Horse Shoes Are Not So Lucky Thursday Night Open Thread

Before we get started, I want to give a pre-Thanksgiving shout out to my mom and dad, my homies from the north side, my totally fresh crew of Johnny, Nick, Christopher, and PhatBoyMegaNastyMac10 himself, Tanner Anderson, my aunt Matilda who makes amazing Frito boats, whoever made these comfy tighty-whiteys, the Jamesville Township Brass Tuba Band, the Society of Orchid Growers, McDowell’s, the people of Zamunda, the doctor who cured my anal warts rash, and Eugene Stogmire of 462 Clover Drive for letting my dog pee on his lawn all the time.  I pee on his lawn, too.  And I’m probably sleeping with his husband.  Maybe.  Not admitting to anything here.

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I hear the daughter of the owner got married to some prince.

Once upon a time there was a person sitting on a bench knitting some mittens in hopes of making a paycheck without having to do much work.  Then, Brady got hurt.  And our hero, kind of, of this story led a team of Patriots.  Maybe that’s how it happened.  It’s how I remember it.  I’m old.  Let’s pretend that was what happened.

And that same guy is hurt this week.  But, still going to play QB for those mini horses.  Don’t worry to much, though, as no one has sent him to the glue factory yet.

Even worse, their star back, Mr. Mack, with the hand crack, is back to the bench.  His backup did well in his absence last week.

The star WR has a calf strain and may play.  Should play.  Let’s call it a maybe.

Do the Colts have other receivers?  I can’t think of one damn receiver besides Hilton.  *Googles*  ehh…. Let’s move on.

My knee jerk reaction is that this team is going to be hosed.

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Just look at this sad little fella

On the other side of the ball, we have the Texans.  Everything is bigger in Texas, except for brains, but that is mainly the coach and the population of the state.  Watson is a pretty smart QB.  He’s got some good talent in the receiving core of Hopkins, Fuller, and Stills.  This team can put the ball in the air.

Running the ball?  Well, if you count Watson as a part-time RB, then yeah, maybe, they are okay.  Carlos Hyde, still living, is putting up some decent numbers.  Not top-quality numbers but good enough for a team where running the ball is not a priority.  And he needs to stay healthy, because the Duke of Johnson just never lived up to the hype.  More like Dookie onmy Johnson, amiright?

The D could lose it for Houston.  While J.J. is at home watching the game in the comfort of his home, I’m just curious if he gets pissed off enough to tackle his TV.  Especially last week when he could have had a chance against the real MVP this season (not any Dallas or Seattle QB).  Does he finally get to see how bad the secondary really is instead of his normal back to them?  I wish him a speedy recovery.

With that in mind, let’s talk about things.  How are you feeling?  Are you going to see Frozen 2?  Are you playing the Frozen soundtrack in the car when no one is looking?  Let’s get to it.

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A face only your mother loves… repeatedly.
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When JJ Watt is injured for the season, I imagine him in that huge cage like Conan, having women thrown in with him so he can breed future lunatics who play football.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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The Samsung star wars dipshit commercial sucks ass, but i like the fact that the cat is portrayed as evil. because cats are pure evil wrapped in mangy fur.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Please tell me this is photoshopped. Who sticks an artillery shell up his ass?

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Other things you can be if you r name is Duke Johnson:
– fighter pilot
– steelworker
-porn actor
-not Joe Flacco

Senor Weaselo

Dave Ryder from Space Mutiny?


Slab Bulkhead

Mistborn Impossible

Meat Lockyard

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Is there something I can watch other than a 2-8 Ga Tech punking NC State?

/changes channel to NFLN

Oh, that’s not better.

King Hippo

old silent film footage of your granny shitting on your grandpa would be preferable to what’s on ESPN


You have obviously never met my grandparents.

King Hippo

It woulda been your grandpa squeezing one out, huh? 😀

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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The Right Reverend Electric Mayhem

Mari Kondo is everywhere these days…


Yup. And probably NOT on Grandma.

Mistborn Impossible

I turn on the TV and this is the first thing I hear: “he sticks it in and he rides it”

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Fuck off and die yuppies who buy each other GMCs. I want to bathe in your blood and use your guts for crab bait.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

You seem upset…..


He likes Lexus. Duh.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Viva La Tabula Raza

Coupla drinks, coupla bowls, and I’d probably be on that. She seems amenable.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Mistborn Impossible

The Grand Tetons should really be a woman

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

He has some REALLY inflamed hemorrhoids……


I gotta stop the whole not betting against my alma mater. We suck, might as well make some coin.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Viva La Tabula Raza

I always visualized it in the possessive, as in “For Fuck’s sake.” But I have a weird affinity for punctuation.


I concur. The sake belongs to the fuck. “Fuck sake” sounds like a sex act. “Fucks sake” sounds like a group sex act.

