Sunday Open Thread

Today’s sporting action consists of Wimbledon, France-Iceland in Euro 2016, and baseball.

Iceland is the Cinderella team this tournament having advance to the knockout rounds and beat England. England Englanded very hard once again in a major tournament.  Winner plays tournament favorite Germany.




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This song as been stuck in my head for days.

Anthrax-Staring down the barrel of a loaded gun

Brick Meathook

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Needz Moar BeeHive!

Brick Meathook

This guy became a producer on most of Hitchcock’s films after this.


Do you think the actor who played Victor Maitland in Beverly Hills Cop was on the short list for casting Hannibal Lector?


Do you think Phil Hartman could’ve played Walter White?

Brick Meathook

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Brick Meathook

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When I think of Bee Hive Hair Do’s?

Brick Meathook

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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

The fuck?

Brick Meathook


Brick Meathook

This needs to be deleted.

Horatio Cornblower

Not cool.


I found something better than a Roomba.

Brick Meathook

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Covalent Blonde

Yeah Right got me thinking about the hypothetical scenario of my family on the Family Feud. I am an only child of children and they were divorced by the time I was born, though thankfully my folks get on well enough and thankfully they are pretty bright, albeit even more socially retarded than I am. I can just picture the three of us: my father asking for clarification about every single question being asked of him like a semantics tyrant, my mother too afraid to say the wrong thing out loud so she would nod vehemently with anything my father would say, and there I would be… blurting out “New England” for a “Cold US State”

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

That just made me think of Family Feud featuring Bruce Wayne and his fami………


It’s tougher than it looks.
I came out second to do the Fast Money Round and when Ray tells you “BEEP already taken” your brain just scrambles.
My favorite recovery was with the question “Name a state where there are real cowboys!” Obviously brother #1 answers Texas but I drop “Wyoming” like its hot just a half beat later.

Ever been through Wyoming?

I have.
Yep we won fast money 3 times!
10K each time.


U of Wyoming Cowboys FTW


I’ve shared this fact before but myself, my 3 older brothers and my father were 5 time undefeated champs on the motherfucking Family Feud.
Total winnings of $32,996 split 5 ways.

This is despite the fact that one of my brothers responded to the question of “Something you learn how to do from a How To book?”
with the response of “Read!”
and despite the fact that another brother chose “New England” as a “Cold US State.”

You can’t choose your family!

Covalent Blonde

Knowing you and two of your brothers I can only imagine that not one single person on that set knew what to do about you boys.


They had every right to be scared.

So much fucking fun.

I rode in an elevator with George Burns right around his 100th birthday!

I was so very high.

Covalent Blonde

You know, at around 100, there was a fair chance Burns was, too.


Triple time stamp jinx!

Covalent Blonde

Nice catch! And it wasn’t even a football game!


I was sitting here debating over should I go to bed early and get some rest or maybe just go crazy and burn this motherfucker down.

I choose the latter!!!
What the fuck’s happening motherfuckers?

Brick Meathook

Well, if you’re in the United States, tomorrow is a holiday. If you’re Canadian, no such luck.

SECRET BRICK MEATHOOK FACT: I am both an American and Canadian citizen. With passports! WOOHOO

Covalent Blonde

Well, if I didn’t have a real job I would actually get to watch the game, but I finally came up with something positive for the Euros now without Poland and Iceland and am trying to take comfort in yelling at Ronaldo and hoping that Wales gets their chance to send them packing (not too hopeful)


Wales have a really, really good chance at beating Portugal.


I’m watching Defending Your Life and it’s always hung with me because I know I’ve lived my entire life in fear even though I’ve never gotten this movie out of my head since the first time I saw it two decades ago. It’s funny or sad or both I keep thinking of how I’ve seemed to have missed out on something big and fundamental in my life and I have no idea how to fix it.

Covalent Blonde

Thank christ you are not a movie critic. I will be honest and tell you that I haven’t seen it myself and I am not even sure that I have ever heard of it, but the one thing I am certain of is that if it has left such a deep impact on you for this long the very last thing I would ever want to do is see this thing.


The thesis is pretty simple: You can’t live your life controlled by fear.

I’ve completely abdicated the social and biological imperative to socialize, especially as it pertains to women, and as I get older the worse it is for me to have to address the fact that I don’t know shit about shit.

Brick Meathook

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Brick Meathook

Is that Batman vs The Skipper with Newkirk in between? Now I’ve seen everything!
Have you ever seen a man eat his own head?
Well then, I guess you HAVEN’T seen everything.


That’s Richard Dawson. The only real host of the Feud.

Brick Meathook

That’s Corporal Newkirk!!


I never watched Hogan’s Heroes

Brick Meathook

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Brick Meathook

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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

That is a great shot; I hadn’t seen it before. Thanks.

If you look close you can see the captain leaving the scene.

Brick Meathook

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Stars of The King Biscuit Flower Hour


I got New Belgium Trippel. I finally understand that my fatness and diet are what have been making it harder to get drunk because I’m not done with this first one and buzzzzzz.


Watching Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Holds up.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Yes it does. Classic.


Reading “The Legend of Tarzan” of Wikipedia.


For those who saw it, its basically “The Dark Knight Rises” meets “Tarzan”?


I just cooked 30 hamburgers in the pouring rain because I love my family and I love my country.

Horatio Cornblower

You sir, are a goddamn (wet) PATRIOT!!!!

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Hamburgers; the ultimate sacrifice.


Redshirt, Real American Hero

Horatio Cornblower

Just got driven home after several beers, turned on the TV and the MLB Network is showing Lou Gehrig’s final speech from “Pride of the Yankees”

BRB after I hang myself.

Lou Gehrig was the BEST.


“Yes, was .”
-Wally Pipp


Huh. Angle brackets don’t show up in comments? Is that because html markup is allowed ?
Didn’t think so.


Huh. Guess it does work. Also it appears I don’t know how to close html markup.


Can restraining orders be issued solely on the basis of youtube histories?
Asking for a friend.


If Amanda Seyfried’s peeps haven’t tracked me down by now, I think it’s safe.

Horatio Cornblower

Amanda can see you coming from 270+ degrees at a time. She’s like a fucking owl.


Good binocular vision is a sign of strong birthin’ genes.

King Hippo

And that, dear Commentists, is the story of the night tWBS hunted down Horatio and skinned him alive.

Horatio Cornblower

I’ve been dri8nking. Aiun’t no one skinnin’ me alive.

(and that’s what happens when I don’t fix typos)
/pours another


If that’s the case, at least three Elphabas, the cast of My Little Pony and all Star Trek series would’ve acted by now.

(turns in 5 man cards)


It might be time to consider putting Whiskers down. Just saying.


We need to recruit a new user named “Fat Charlie the Archangel” so he can post about how he has no opinion about things.


So it’s the thirty year anniversary of the release of Big Trouble in Little China, and my wife has never seen it. That will be remedied tonight.


Big Trouble in Little China, that’s what John Lennon called sex with his second wife.

Horatio Cornblower

If this isn’t the next banner quote I quit*

*will not really quit

King Hippo

apparently, Horatio is 2 Legit


Let’s go to the airshow, you said.
It’ll be fun, you said.
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Have you ever been the son and heir of a shyness that is criminally vulgar? Me too.

King Hippo

FOAR a man that writes great lines, that is one of his very best.

/am also the son and heir….of nothing in particular