25 Questions About….

the AFL Women’s Award ceremony.  It happened last night (today? in a time portal?), well Australian Tuesday night, whatever that was for us and instead of a red carpet, there was a coral carpet.  That brings up some… questions.

1- Why Coral?

2- Is that because Australia is home to the Great Barrier Reef and they have to have a connection to it?

3- Have you ever been?

4- Did you know that the reef itself is shrinking?

5- Did you also know that one of my favorite jokes from Pacific Heat is this: Maddie:”Did you know that, due to anti-environmental practices, there is an island of trash 30 miles wide in the Pacific? Todd: Yeah, it’s called Tonga!”?

6- Am I crazy for not digging Tayla Harris quite as much as before because of her weird tattoo?

7- Seriously, what the hell is that?

8- Do you think Kaitlyn Ashmore is a good or bad influence on her?

9- They have fluffy pillow fights in the locker room, don’t they?

10- Isn’t it great that men were the arm candy this time around?

11- Would you be happy to be the husband/boyfriend/sex toy of one of these ladies and be invited to fancy events and only have to look pretty?

12-  Should I stop asking stupid rhetorical questions?

13- Should I also mention that it goes both ways?

14- And that, looking at the pictures, it now appears that there were more women as arm candy than men?

15- Did you know that Erin Phillips won the Best and Fairest, the equivalent of MVP?

16- Did you also know that Erin Phillips is married?

17- And that somebody was getting some Deep Lickin’ after the Awards ceremony?

18- Did you also know some girls brought their parents?

19- That dude knows how to party, amirite?

20- Do you think the girls that brought their parents or went alone did so because their boyfriends/girlfriend/people they’re boning aren’t serious enough about the relationship?

21- If you were invited to an awards show, who would you take?

22- It’s kinda weird when the person you’d take is…. attached, isn’t it?

23- Can we all agree that Katie Brennan is flat out gorgeous?

24- WTF with them feet, though?

25- Have I outed myself as a Rex Ryan brother-in-arms?

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Balls somehow lost his bio and didn't realize it. He's now scrambling to write something clever and failing. He likes butts, boobs, most things that start with the letter B, and writing in the Second Person. Geelong, Toluca, Barcelona, and Steelers, in that order.
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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Your ideas are intriguing to me, however I already subscribe to your newsletter.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

OK, it may be ambiguous, I may not have communicated well….. I just want to make absolutely certain that it is clear that I like this post.


Shogun Marcus

Wait…I’m unclear on your stance. Is it wide and inviting or closed to further inquiry?

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Welp, the to do list has “pre-lunch whacking off session” crossed off now.


6. Yes, you are


That looks suspiciously like a breast cancer awareness tattoo.
I approve.


#1. Why Coral?

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That one girl’s dad is my spirit animal. Or dealer, whatever.

Low Commander of the Super Soldiers

Tommy Wiseau has not aged well.


26. Did you know that Erin Phillips’s marriage is not recognized in Australia and had to be done in the U.S. because the Aussies have more in common with Mike Pence than we thought/hoped?

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Yeah, but.
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Then, of course, on the side of that law.


Enrico Pallazzo

(extremely timely Austin Powers voice)


Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Take me now, please. (Also, don’t have to worry about having to whelp a Fozz spawn, as the pipes have been cut.)


You’ve already had your “test” sessions?
You are the DFO idol.

Pro tip. Turn on safe search before looking up masturbation. Especially if you’re at work.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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