Have fun with the search results, Balls. You have plenty of options.

Viva La Tabula Raza

“Fuck Sake” sounds like a brand of rice wine you could buy out of a sidewalk vending machine in Yokosuka or Sasebo; selection A7. Selection B3 of the same vending machine yields a pair of used panties.


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Game Time Decision

This game is makin Bleergh happy. The refs are going be filing work place reports for repetitive motion injuries


Troy remembers his birthday?

Game Time Decision

Is that me?
-Trent Green


Just polished off the rest of my Appleton Estates 21 year and am watching Disenchanted while the wife watched blaxito. I picked up the kid today and he was a CHORE. Thank goodness she took him.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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I stayed up for this shitball? Good Fucking Night, one and all.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Who is this AL guy anyway?

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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I searched for the time the debate started last night and google results gave me an article from 2018.

King Hippo

hey, if it gives us Dolores-calibre fuck robots, they can HAVE the world.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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The Right Reverend Electric Mayhem

The Deacon is watching football with rapt attention. Wife is horrified. It’s a good night

King Hippo


Also drooling copiously. Dunno how to interpret that


Must be an NC State fan.

Col. Duke LaCross

Troy Aikman sympathy concussion?

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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With one big zipper, a young Moose turns into a man.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

OK, not a man, a kid with a boner, but still, that was a damn good movie at the time.

King Hippo

So…re ded nerf guy. Did y’all prefer the ones with two differently-coloured halves? I found it helped in setting one’s grip. PHRASING

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh


Those were easier to spot when you were throwing it at the stupid neighbor kid’s head.

The Right Reverend Electric Mayhem

Is Balls in here tonight?

Did you spot Balls?

King Hippo

spotted dick is FOAR teh Brits, silly

The Right Reverend Electric Mayhem

No. The straight-up mustard yellow

We aren’t talking about Nerf footballs anymore are we?

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Not sure what that even means.

King Hippo

I had a unicolour orange one? Doc said not to worry.

Senor Weaselo

Whistling Vortex ball. Because that’s what you did in 1999.

The Right Reverend Electric Mayhem

“Erotic jello” is somehow our top search term right now.

King Hippo

based on one of the food threads, how about granny cream pies?

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Fuck Paula Dean.

King Hippo

Fuck Paula Dean with Bill Cosby’s dick?

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

I’d pay to …… not see that.

King Hippo

Bill Cosby with Paula Dean’s dick?

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh


Fuck Bill Cosby.


Thursday Night Punt Wars

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Are you watching the Scissoring Channel?

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Sorry, you said PUNT.

King Hippo

Ebron is such a fucking turd.


I had no idea he was German…

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh


That is a good joke.

Col. Duke LaCross

The British dudes, maybe a little too excited for the repuntening.

King Hippo

after we gave them a fair catch free kick in one of the Hotspur games, they maybe expected MOAR

The Right Reverend Electric Mayhem

Your tears, they nourish me

The Right Reverend Electric Mayhem

Nonsense. The UK Feed is all

Col. Duke LaCross


King Hippo

confusing BLEERGH there


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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

WKRP in SINcinnattii

Viva La Tabula Raza

Ol’ Burt Reynolds certainly knocked back some quality mogambo in this day.
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When I feel down I play this tune. Over and over.

King Hippo

the satellite 80s channel allowed me to discover sommet I missed in the 80s. DELIGHTFUL. And very true.

The Right Reverend Electric Mayhem

His arch enemy, “Cross Wind” sends his regards.

King Hippo

Jacoby Brissett is a righteous dude.




He’s no Tony Romas – Andy Reid

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Fucking snicker on that one.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

“Did you say Snickers?”

-Andy R., Tuscaloosa

King Hippo

that was some dope shit

King Hippo

I hate that the talents of Molly McGrath are being wasted on my Shitty Wolves.


King Hippo

This “Mad About You: Old Ppl” thing makes me consider giving up cable. Why do you advertise such dreck during FITBAW games??


Nothing says quality TV like “Cable TV on demand exclusive”

King Hippo

I suppose they were able to get Helen Hunt and Paul Reiser for free food.


Maybe its like “Somewhere in Time”. If you’re surrounded by everything from the 1990s, you might be able to hypnotize yourself and time travel back to the 1990s.

King Hippo

back to the good old days when Kurt Cobain was only a little ded


Evening Folks


Flyers stink, but Morgan Frost might be good!


I bought 6 tourtieres from a church today. I normally hate organized religion, but if it involves several grandmothers making meat pies, I’m all in.

King Hippo

This is a new word to Hippo. I am leery of meat inside a pie.


Only trust grandmothers making creampies imo


It’s an empanada on steroids? Me granny on me mother’s side knocked that shit out of the park.

