Your “Calm Before The Storm” Saturday Evening Post

Being Vancouver, the snow that paralyzed us on Wednesday is all but gone by Saturday. The rest of the country may go back to mocking us for our inability to cope. Also, St. John’s, NL had 75 cm of snow & 100 km/h winds on Friday, leading to a state of emergency and cops shutting down all major roads & bridges. But the Tim Hortons’ stayed open. Best Coasters might just be pussies.

Ax to why we’re all here, this is the first Saturday in a long time where there hasn’t been any real football of note. But that doesn’t mean there isn’t any jonesing going on.

Tonight is the sweaty palmed evening of the occasional bettor. Not for the seasoned pros like the Hippos of the world. No, tonight is for those who listen to the wrong friend and bet against spreads because “they got a feeling” or – even stupider – “I heard a rumour…”. These are the idiots who make small bets on things they don’t understand, and then either brag about “beating the system” if they win $20 or “they got robbed” when they lose $50.

The over/under are 50.5 (AFC) and 46.5 (NFC) as of when I put this together Saturday at noon. These are the bets and people upon which GAMBLOR feasts, and this weekend lubes them up for the reaming that is the Super Bowl.

Already ahead – OBJ, who had the charge against him dropped by the NOLA PD because the cop doesn’t want to go through the hassle.

Tonight’s sports:

  • NHL:
    • Blackhawks at Leafs – 7:00PM | CBC / Sportsnet / NHLN
    • Vegas at Montreal – 7:00PM | City
    • Sharks at Canucks – 10:00PM | CBC / Sportsnet
  • NBA:
    • Bucks at Nets – 6:00PM | TSN
    • Raptors at T-wolves – 8:00PM | Sportsnet1
    • Lakers at Rockets – 8:30PM | ABC / TSN
  • NCAA: games of note
    • Louisville at Duke – 6:00PM | ESPN / TSN2
    • LSU at Mississippi – 8:00PM | ESPN2 / TSN2
    • Temple at SMU – 8:00PM | ESPNU
    • BYU at Gonzaga – 10:00PM | ESPN2 / TSN2
  • Fisticuffs:
      • Prelims – 6:30PM | FS1
      • Main Card – 8:00PM | FOX
    • UFC 246: From Las Vegas
      • Prelims: McGregor vs. Cowboy – 8:00PM | ESPN / TSN3
    • Top Rank Boxing on ESPN:
      • Main Card: Alvarez-Seals (light heavyweights) – 10:00PM | ESPN / TSN3

Bet wisely tomorrow. Or, if not, let us know how it went & where to send the flowers. Nighty night.

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A Canadian man-child of indeterminate age, he stays young by selling alcohol at sporting events and yelling at the patrons he serves. Their rage nourishes his soul, and their tips pay for his numerous trips to various sporting events.
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It is bullshit that these games are so late tomorrow when I’m on eastern time for a change.


You should be here, on the best coast, and then your life would be better.

Be best.


I’ll take your advice as seriously as I take Melania’s


Hey. Still up. I mean awake. Not up.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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So many dumb mother fuckers paying 50+ for a sub minute fight like they haven’t seen a modern UFC card. The awful human will always win fast. That’s how Dana books his shows.

Brick Meathook

Excuse me: “So many dumb *mother lovers* etc etc etc”


I’ve never paid more than six bucks for a sub.
Oh wait, I misread.


Putting the dom in findom

Or something. You get the idea. I’m stupid

Viva La Tabula Raza

So, there’s a sandwich shop chain that originated in Austin around 50 years ago. It expanded rapidly, and then contracted somewhat. Not sure how many there are anymore, but the bread that Schlotzky’s makes is so fucking awesome that Yul Brynner would probably have let Charlton Heston and crew continue to use straw to keep making it.
What was my point? I forgot, but I had my friend-chauffeur run by there yesterday after my doc visit. Got a large original ham and cheese (cut the black olives) that will make eight fucking meals because of my surgically shrunken digestive tract.


Under Andy Reid, the Chiefs are 2-1 when they have two weeks to prepare, and 1-4 when they only have one. With the Eagles it was 3-1 and 7-8. If the Chiefs win tomorrow, they will probably win it all.

Viva La Tabula Raza

Go Tits.


Still watching this cheerleading documentary (it’s a series). It’s interesting how the head coach of this incredibly competitive program ends up still being a pretty decent human being.

