Your Thursday Night “Coupe De Grass” NFL Football Open Thread

Is there anything better than drinking, joking and laughing with like-minded folks? Perhaps someone will mention the “c” word-you know ‘cintercourse’. But I feel that at the very least it’s better than the opposite-being dehydrated, seriousing and thousand-yard staring with people. American Thanksgiving in The Canada is a fantastic time if you have the wherewithal/foresight to grab that day off. Look at me over here-I’m actually aching for a turkey sammich slathered in mayo and topped with fresh cracked black pepper and best of all… NO FAMILY OBLIGATIONS ATTACHED TO SAID SNACK. I’m living the dream up here, baby. TO THE GAME!

REDACTEDS/GIANTS: How to write a game intro without doing any homework whatsoever. Here goes… That New York team surprised the crapola out of everyone last week by stealing a game from the faltering Chiefs last week in a game sponsored by an heroin overdose. I was on the edge of my ottoman because my self-worth is tied up in the Giants fortunes…still. No, I don’t know why. Apparently the D had a players-only meeting where everyone stepped up and blamed each other for the lousy performance the week previous and that made things all better. The O is still beyond atrocious, I mean somebody by the name of Roger Lewis was the go-to wr! After tossing another four players on the Injured Reserve pile this week the Dacteds now have a total of 15 guys residing there. I kinda feel sorry for Chris Thompson. He’s a guy that really stepped up and made plays when other play-makers got hurt or dropped the ball (stares at Terrelle Pryor) and paid the price for being way over-used and is now done. Hey Samjae Perine, you’re the next guy up!

Let’s do the thing that we do down below.

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The Last Jedi, starring Carrie Fisher and some chick that looks just like her.

Doktor Zymm

I saw her do a one woman show a few years ago.. I enjoyed it. Also, I hope I someday get to the point where I can just talk and have people give me money.


You wanna be a phone sex operator?

Shogun Marcus

Who doesn’t?!

Doktor Zymm

That’s not really still a thing is it?


Kinda, yeah.


So what’s the kinda current rate?




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King Hippo

Captain. Dingleberry. EVERYBODY!!


That’s officially known as an “oopsy”.


Wow. Just….wow.

Doktor Zymm


Doktor Zymm

It would be awesome if he became an awesome defender and obtained a doctorate because the ISLAND OF DR MOREAU

Doktor Zymm

I would like Orleans Darkwa way more if he did a series as Darkwa duck


Too bad Jordan Howard isn’t still playing.

Shogun Marcus

It only works if dangeruss is the qb.

King Hippo

Do you think QBs go down easier for JPP because they’re all like EEWWWWWW, get that nubbin off-a me!!!

Doktor Zymm

I went to a cold Redacteds game last year! Turns out I prefer not freezing my titties off!


Totes serious…
Even a century ago, how did this guy not get killt in grade school?
We’d have kicked the shit out of him when I was a kid.
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King Hippo

This pic is in a book I own, also found it awk-WARD

Doktor Zymm

He was homeless fo a while, and even people who served with him in WW1 thought he was kinda off


They didn’t make him a messenger for nuthin’.

King Hippo

he didn’t really have any army buddies, ’cause he didn’t like booze, cards, or women



The Washington monument has an aluminum foreskin, made back when aluminum was way expensive.

Doktor Zymm

I verify this fun fact


I can’t wait for Brick to steal it.

Brick Meathook

I also stole a construction sign from over the fence at CIA Headquarters in Langley. This too was in the middle of the night, my preferred time for such activities.


Please don’t drink if you ever find yourself visiting certain Asian countries, ok?

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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King Hippo

You know what’s great about Samaje Perine? He’s not Captain Dingleberry. Fatty Gruden now considering this.

Brick Meathook

Catalina Wine Mixer!

(I just felt like saying that)

Doktor Zymm

It’s cool I was gonna look up boat pictures.


I thought it was an obscure Pacific Coast sex act.

King Hippo

Thank You FOAR Your Service!!

/we all felt liek saying that

Doktor Zymm

FUCK FUCK FUCK. The Spray Painted concrete that is FedEx has eaten Moses.

Doktor Zymm

Oh unwelcome penetration, we can’t have Moses injured


– Mrs. Moses, cutting a deal with the Pharaoh.

Doktor Zymm

Well fuck. And not a good, satisfying, consensual fuck.


Well, she did move close to Hollywood.

King Hippo

that was MOAR “disinterested back alley handjob” quality right there

King Hippo

Captain. Dingleberry. EVERYBODY!

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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What is Texasman?

Viva La Tabula Raza

They have armadillos in Florida, too.


That will be the mascot for when the Chargers inevitably move to San Antonio.


