CramBeet?: St. Swithin’s Day Massacre Edition

/Vault door shudders and creaks, whines and slowly withdraws, rolling to one side

//A dirty, disheveled man in a torn jumpsuit peers out from the door frame, squinting against even the faint sunlight. His beard appears to be thick and bushy enough to hide Dan Snyder, but something still hints at the rugged good looks and chiselled features of a Hollywood heartthrob underneath.

Is…is it over? So. Much. Blood. Jeebus, Allah and Vishnu, the horror…limbs all over the place, like an all-amputee orgy…

How can it not be over, when there’s no one left to injure or be injured? For God’s sake, Rambo didn’t have a body count as high as this preseason. I tried to write this week’s column as a M*A*S*H parody, but good God, it turned from a Early Season Funny Episode to a Late Season Episode Written By Alan Alda really quick. Schadenfreude only goes so far before it turns into a macabre fascination and then genuine pity.

BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GO....oh my, did you see what happened to that poor man's knee? I think I'm going to be sick in my helmet
BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GO….oh my god, did you see what happened to that poor man’s knee? I think I’m going to be sick in my helmet

Unless it’s the Patriots. I could survive for a goddamned year on nothing but sweet, sweet Masshole tears.

But seriously- the Tony Romo injury was funny initially because it was soooooo predictable, but it happened at an unpredictable time. For both of the F1 fans in the audience, it’s like having Pastor Maldonado crash out of a race, but doing so driving the car out of pit lane for warmups. Also, it was a lovely fulfillment of the “unless Romo gets injured again” caveat that essentially every Cowboys Season Preview included. If Dez or Elliot gets broke, I may have to dust off an old favorite of mine.


But then we got Tedrick Bridgewater damn near losing his leg dropping back to pass in a non-contact drill in the last practice of the preseason. By all accounts, he’s a really nice kid and I was looking forward to him being able to air it out a little more now that they’re playing home games inside the world’s shiniest sandcrawler.

“Packers fans always travel single-file.” “To hide their numbers?” “No, because that’s the only way they can fit through the entrance.”

To whichever god was trying to do some righteous smiting: Adrian Peterson was right. fucking. there. Did you miss? Overthrow your intended target? Just our luck, we’ve finally got an old-school interventionist deity and he’s got the accuracy of Tim Tebow on an ether binge.

As far as I can make out, nearly every team has put someone on Injured Reserve already, and most of them were either a projected or possible starter. Except for the Greatriots, as the Dark Lord’s contract with the Ichor God Bel-Shamharoth appears to have been renewed. The closest they got was putting their third-string running back on the PUP list, and Tom Terrific getting an ouchie because he tried to use something as plebian as scissors.

Foxboro delenda est and all that.

The rest of my usual CrimeBeat!-type shit is actually fairly positive, so there are no ACCUSED to BRING FORTH this week.

Joey Bosa and the Chargers somehow both managed to lose their pointless staring contest, the result being that the Chargers allegedly ‘fully guaranteed’ the contract and got a rusty defender who’s never seen an NFL offense and last saw any sort of field in anything other than spandex was before the term “Zika” had entered common parlance and everyone assumed there was no way Donald Trump would actually be the Republican candidate for president. Bosa, on the other hand, allegedly gave on “cash flow issues” in years 2-4 of the contract, and agreed to cut the Rosato brothers in on the numbers racket in La Jolla.

In final positive news, former referee and inexplicably-nutless blind squirrel Mike Carey was allegedly shit-canned by SheeeeBeeeeEsh for…well…presumably for being wrong all the damn time, although that hasn’t gotten Pheeeel Seeeems fired, so maybe it was just racial. Both CBS and Carey’s agent have denied that the firing was in any way linked to Carey’s widely-rumored addiction to Brain and Nerve Tonic.

I'm not sayin', I'm just sayin'....
I’m not sayin’, I’m just sayin’….

Either way, we’re losing a great NotKharacter  at least in the short term, so please pour one out in tribute. Don’t worry- it’ll be ruled a completed catch.

Touchdown Seahawks, homie
Touchdown Seahawks, homie



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The Right Reverend Electric Mayhem
Feared conqueror; scholar; poet; revered holy man; professional raconteur; soldier of fortune; aloof yet thorough lover; bandit; blazing gypsy speedboat. I have been called some of these things.
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Sill Bimmons
Low Commander of the Super Soldiers

I don’t see what Jim Irsay’s harem has to do with any of this.



“Packers fans always travel single-file.” “To hide their numbers?” “No, because that’s the only way they can fit through the entrance.”

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I forgot about Mike Carrey and the Giants Bye Week post. My goodness the CBS lineup is painful.

They need to go get Goose and partner him with Dan and Ian. As for a rules expert, why not just cross promote with CBS’s hottest new drama, Bull, where Dr. Jason Bull (Michael Weatherly) —the brilliant, brash and charming founder of a hugely successful trial consulting firm — can breakdown the game’s rules and plays with a Dr Phil-like straight-to-the-point TAEKS.


Is “Bull” just basically “The Mentalist: Lawyer-Flavored Version”?


I actually had to google CBS’s hit new fall drama line up THEN wiki search what Bull was about.

According to wikipedia, it’s based on a young Dr Phil (I guess he was a lawyer?).

Buddy Cole's Halftime Show

Summerall’s hologram is better than 90% of people going today.