I feel bad for the girl who is telling herself that “pain is temporary”. Someone who is in their forties needs to tell her that no, it’s not.

Horatio Cornblower

The white girl in the Wonder Bread dress kills me every time.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

I muuuust return to my people.

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Viva La Tabula Raza

wish I was younger so my eyes could see what this photo represents. But NOOOO, I’m fucking old.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Horatio Cornblower

That kind of reaction time gets you 4 weeks off under the NFL concussion protocol.

Viva La Tabula Raza

I wrote this back in 2008-09 when I was in Kuwait.

I get the opportunity to see a lot of stupid road tricks when I am out and about on the highways of Kuwait. Many of these will be familiar to stateside drivers; the problem here is that the TRUE idiot drivers (comprising maybe 1 or 2% of the population on the road like back home) make up at least 40% of people behind the wheel here. This is what happens when you go from riding camels to driving Ferraris in a generation-and-a-half.

120-to-30 kph Brake Check – You’re tooling along at the speed limit in the center lane, and you notice a bus entering the freeway from the on-ramp with several vehicles behind it anxiously waiting to get out and around it. The bus merges in to the right lane, and the vehicle behind it (usually a Mitsubishi flatbed or cube truck, or possibly a Toyota Echo or other similar seriously underpowered shitbox) immediately cuts over into your lane so he can accelerate by the bus in excruciatingly slow fashion. You usually can’t get over to the left because that lane is full of vehicles blasting by you at 160-180 kph. Jam on the brakes, curse.

Rumble-Strip Boogie – on the freeway, when all the regular traffic lanes slow to a crawl due to an accident or some other hazard up ahead, there are those who are in too big a rush to creep along with the hoi-polloi. These folks move over into the breakdown lanes to the right and left, and tool along at regular highway speed (120 kph/75mph) or faster. Travelling at high speed across the rumble strips, drivers are known to lose control of their vehicle and veer, at high speed, into the crawling lanes (or into the concrete median barriers, THEN into the traffic). Much mayhem and carnage ensue. Best to stay in the center lane in traffic jams.

Three-Lane Hussein – Back home we call this move The Three-Lane Jane. Someone will blast by you in the left lane at 90 or 100 mph, then jam on their brakes and cut across three lanes of traffic in order to make that exit at the last second. This move results in a lot of wrecks.

Full Court Left – Happens at traffic lights. Guy in the far right lane decides, while waiting at the red, that he needs to make a left. As soon as the light turns green, he makes that left, in front of three or four lanes of traffic. Turn signal optional. Not as dangerous as some moves because everyone else is just taking off so he usually gets away with it without being involved in a collision.

Miraculous Three-into-One Right Turn – I see this all day every day. There’s a right turn coming up that a lot of cars take. But the lane is not really full or backed up. Why not? Because everybody maintains their position in the center or left lane as they approach the intersection. Then, at the very last moment, they all veer over into the right lane in order to make that right turn. Lots of cut-offs and force-ins. Some wrecks result, but mostly it just pisses you off.

Static Display – mostly observed in town after dark, but also observed on the freeway. Vehicle comes to a complete stop in (usually) the right lane. Oftentimes in front of a store or restaurant, while the driver runs in to pick up his prescription or take-out dinner. Hazard flashers are sometimes engaged, but usually only the parking lights are used, so the best bet at night is to stay to the center or left lane. Occasionally you see Static Displays accordioned or pancaked when the drivers of buses, water trucks, or cement mixers (all of which normally inhabit the right lane) are not paying particular attention. Leaving Projectile Child and Disposable Wife (see below) in the vehicle while you run in is an option.

Projectile Child – Observe the passengers in other vehicles as you drive down the highway and it won’t take more than three vehicles before you see a totally unrestrained kid crawling around the interior of a car or sitting on the console. Also detectable by the presence of a “Baby on Board” sticker in the rear window.

Disposable Wife – basically the same as Projectile Child, primarily seen in the passenger seat but occasionally observed leaning over into the rear seat to change a diaper.
Projectile Child and/or Disposable Wife are usually seen, for some reason, in:

The Surface-Level Kuwaiti Scud – A vehicle, usually a large SUV but often a full-size Euro or Japanese luxury sedan or the ubiquitous Crown Victoria and Chevy Caprice, that can be observed travelling at 40-50 mph faster than traffic conditions or good sense would normally dictate.

