baby

Your neighbors rule.

Beastmode Ate My Baby

Currently watching “Airport 1975” since I got my wife the blu-ray set. Airplane ripped off this movie SO MUCH. They even have a frickin’ singing nun!

It’s…it’s beautiful, man.

Beastmode Ate My Baby

George Kennedy to Charlton Heston: “Oh, you’re too damn big.”


Beastmode Ate My Baby

…aaaand Linda (Roller Boogie) Blair is the sick kid, and Helen (I Am Woman) Reddy is the nun.


Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

My dad kicked the shit out of me for 18 years while I protected the rest of my family by being the one who got the shit kicked out of him. He let me move back in when I didn’t have a place at 27 so all is mostly forgiven. It sounds terrible but I am mostly over it. I do hate his new required drug is steroids

Beastmode Ate My Baby

My father was on cortizone for fucking ever, so I know where you’re coming from.


Does tumblr work on here?

/would do everything to this woman


Hey Marc T’ WV:

How’s your old man doing now?

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

Oh, he’s alive. We hate each other so I never found out where he went, but he is back

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

I am talking to myself since I know everyone else peaced out for the night. I am continuing to watch GoT cast clips. I love Jason Mamoa and wish he wasn’t in Aquaman because there is no way that will end up good


It’s pretty sad to see where the DC cineverse is going. I still think they could turn it around if they wanted. Sadly, they won’t and will likely double down on the grit.

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

I need to stop napping at like 6-7 pm for 2-3 hours and having that be the majority of my sleep for the day. I am probably the most wide awake right now and everyone else is passed out like they should be


That’s brutal. Do you camp? I hear 5 days of camping can reset your sleep patterns and get them back on track.

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Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

I got sick last week, which fucked up my schedule and our air conditioner is on a timer so it is only on during the day. It is ball sweat level hot all night so I can’t sleep even if I try. I have two fans directly aimed at me and I go boxers no sheets, still too hot


I feel your pain. The sun is directly in my apartment’s window from 7-8:30pm. We are starting to look for an AC now because it’s unbearable. I bought some bean bags to put in the freezer and use them at night, which help.


Wakezilla, I had a similar problem on our 3rd floor with a window facing south. I went to Home Depot and bought a tinted window film which cut down on the light coming in, can still see outside, but it was easy to install and would be easy to remove (since you are in an apartment). Made a hell of a difference with the temp in the room.

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

It was much easier finding sexy gifs of Lena Headey when she was on TSCC this one is less sexy, more Ron Swanson. I like this one though, but again it is imgur. So sorry in advance for it working/not working randomly
h ttp://

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

With every other show off the air I have been watching too much GoT side material which is why you are getting too many pics of cast members when I take a few seconds to find a pic. Enjoy Lean Headey

God fucking damnit. Give me an edit button


Just like the mother ship, we are still #UpForWhateverExceptEditButtons


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Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

I normally am not scared of pretty much anything except spiders and gators. I have an asshole spider living in my smoking doorway right now. I mentioned him attacking me last night. It is tiny as fuck but I can’t bring myself to kill it. My hero Archer has made me less embarrassed about my gator fear.


Within a couple weeks of moving to Florida, I realized I had a big ass black widow living on my front porch/doorway. I was not pleased.

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

I think part of the reason I like living in Wisconsin is there is less of a chance for things like that to happen


Yeah, hadn’t seen too many of those around Hammond either. My dad took a motorcycle trip through the Keys and got some weird infection from a spider bite that almost killed him. It didn’t affect him until he’d gone back up north and they couldn’t figure out what it was. Also worked with a guy who lost his ride to UF because he got a recluse bite and ended up losing a chunk of his leg. I don’t mind the gators and snakes, but I don’t like shit that you can’t see that can do that to you.


Outside of claustrophobia and dying, I’m OK. There’s a reason for why both are an issue for me, but, I won’t bore you with details and open a traumatic experience.


Tonight I learned about those US Rebels soccer fans. So much for cheering Los Gringos anymore in competition.

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Those might be the greatest jeans I’ve ever seen.


Good night

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Suggestion; don’t ever watch Irreversible.