I work for a government contractor, so don’t expect me to make efficient use of your tax dollars tomorrow.

King Hippo

eh fuck it, I would have gambled it away anyhoo


You guys pay taxes?
Hmmmmm, I might have to look into that.



Doktor Zymm

You know what I like about you guys? None of you are enough of a psychopath to hold power in any incarnation of Russia. I love that about y’all :DD


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Viva La Tabula Raza

Or of the United States, speaking for myself.


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Doktor Zymm

I like me some Jamison Crowder, glad he got over his fubaroo for the time being.

Viva La Tabula Raza

Looks like the Redacteds have an insurmountable lead.


You were saying?

Viva La Tabula Raza

Whooops! Thinking only of NY offense, didn’t take into consideration the NYG defense/Cousin’s ability to fuck up.

Brick Meathook

Absolutely insurmountable.

Brick Meathook

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Buddy Cole's Halftime Show

The Giants had a worse week than Harvey Weinstein because Ben McAdoo was accused of visual assault by thousands of people watching the Giants on their television.

He also ate a Georgetown co-ed’s ass on the way to the stadium today.


We no can haz moar Uncle Ed?
tWBS haz teh sadz now.

Buddy Cole's Halftime Show

No. He only comes out for holidays.


/counts days until Xmas

Shogun Marcus

Me too. Makes the family get-togethers exciting. Especially my in-laws.


And he has a name like a 1920’s Vaudeville radio show host.

King Hippo

Captain Dingleberry can has ONE fucking TD, at least. Give yourself a hand, Mister $24M

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Doktor Zymm

Good movie. Perpetuated stereotypes though.


First half – excellent.
Second half – meh.
Just like the Cowboy’s 2017 season.


I bet there are Asian hookers involved with that as well.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Well done.


Aaaand…now we’re back to Hitler.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

I know he tried to capture the frustration and confined area city fighting in the Battle of Huế, agreed that he didn’t quite pull it off.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Stereotypes have some basis in reality for certain things.

Viva La Tabula Raza

Wow, that puts me in the Subic Bay time machine.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Doktor Zymm

Vin Diesel is the highest paid guy in Hollywood. He can afford to do a Jumanji remalke.


I prefer the original.

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Shogun Marcus

Fun fact: Malk is a REAL product. They sell it at Fresh Thyme.

Senor Weaselo

And now the Weaselo family is debating which WWII era dictator was the worst!

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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D: All the above.

Senor Weaselo

This is accurate, but being that my grandfather’s family had to escape the Russians he has a special hatred for Stalin and the Soviets.

Doktor Zymm

Can I vote? I vote for Stalin.

King Hippo

Say what you will about Stalin, the man was pot committed to being a fucking dictator.

And if he wasn’t such an evil prick, we probably don’t win WWII. That’s a good post-dinner convo starter.


They did take it on the chin to consume a considerable amount of German manpower during Barbarossa.


Hey, THEY started it!!!!! I was only committing local genocide before that.
– Uncle Joe

King Hippo

YUP. To stop Hitler, the Allies absolutely, positively needed somebody willing and able to suck up a lot of ded fuckers on their own side. You think Murrika would have stood for those kind of personnel losses? HA! England was too fucking small. Only Stalin, until we had the bomb, which we were probably too racialist to use against fellow whiteys (or at least in drifting range of Allies, a fairer argument – I do think it was justified to use against Japan, but it should have been used v. Germany to save Russian lives as well, had it been ready in time).

Doktor Zymm

I still say any Rus leader would have done the same. That’s basically been the Russian strategy for all time. It’s old fashioned, it would have been the same with any leader.


Scorched earth has been their MO for centuries. But that strategy was necessary.

Doktor Zymm

Doesn’t matter who’s in charge of the Rus, they swing the Eastern Front. And anyone else in charge, the heroes don’t get purged in the next 10 years. Also, 9/10 times “pot commited” is just an excuse to keep doing something dumb.

King Hippo

Would anyone else have been willing to absorb the inhuman amount of casualties like Stalin did, though? Another leader could have made life much less comfortable for Churchill and FDR, and who knows where that leads.

Doktor Zymm

I’ll say it again, just in case you didn’t read it below. YUP. This is a normal feature of Russian life. You throw humanity at the enemy until winter fucks em good. Any Tsar would be proud and take the credit. Stalin differentiated himself only in killing his own people in bulk in peacetime. His wartime exploits are mundane in the extreme.

King Hippo

Fair point. I am not a great military historian by any stretch of the imagination.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

No one here is.


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King Hippo

That is best one yet. Is there a Stalin series?


There almost has to be, no?