White Line Fever (aka No Peripheral Vision Shuffle) – the tendency to straddle the white line separating highway lanes. This is usually seen being performed by niqab-wearing Muslim woman (only eyes exposed). Imagine trying to drive down the highway at 75 or 80 mph while trying to see where you are going through the letter-slot in your front door.

Viva La Tabula Raza

Sorry about the double post. I’m drunk. don’t read this one, read the one further down.


Love them both

Viva La Tabula Raza

It warms my soul to know that someone is at least marginally paying attention. Thanks for validating me, Balls (or can I call you “Vato”?).


Had Ethiopian food for dinner. It was delicious. But the bathroom at the bar afterwards didn’t appreciate it much.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Horatio Cornblower

Is this the Asian remake of ‘A Separate Peace’?

Horatio Cornblower

It’s always good to try food from a different culture, and it’s even better to always do so near a bathroom after your Irish digestive system overreacts to anything that isn’t “meat, boiled” in terrible, terrible ways.

Or is that just me?

Viva La Tabula Raza

The Scots-Irish side of my family complains that putting cinnamon on their oatmeal makes it too fucking spicy.

Horatio Cornblower

Sounds about white.

Viva La Tabula Raza

They are, after all, in SE Mass, right there in the Attleboro/Foxboro/Mansfield metroplex there on the RI line just adjacent to the shithole that is Pawtucket.

Viva La Tabula Raza

I’m glad to hear that the Ethiopians have their own food now. Back in the 80s, they didn’t have two grains of rice to rub together. image

Horatio Cornblower

I think Ethiopia is now in a much better place. Their neighbors Somalia, Eritrea and S. Sudan? Eh, not so much.

Viva La Tabula Raza

I hope so. Most news from the third world is “sucks to be them, huh?”

Horatio Cornblower

I am going to go back to that bar and hit this steak like it insulted my wife.
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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

No explicit porn; please moderate.

Horatio Cornblower

Hey, I didn’t post the Key Lime dessert!
/because I couldn’t find it

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

I’d fuck that.

Horatio Cornblower

No one would blame you.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Well, look at how it’s dressed.

Viva La Tabula Raza

I would too, but would prefer it if it were uncooked.
—Alexander Portnoy
(that oughtta peg the obscurometer)

Horatio Cornblower

I ate at a place called the Celtic Cavern in Middletown, CT, tonight. I had this burger
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and it tasted every bit as good as that address is long and ridiculous and unlikely to work. And had a mushroom plate, and had a Guinness lamb stew, and some chicken thighs, (no, you’re fat: there were four of us and we were sharing), and some cauilflower/parmesan soup, and some mac n’ cheese and some key lime pie dessert and all I can say is that if you’re ever in Middletown, CT and do not go here and eat it will not because I didn’t tell you that everything was goddamn sensational.

Also there is a quality beer list and the staff is a lot of fun.

Horatio Cornblower

Well shit. It worked.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Well, edging is now out the window [literally].

Horatio Cornblower

After that meal I couldn’t edge out of the garage door, let alone a window.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Horatio Cornblower

Take this as a lesson kids: if you’re driving on the highway and happen upon some asshole running down the median after their camel then, and only then, the phrase ‘goddamn camel jockeys’ may be appropriately used.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

All camel jockeys are now radio controlled machines. Please try to keep up with the times.

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Horatio Cornblower

I saw that episode of ‘Real Sports’

That was some absolutely Stone Age shit going on.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

What? We need to replace short fuckers with machines for horse racing?

Horatio Cornblower

The same ones we starve to keep small, and beat when they don’t win? I’M SORRY, I THOUGHT THIS WAS AMERICA!


The robots replaced child jockeys

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Viva La Tabula Raza

Dude runs fast, though.

