Leaves Of Grass: The Ballad of Le’Veon Bell – On The Franchise Tag

The possible return of Le’Veon Bell this week or next is a testament to the nature of the modern game, and the lengths to which players have to go to ensure their post-playing days financial & physical viability. Returning during a scheduled bye not only guarantees him no contact for another week, it makes sure he collects a cheque.

However, rather than continue to voice opinions on social media, he has taken the opportunity to put his energies into reworking the inspirational poetry of his hero, Walt Whitman.


Much like Walt Whitman was initially derided by his peers for his collection of poems, Le’Veon Bell has been chastised by fans & management for the stance he has taken. Furthermore, it surely is a better use of his time than sniping at teammates like Maurkice Pouncey, who as we all know comes from the Aaron Hernandez “DIE MOTHERFUCKER DIE!” school of settling interpersonal disagreements.

Will history look as favourably on his decisions as Whitman’s? Only time will tell. But it does make for compelling reading, doesn’t it Hank?

Today, he shows us how he’s dealing with the vagaries of the franchise tag and the salary cap, and the ownership he believes exploits these for their own benefit. Specifically, the notion that the use of the tag was intended to exploit two further years of his employ at a rate he didn’t feel was commensurate to his talents.

Quicksand Years

Quicksand years that bind me to the team with tether,

Their schemes, economics, fail, lines give way, substances mock and elude testing,

Only the claim I sing, the great and strong-possess’d soul, eludes not,

One’s-self worth must never give way—that is the final substance—stand

firm in the belief in your value,

Out of economics, triumphs, battles, life, what at last finally remains?

Getting paid. The bank account’s the thing!

To Rich Givers

What the Rooney’s give me I cheerfully accept,

A little sustenance, a hut and garden, a little money, as I

train for my limited career,

A player’s fair compensation on his journey through the League,—

why should I be ashamed to demand such wages? why to lobby for them?

For I myself am not one who bestows nothing upon Yinz man and woman,

For I bestow upon any Steeler fan the chance to watch the team win

a seventh ring.

When I Peruse the Conquer’d Fame

When I peruse the conquer’d fame of heroes and the victories of

mighty franchises, I do not envy the quarterback,

Nor the Coach in his tape room, nor the owner in his great house,

But when I hear of the brotherhood of champions, how it was with them,

How together through seasons, through dangers, injuries, scandals long

and dong,

Through rookie deals and through playoff defeats, how unfaltering, how

affectionate and faithful they were,

But each of them got paid! — I hastily walk away fill’d with the bitterest envy.

Honest and raw, it’s all you can accept from a writer put in the position of debating when & how to sign a one-year, $14 million contract that binds him to an organization clearly looking to exploit his talent and use it up before they can suitably reward him for his efforts. How’d that work for you, Earl?

It makes it kinda easy to understand why he wouldn’t even show up during the bye week, even if it costs him $855K without having to even get hit.

Tomorrow, Part Three in our series examines how Le’Veon will resume interactions with his teammates, the fellows who would help him earn the lofty sums he seeks, if or when he decides to return. The opinions he has are surely the most delicate, as he will rely on their conduct & counsel if he hopes to achieve his goal of getting paid or getting out.

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A Canadian man-child of indeterminate age, he stays young by selling alcohol at sporting events and yelling at the patrons he serves. Their rage nourishes his soul, and their tips pay for his numerous trips to various sporting events.
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[…] usual, BeerGuyRob  anchored many of the week’s open threads.  But he also did this, and this, and this, and this, and […]

Spanky Datass

Love these.

Low Commander of the Super Soldiers

How together through seasons, through dangers, injuries, scandals long

and dong,

I’m assuming this is in relation to the sound a bell makes when rung, seeing as how the author did not reference the color.

Grey, black, pink
Put it in the stink

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh


Now this song is stuck in head (could be worse Hammer Time)



I know it’s just a historial curiosity, but I really wish we could see some of Le’Veon’s work from the original draft of Leaves of Grass which went missing shortly after a red-eyed former teammate of his on the Steelers wandered through the locker room asking if anyone had any rolling papers.


It’s like Big Ben has contaminated all of Yinzerville with an obsessive tendency to tag people against their will.

Game Time Decision

these are awesome






/Winchester, while discussing his first born son.

Game Time Decision

ok someone needs to down vote nomonkey’s comment so the votes line up too