Your “Kind Of A ‘Blah’ Day” Tuesday Evening Open Thread

NFL Notes:

  • Adam Jones pleaded guilty to a misdemeanour charge In Cincinnati today, avoiding a felony charge & trial for the obstruction incident he was involved in earlier this year.
    • He apologized to the officer and the court, and was sentenced to time-served (2 days).
    • Even though this was a “chuh” on the “0-CHUH CHUH!” scale, he will still probably earn a conduct review from the League.
  • Tom Brady says Gisele has signed off on his desire to play until age 45.
    • Meanwhile, Jimmy Garappolo gets older doing nothing but collecting rings for his dad’s memorabilia cabinet.
  • So…the Seahawks have interest in Kaep.
    • Given that Trevone Boykin was arrested twice in 11 days back in April, it makes the Hawks need for competent backup a little more transparent.
      • One was while as a passenger in a car that was in an accident; the other was for a probabtion violation arising from the first arrest.
  • Samantha Ponder, future host of ESPN’s “NFL Countdown”, has detailed how harsh Vikings fan were to her & the family while she was pregnant.
    • She basically stayed housebound during her whole pregnancy, to avoid conflict & stressing the baby.
      • Their lives got better, she said, once they left Minnesota.

I saw this over at Cracked today, in an article about sarcasm and/or smart-assed responses.

I felt the article was missing the classic Churchillian response to either Conservative MP Lady Astor or socialist MP Bessie Braddock: “I may be drunk, Miss, but in the morning I will be sober and you will still be ugly.” But I’m also the same guy who made Tom Cable out to be a raving psychopath.

It made me think about JSD & his conflicts with people who don’t get, or don’t want to get, basic instructions. Others have mentioned their issues at work; I myself work with troubled kids who can’t see a correlation between behaviour & outcome. For his conflicts, maybe he & one of DFO’s resident artists could come up with a pamphlet. That way, he can hand it out before beginning, or send it as a pdf when problems inevitably arise. If I recall correctly, there will also need to be a French version for someone who isn’t a customer.

“Sois un homme” just doesn’t sound right.

It’s also got me thinking about an article for the site, a “Don’t Do What Donny Don’t Does – Stadium Entry Edition”, based on the shit I’ve seen trying to enter Century Link Field these last 7 years. But I can’t draw for shit.

Anyway, that’s where my head was today. Feel free to discuss my mental state below, remembering that I will cut you.

Tonight’s sports:

  • NHL:
    • Game 3: Ducks at Predators – 8:00PM | NBCSN / Sportsnet
  • NBA:
    • Game 2: Spurs at Warriors – 9:00PM | ESPN / TSN
  • MLB:
    • Red Sox at Cardinals – 8:00PM | Sportsnet1
  • WWE:
    • SmackDown – 8:00PM | USA / Sportsnet360
      • the “go home” show before the PPV/”Network Event” this Sunday


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A Canadian man-child of indeterminate age, he stays young by selling alcohol at sporting events and yelling at the patrons he serves. Their rage nourishes his soul, and their tips pay for his numerous trips to various sporting events.
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so ya gonna make a 7 card table, or ya just gonna bleed all over my floor from your vagina?


Table is made, but, guess who decided to sleep for 20 minutes, and is now parading around the coffee table? This may be a while.


Yep, so I gathered.


I’m way beyond tired of waiting on you fucks tonight.


Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

My room is 89 degrees even though it is 70 outside. My computer just overheated and crashed and I burned my nose trying to catch a dropped cig a moment ago. How are your nights going?


I’m great. Life is awesome.


Consarnit, I finally get the kid to bed, and no one’s left to play cards.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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I’m ready to play.


U gonna have to make a new 7 card table, though.

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

I would never in 100 years advocate people using a vacuum to clean a computer they own. This thing overheated again doing basic work. I am using a shop vac on it tomorrow to clean out dust.

Brick Meathook

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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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I hate baseball.
fuck you baltimore and detroit both.
Life sucks.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Don T

a. ditto
c. Eh. It ain’t boring.


Well gosh, what am I missing?

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Just copy the address, no need for the imbed.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Don T

Still needs the “Messing With Your Family” foundation.

Brick Meathook

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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Don T

That Ponder article says “they [Samantha and Christian] were pregnant”. It’s shit like this that made Meninist a Thing.


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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Hee hee….nice.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Life sucks. We should all just die now and gets it over….

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Brick Meathook

I built that when I was a kid
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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Not enough pickles or onions, but otherwise not bad.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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He actually owns the NWA right now. Which is odd as hell as no one seems to know why he bought it.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

A lot of things he does/ say don’t make any sense.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Brick Meathook

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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Senor Weaselo

So why have they been playing the first three rounds of the NBA playoffs again?

King Hippo

why is there an NBA at all? I mean, there are already enough pro rasslin’ organizations providing “sports-themed entertainment with pre-determined outcomes.”

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

100% trying to distract tWBS in poker



Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Why is Hillary’s hair red?

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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I’ll look for the front view.

Shirt needs to slip a bit further…..IMO/

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Yay foar Remy.
I mean…I have no idea who this lovely lass is.


I have no idea who she is, but, I’d love to see more of her


Remy LaCroix.
I mean I cannot help you, sir. So do not google that name.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

If you are at work.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Ice Titans just had two goals waved off in seriously 14 game seconds.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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These Predators I call them the F-35 Advanced Joint Fighter project because they’ve had so many goals called off.


I guess maybe it’s called the Joint Strike Fighter? But I don’t want to get in trouble for leaking classified intelligence to all the Canadians perusing.