Viva La Tabula Raza

I wrote the following to amuse myself and my colleagues when I was ensconced at (deployed to) the Hilton Kuwait Resort back in 2008-09 and didn’t have much to do because there was no reasonably priced booze available (a fifth of Johnny Walker Black Label was $150 on the black market) and Matt Cassel was the P*ts QB and we missed the playoffs in that 11-5 season. I drove from the Hilton to Camp Arifjan and back on a daily basis, and saw some crazy shit. Driving in the Middle East/Central Asia (I’ve done Turkey, Iraq, Afghanistan, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Qatar, and Kuwait) is the motoring equivalent of an out-of-body experience. I had a 375 HP Holden Caprice LTZ (Australian Chevy built exclusively for the ME market) as my leased vehicle during my seven months there and so could hang in traffic. It only got 12 mpg, but subsidized gasoline cost only 85 cents a gallon so who fucking cared. Anyway, after we kicked Saddam out of Kuwait in ’91, they built a bad-ass highway system, but no one who lives there understands how to drive. Hope you find this amusing:

I get the opportunity to see a lot of stupid road tricks when I am out and about on the highways of Kuwait. Many of these will be familiar to stateside drivers; the problem here is that the TRUE idiot drivers (comprising maybe 1 or 2% of the population on the road like back home) make up at least 40% of people behind the wheel here. This is what happens when you go from riding camels to driving Ferraris in a generation-and-a-half.

120-to-30 kph Brake Check – You’re tooling along at the speed limit in the center lane, and you notice a bus entering the freeway from the on-ramp with several vehicles behind it anxiously waiting to get out and around it. The bus merges in to the right lane, and the vehicles behind it (usually Mitsubishi flatbeds or cube trucks, or possibly a Toyota Echo or other similar seriously underpowered shitbox) immediately cuts over into your lane so he can accelerate by the bus in excruciatingly slow fashion. You usually can’t get over to the left because that lane is full of vehicles blasting by you at 160-180 kph. Jam on the brakes, curse.

Rumble-Strip Boogie – on the freeway, when all the regular traffic lanes slow to a crawl due to an accident or some other hazard up ahead, there are those who are in too big a rush to creep along with the hoi-polloi. These folks move over into the breakdown lanes to the right and left, and tool along at regular highway speed (120 kph/75mph) or faster. Travelling at high speed across the rather-significant rumble strips, drivers are known to lose control of their vehicle and veer, at high speed, into the crawling lanes (or into the concrete median barriers, THEN into the traffic). Much mayhem and carnage ensue. Best to stay in the center lane in traffic jams.

Three-Lane Hussein – Back home we call this move The Three-Lane Jane. Someone will blast by you in the left lane at 90 or 100 mph, then jam on their brakes and cut across three lanes of traffic in order to make that exit at the last second. This move results in a lot of wrecks.

Full Court Left – Happens at traffic lights. Guy in the far right lane decides, while waiting at the red, that he needs to make a left. As soon as the light turns green, he makes that left, in front of three or four lanes of traffic. Turn signal optional. Not as dangerous as some moves because everyone else is just taking off so he usually gets away with it without being involved in a collision.

Miraculous Three-into-One Right Turn – I see this all day every day. There’s a right turn coming up that a lot of cars take. But the lane is not really full or backed up. Why not? Because everybody maintains their position in the center or left lane as they approach the intersection. Then, at the very last moment, they all veer over into the right lane in order to make that right turn. Lots of cut-offs and force-ins. Some wrecks result, but mostly it just pisses you off.

Static Display – mostly observed in town after dark, but also observed on the freeway. Vehicle comes to a complete stop in (usually) the right lane. Oftentimes in front of a store or restaurant, while the driver runs in to pick up his prescription or take-out dinner. Hazard flashers are sometimes engaged, but usually only the parking lights are used, so the best bet at night is to stay to the center or left lane. Occasionally you see Static Displays accordioned or pancaked when the drivers of buses, water trucks, or cement mixers (all of which normally inhabit the right lane) are not paying particular attention. Leaving Projectile Child and Disposable Wife (see below) in the vehicle while you run in is an option.

Projectile Child – Observe the passengers in other vehicles as you drive down the highway and it won’t take more than three vehicles before you see a totally unrestrained kid crawling around the interior of a car or sitting on the console. Also detectable by the presence of a “Baby on Board” sticker in the rear window.

Disposable Wife – basically the same as Projectile Child, primarily seen in the passenger seat but occasionally observed leaning over into the rear seat to change a diaper.
Projectile Child and/or Disposable Wife are usually seen, for some reason, in:

The Surface-Level Kuwaiti Scud – A vehicle, usually a large SUV but often a full-size Euro or Japanese luxury sedan or the ubiquitous Crown Victoria/Chevy Caprice, that can be observed travelling at 40-50 mph faster than traffic conditions or good sense would normally dictate.