Brick Meathook

People of all political stripes, even the crazy ones, can agree that cutaway turbo-superchargers are just what this country needs. Fuck yeah.

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Brick Meathook

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King Hippo

I did have a premonition in September that NC State and U*NC would each be 5-6 going into their finale matchup. State wins tonight, it comes true.

King Hippo

So…them Dirt 500s in a bit of hot water?

The Right Reverend Electric Mayhem

Jeff Lunhow forgot how to Cheat the Right Way

King Hippo

chuh chuh!


Hippo, doesn’t look like Engram is gonna play-are you gonna pull the trigger on Darius Slayton?

King Hippo

he is on me roster. Not starting him if Shepard is active, though


Really concerned about him. His concussion history bothers the hell out of me. Twice now he’s been a full practice guy on a Thursday and been diagnosed by the league as not ready to play. That’s not good.

King Hippo

Because of the foe, I could watch Grat’s Flyera on the teevee box tonight.

However, I choose to not.


I likewise chose to not.

King Hippo

Sen. Warren and the Flyera – bring Commentists together


Absolutely True Thing Regarding Letterkenny:

They are filming at a restaurant in Sudbury, Ontario next Friday and our delivery to said resto must be made before 6:30 am so that the production isn’t interrupted.


They could just, y’know, not shoot for a while. How the fuck do you do 7 seasons in 3 years?


I’ve just finished my Crown Season 3 Binge, so I got caught up by you guys’ views of the impeachment and debate last night.

While I understand the feelings of “Hang ’em high all and let the devil get to work”, I would have no problem giving someone a pass if they can show proof that Trump did what he was accused of. The more proof they find, the more it can be used against the Republicans next year when they have to defend acquitting him.

Plus, is Buttigieg truly the voice of the middle-left ground or is he just the flavor of the month? I’ve accepted the fact that Biden’s not going to make it, and the amount of alcohol needed to vote for Sanders or Warren would cause serious damage to my internal organs.


In the last few weeks, Buttigieg did a 180 on healthcare after a meeting with Mark Zuckerberg and blatantly lied about having support of the Black community for his Douglass plan complete with a stock photo from Kenya that has led to Buttigieg now being the laughingstock of Kenya, Any gains from being a mouthpiece for Facebook are rapidly gonna be lost by him being a goofy embarrassing motherfucker. I’d expect him to be a distant fourth.


Also that fucking dance jesus fucking christ


Got it. Either stay home or find a friend with a compatible liver.

Col. Duke LaCross

There’s always us.

King Hippo

Just remember, if nominated, King Hippo will not run. If elected, King Hippo will not serve.


You guys have less than a year to convince me to write in your nom de guerre.

King Hippo

I don’t really have any idea what Boot Edge Squared’s niche is, other than Iowans like being quirky.

One can always vote down-ticket and write in their cat’s name for President (or whatever other offices’ decisions one finds unfathomable).


Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho it is!


something something fire Alain Vigneault

Don T

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Don T

Missed a piece of neck. Otherwise, for a meme, almost Michaelmalagelonian.

Brick Meathook

So I just learned that the halftime performer at the CFL Grey Cup game this year is Keith Urban.

“Wow,” I thought, “I didn’t know Keith Urban was Canadian.” Not that I know anything about Keith Urban except that he’s a suburban-hillbilly singer so I assumed he was American.

And of course I also assumed that the halftime performer at the Grey Cup would almost have to be a Canadian, by law.

Well now. Guess what? Keith Urban is from New Zealand. And he’s a citizen of New Zealand, Australia, and the United States. In fact, he’s a citizen of almost every country except Canada. He’s also married to Nicole Kidman and a coke-head too.

Think about that.

Here’s a guy at a Luke Bryan concert, who in my ignorance I assume is similar to Keith Urban:

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This is gonna kill Lance Suburbs when he hears the news.


If you be in Montreal for a while you may want to go to Au Pied Du Cochon for a meal or two. Martin Picard is one hell of a guy.

King Hippo

if there’s nothing else the 500s taught us, always be wary of the D


Y’all gonna spank GTech later?

King Hippo

I wouldn’t (and haven’t) bet on it


“always be wary of the D”

A fine lesson for football and a lengthy prison sentence.


So I just learned that Elon Musk is dating a Canadian musician named “Grimes”. How mad do you think she gets when people say “hey, how’s it hangin’, Grimey?”

King Hippo

She produces her own stuff, and is a modern genius. Here’s her latest:

King Hippo

Donks/Chefs rivalry WOO!!? 😀


Man, this impeachment shit has consumed my life all week and I am fucking exhausted. The good news is that Fiona Hill was awesome today and Roger Stone is still convicted and under a gag order.


The Yuletide Fireplace channel is really bringing the heat tonight!

The Right Reverend Electric Mayhem

That miniature horse killed a prostitute