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Shogun Marcus

Wait…curling returns in February?
/reschedules annual accidental winter death

Senor Weaselo

But there’s Olympic curling!

Shogun Marcus

I noes! That’s why I’m delaying!

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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I was hoping when it came time for Trump to pardon the turkey, he would have instead said “fuck that shit, fry that bitch up!”. He’s said stupider shit.


“Hillary would have been bad, very bad for turkey. That’s why I hired Michael Flynn. Great guy, the best guy for turkeys”.

Doktor Zymm

Naw, he only executed the Turkeys that Obama pardoned

King Hippo

dumber shit in 1 year than the guy who had Alzheimer’s (by family accounts, likely for the last 5 years, at minimum) said in all 8

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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King Hippo

How long would these sides have to play before somebody got to 20?

Shogun Marcus

Does your clock keep geologic time?

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Doktor Zymm

I’m a dirty girl! (Like, I really need a shower)

Buddy Cole's Halftime Show

Just don’t do it with Golden Tate.

Senor Weaselo

You took your handle back, Buddy?

Buddy Cole's Halftime Show

Yeah Uncle Ed saw a black quarterback lose a Thanksgiving game and got so excited he had priapism.


Live look in at my office:

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King Hippo

Jesus, you’re still there? Where do you work, an Indonesian sweatshop?


Television operations center. Here for another 7 and a half hours


While you’re there, could you do us a favor and cut the feed to this game?


If you were in a certain market segment, I could. But then that’s more work for me.


Only a single little tablet on your desk? Must be nice.

King Hippo

What is a JV NFL catch?

oh, Dacteds are back

Brick Meathook

Those views of D.C. remind me:

Many years ago, I stole a flag from the Washington Monument in the middle of the night.
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There had been flags encircling the base of the monument for over a hundred years at that point, tied on with a standard flagpole cleat. A week later, they installed lock boxes on the poles, which are there to this day.

I still have my flag, all these years later. Here’s a photo I took hostage-style to prove it:
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King Hippo

I have never before been prouder of a Commentist Party member, comrade!

Shogun Marcus

Hustle, you haz it!

Doktor Zymm

You are the change we want to see in the world!


I knew I liked you.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Didn’t have to kneel to take it.


After extensive research, I have uncovered the origin of “Dilly Dilly”. It’s apparently an ancient Inuit phrase that loosely translates to “hangover of death”.

Doktor Zymm

Really? I thought it was an underground Victorian prison phrase that translated to “I’m open to rough anal rape”


Note to self: Nevar say “Dilly Dilly” to Dok.

Well, nevar again, at least.

Doktor Zymm

*Looks at bottle of WIld Turkey*
*Looks at self*
*Mixes weak 101 and soda*
Heeeeey guys!

Senor Weaselo

Better 101 and soda than 101 and 151. Yeesh.


Let’s not be too hasty. I’d try a 126.

Doktor Zymm




Doktor Zymm

Yeah, I don’t need any 125.5

Senor Weaselo

My friend bought me a 252 for my birthday last year. It was the second-worst thing I have ever drank. I did not finish it before throwing up at the bar, and could not pick my head up when I was driven home.

The worst thing I have ever drank is french vanilla Soda Shaq.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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King Hippo

Ole Miss guy just scored long TD and crouched and lifted his leg like he was taking a piss in the end zone.

24-6 and Cowbells have no QB, twas a safe penalty to take. They showed the QB whose foot falled off earlier, and he made a sad/mad face about it.

Senor Weaselo

Sad clanga? Sad clanga.

King Hippo

teh saddest

King Hippo

I am liberated to raid the ciders! Kid has ride home from work! Yay fancy Samuel Smith cider and Johnny Reb Landsharks!!

Doktor Zymm

The saddest part is how much Dak, about as decent a guy as you can be while still being a member of the Dallas Cowboys, paid for that horrible plaid getup. Just….wear a solid blazer with a fun bowtie, or pinstripes with a solid bowtie. Or pretty much anything else. Oh honey, you look ridiculous


The Don Cherry collection is out early this year.

Shogun Marcus

The only kollege class he attended was Cam Newtons fashion design. It was in a goodwill sorting room.

King Hippo

Proving that, even though there is a broader range of fashion available to the African-American gentleman, there is still a goddamned limit.


Why do I get the feeling Dungy wants to bite my finger off and steal my wedding band?

Senor Weaselo

I took the bullet to finish this bottle of wine. I’m doing all right.

I need to drink more. Not this second. I mean in life.


I have the exact same problem, only totally the opposite.

Doktor Zymm

Should I refill my bourbon in sympathy? Imma refill my bourbon. In sympathy.


Whiskey shots!!