White Line Fever (aka No Peripheral Vision Shuffle) – the tendency to straddle the white line separating highway lanes. This is usually seen being performed by niqab-wearing Muslim woman (only eyes exposed). Imagine trying to drive down the highway at 75 or 80 mph while trying to see where you are going through the letter-slot in your front door.

Viva La Tabula Raza

Shit, that could have been it’s own stand-alone post.

Viva La Tabula Raza

You know, even though i am drunk, I have to compliment myself on the brilliance of this post. i will repost it on the NFL thread tomorrow,because I am even more of an arrogant asshole than our president. Except not to the point of destroying our democracy.


It is wonderful. It’s sad how much of that shit I see in LA.


It really does deserve its own post.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

RE; below Amber:

I have a certain respect for the achievement of being comfortable at the expense of convention [if you are hot]

BC Dick

There must be an evolutionary or god-given reason for man’s compulsion to see every nipple that exists. No matter how similar they are, I simply must see them all to be sure.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Climb every mountain.

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Viva La Tabula Raza

It’s a progression. In the 50’s, the nipple was the holy grail. I remember being made absolutely catatonic in the early 70s when they started slowly slipping in the pubic bush hair. By the time all the mirrored vulva shots of Hustler came out in the late 70s and early 80s, I felt more like an anatomist than an Onanist.

Horatio Cornblower

The thing I took away from this article is that Johnny Depp needs to stop getting tattoos that have anything to do with his relationships.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

There was an article?

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Horatio Cornblower

It had words and pictures!

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh



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BC Dick

New all-encompassing ethos: check.

Senor Weaselo

Who the hell plans a wedding on Championship Sunday that I have to be there at 9:30 and stay until 9 for? That’s gonna suck.
/Hey, it’ll pay for buying tires Thursday for the weren’t fucked up wheels




Who the hell plans a wedding


Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Viva La Tabula Raza

For you non-gearheads, this is a high performance aftermarket automotive equipment manufacturer.comment image

BC Dick

I bet it’s a full price cash bar, too.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

I just bought tyres; you must be getting a pretty sweet gig.

Horatio Cornblower

Someone who’s counting on a sparsely attended wedding when they run out before the vows.


The Super Bowl should be tomorrow so we could all have Monday off.

Low Commander of the Super Soldiers

I start my new job on Monday, and for the first time in 7 years, my old job has the day off. The irony is not lost on me in the slightest.

BC Dick

It’s Marty King’s birthday right? That’s a good holiday. I have the day off but it’s not related. I also have the Monday after super bowl off. That’s good planning.

Senor Weaselo

Better him than Marty Cohen.

Horatio Cornblower

I haven’t had MLK day off since law school, and that was so long ago that I had hair, and ambition, and hope.

Viva La Tabula Raza

Federal employee here: I do have Monday off. I HAVE A DREAM, GODDAMMIT!

Low Commander of the Super Soldiers

Gotta love The Show shouting “BULLSHIT!” in the SDSU game after a non-called charge.

Senor Weaselo

What’s a Homestar Runner hosted game show doing there?

Brick Meathook

Watching Habs games here I’ve noticed a pattern:

A) Montreal goes up 3-0 in the first period (YAY!)

B) Opponent gets hot in the third period

C) Montreal loses 4-3 (sad crying French face)

Brick Meathook

Montreal wins 5-4 in OT!

They defeated a team from . . . Nevada?

Viva La Tabula Raza

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Brick Meathook

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Viva La Tabula Raza

You win.


I’ve had Venture Bros replaying as background noise for most of the week, and the show definitely peaked with The Family That Slays Together

Low Commander of the Super Soldiers

I started rewatching this show when visiting friends over New Year’s and I’m not surprised, but so happy at how good it is. Fucking love that show.

Agreed; it especially appeals to one who watched Jonny Quest as a kid.

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BC Dick

Just started watching. It is delightfully weird.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

In fine tradition of Adult Swim….. before corporate took over.


Just wait untl you have a handle on all the backstory, etc. It’s even better.

yeah right

Ok, think I’ve seen the best picture winner.


An amazing study in filmmaking. Fucking brilliant.

Not sure how the academy will vote due to a very simplified plot but it was stunning on the big screen.


I’ve heard others say the same. I haven’t seen it yet though SO NO SPOILERS!!!

the germans still lose though, right?

