Your Sunday Night NFL Football Open Thread

[is floating on a metaphorical cloud because the Giants didn’t blow a close one]

Hey! What? How are you doing? [shakes cobwebs from head] TO THE GAME!

Phi/Chi-What is there to like about these two teams? The Eagles are in a weird spot because of Kelly’s shenanigans and the Bears are a teenage girl’s embodiment of the phrase “What. Ever!” Okay. I’ll give it a try. Eagles wr Matthews benefited the most from qb Wentz’ not-lousy debut. He went for 7/114/1. He could do more damage against Bears cb’s that have recently been rated as “meh”. Last week qb Cutler was all kinds of meh as well, sporting a 16-29/216/1TD/1INT line. Perhaps if we all get/continue to be high this game turns out to be watchable.* Despite being at home I’m thinking that the Bears end up at 0-2. Not that I’m cheering for the Eagles. No way.


*does anyone have some spare glue I could borrow?

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Shogun Marcus

Information Society nbc? Well done on the local music…from 25 years ago.

Doktor Zymm

Minnesota? Probably not gritty cause they play in a new stadium?

Lothar of the Hill People

I wonder how much of my mortgage interest went into US Bank’s naming fee for this abomination in Minneapolis

Doktor Zymm

I’m totally cool with Guaranteed Rate Stadium

King Hippo

for those of us fading the Rodgers/Jordy combo in fantasy, let me yell out a hearty FUCK YOU!!!!! to Eddie Lacy and the universe in general.


Where would Rodgahs be without Jordy Nelson?


The Bachelorette?


Blue Oyster?


God Damn it lacey


Great extension there, Eddie!


Flags for the flag gods!

are as their known in the old tongue “The Packers”

King Hippo

come on, RUSHING TD!!!

Doktor Zymm

Hi! I’m a flag! Wouldn’t I look nice in the Green Bay End Zone? Mmmm, yeah.

Lothar of the Hill People


Doktor Zymm

Bulls are male cows. They have sex with female cows, know as sows, to make baby cows. Generally, when they mate there is no feces involved, but if there were, it would be called BULL FUCKING SHIT and it would be about that PI penalty.

Lothar of the Hill People

Any bull having sex with a sow ain’t gonna make a baby cow, Dok.

Doktor Zymm

Shush, this is all part of my campaign against the Cowboys.

Lothar of the Hill People

Oh, a cowboy will have sex with a female cow or a sow or anything you point him at, sure.

Shogun Marcus

Is ok, we just missed the left you took in Albuquerque.


Oh…it’s YOU again.

Sill Bimmons

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Lothar of the Hill People

Hey, Newman: you’re supposed to tackle the guy AFTER the ball gets there.


Does Davante Adams even have hands? The only explanation for how someone could drop so many passes is that they’re just bouncing off nubs.


Jason Pierre-Paul would like a word….




Poor Aaron Rodgers, first year he hasn’t had 2 pro bowl receivers. Poor guy

Special Teams being “Special”.


Bradford looks like someone cloned a Jonas Brother but either pulled him out early, or left him in the cloning vat too long.

Lothar of the Hill People

Jebus, Minny looks like a shitshow already.


What currency are they using on this menu? Republic Credits?


I’m curious as to what form of currency this applies to.


Damn laggy hotel internets…

Sill Bimmons

South African Rand.

It’s where Nando’s began.


Go for it, you pussies


I like this result much more actually.


Which is why they may as well have gone for it.


I’ve got a nostalgic craving for a good cheeseburger sub. I don’t think I’ve seen one since I left the east coast. I’d make my own, but good rolls don’t come this far north. WTB a bag of Amoroso’s.

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I know it’s an easy comparison to make, but do you think Zygi Wilf could make at least some effort to make himself look a little less like Wario?

Lothar of the Hill People

Tomorrow will be fun. While overseas, I didn’t have time to update the two assignments I normally use for the one class I teach, so instead I made up something entirely new, and tomorrow ill be the day I have the students start giving presentations. Basically, I give them the topic that I normally lecture on, and each student does a 5 minute song-and-dance on it.

If it works, I’m basically having the students do 1/4 of my job this semester. If it doesn’t work, I’ll need to keep away from sharp objects for the duration of the presentations.


The asymmetry of that stadium unsettles me.


Does Peyton really call Eli “E-Man”? Or does he use some other family nickname, like “Dumbass,” or “Guy I Can’t Believe Has Two Rings”?

King Hippo

can’t imagine anything other than some varietal of “dipshit”


Bedwetter, definitely.


Hey you guys? I’m stuck in the Florida panhandle for the next two weeks. Please pray to the baby Jeebus for the safety and sanity of my mortal soul.

Doktor Zymm

If you go to Gainsville, I can recommend a good band. If they ain’t playing, maybe a bar.

Doktor Zymm

Uno mas gin? Uno mas gin.



King Hippo

porque no dos? TRES?? Gin te amo.


Gin…aka a martini without all the nonsense.


I don’t wanna live in a world where obtaining Sam Bradford means you’re
“Serious about winning”.


And you don’t.


ppl forget Bradford was the fallback Heisman candidate who prevented Tebow from winning two in a row when he probably should have, if you go by “best qb or rb on the highest ranked team” criteria.

Doktor Zymm

Is Eddy Lacy still fat? Like that chick y’all like?

King Hippo

oooooh, BURN!!!!!!


Can anybody explain to me the difference between Sam Bradford and someone like Mark Sanchez in terms of ability and how they’re perceived? Sanchez signed a 1 year deal for two million (which seems about right), and Bradford is somehow worth a first round pick in trade. What, if anything, has Bradford shown throughout his career to prove he might be worth even a third rounder, much less a first?

Lothar of the Hill People

Zero buttfumbles.


Age of consent

Doktor Zymm

This is what is called, poor decision making ability.


No idea. Maybe there is some coordinator incest involved, and Bradford knows the offense better?


Well the Eagles gave him that nice contract. That was enough to convince Minnesota that they would also like to burn their money.


Bradford has actually looked halfway decent at times, injuries are his biggest problems.

Sanchez has a much lower ceiling.


Does he have to challenge? Isn’t it a change of possession x2?


yeah it’s a link to the old site, but this was always one of my favorite photoshops:

comment image?quality=90&w=650


Credit goes to david as always


double fumble.

Doktor Zymm

New sport : Let’s all point in different directions!


I am surprised that Punter is not a draftable position on the Insanity League.

The Maestro

wait hang on i’m confused. is it Phi/Chi or GB/Minny? Because the preview and my tv aren’t lining up at all currently


Shake it.


I love that the fact that a player is named “Ha Ha Clinton Dix” doesn’t even merit comment any more.


Give that man some HGH!

So does Injun Sam survive to week nine?

King Hippo


Remember it was the Vikings who lost Teddy Bridgewater at the Battle of Wounded Knee

King Hippo

Sam Bradford, still Sam Bradford

Lothar of the Hill People

So, I’m thinking Alanis Morisette should add a verse to her hit song, given that the Vikings replaced their “meh” QB who wrecked his knee with another “meh” QB with shitty knees.

Doktor Zymm

Clay Matthews, kinda like me when I tripped on a cat!

King Hippo

you grabbed your dick on teevee??


All of green bay’s starting LB’s are white.

this is not a surprise


Rather dead, than Sooner Red.


They rejected Bradford’s original attempt at naming himself.