Brick Meathook

The Germans attack Pearl Harbor.

Viva La Tabula Raza

Well, until the 1960s or 1970s or so; depends upon the metrics you choose.

BC Dick
yeah right

It’s basically one sustained take!

Viva La Tabula Raza

Still blows my mind that Aponte in Heartbreak Ridge is also The Laughing Impound Yard Cop in Lebowski.

Just over Eastwood’s left shoulder.comment image


Col. Duke LaCross

We got ‘em workin’ in shifts!

Brick Meathook

A little more Montreal mob lore:

As I’ve heard it from several people here, there is no legal cannabis sales in Quebec because the Hell’s Angels still control the pot market and are fighting to keep it that way.

I don’t know how true that is, but Montreal does have a very strong and interesting organized crime history going back a long ways.


That is what I have heard too. In BC it is because the Hells Angels et al have kept street prices so low that the stores can barely compete. There are a few of them throughout the cities but in Alberta they are like liquor stores now.

You can still oreder everything online and get it delivered by post.


When did the LA Kings become lottery contenders?


Two years ago


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Viva La Tabula Raza

I’m whittling down my Amazon Prime queue, visiting here when it’s time to refresh the evening cocktail. There’s shit that’s been in queue since 2014.


Last day of the cold snap. I went outside to smoke a bowl. It was frozen. I warmed it up by putting it in my bbq.

*This komment brought to you by Weber grills and stoners everywhere.

Viva La Tabula Raza

So, it was Rush for me last night. Tonight I’m Amazon Priming and Youtubing Brian Wilson and the Beach Boys. Back when I was in high school in Redlands CA, their Endless Summer was the go-to 8-track whenever we were driving down to hang out at Huntington or Newport. Probably would not be allowed to do so these days.

Viva La Tabula Raza

One observation: Dennis Wilson drum kit : Wright Flyer :: Neal Peart drum kit : F-35 or SR-71


About a year ago I was going through some of my father’s old stuff. Just trying clean things out kinda thing. I found a box full of 8 tracks.


I would keep a couple and put em behind my bar. Any Alan Parsons or Steely Dan?


Actually yes on the Steely Dan. Also some Skynyrd and Zeppelin. Can’t remember the rest.

Viva La Tabula Raza

I’ve still got a half dozen old VHS video cassettes. They are of things that have never been released on DVD (mostly Oingo Boingo and Midnight Oil music vids/concert performances), and I hope to get them digitized before all the brown oxide stuff falls off the tape. They supposedly can do this at CVS for about 25 bucks per tape.
Edit: My dad has dozens of VHS tapes, but I think he still has a player and can watch them. Though why he would on a modern TV, which he does have, is a mystery. I don’t think he actually does.


When I’m elected Dictator For Life of the Universe, I will reinstate the copyright on “The Birthday Song,” and overfund a rabid, Politburo-esque agency with enforcement. Anyone caught singing it will be sentenced on the spot with Quebec’s favorite penalty: death.

Brick Meathook

peine de mort


A little too close to comfort to petite mort

Viva La Tabula Raza

Fuck off, mate.
—John and Paul


Found a funny:
jolly green giant implies the existence of another, sadder, green giant


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Brick Meathook

I’m watching a Montreal Canadiens home game in my favorite local blue collar Québécois pub (allegedly owned by the Hell’s Angels) and everything is in French and there’s a pretty decent snowstorm going on outside and it’s -14°C which is 6°F in normal temperature.


Was the cover charge just you saying “Independence for Quebec” really loud?

Brick Meathook

Whenever they talk politics here, which is never, I just ask who the president of Canada is and they stop talking about it.

Actually, I’ve found quite a few locals who admire the U.S. for the death penalty. Some guy here just stabbed his wife 50 times in front of their six children, and suddenly all the locals here wish it were Texas.

Horatio Cornblower

Say what you will about the death penalty, there are some people who really, really, really fucking deserve it.

Horatio Cornblower

En Francais, I hope.

King Hippo

NC State won, Everton got a point away, and I even cashed a fluke $25 bet on Barcodes (at like 12 to 1 – don’t worry, losses elsewhere made this a wash).

Yet I am reminded constantly that life without FITBAW is not fucking worth living.


XFL is just around the corner…

King Hippo

eh, that’s just pro rasslin’ where everyone is trying a full heel turn

BC Dick

I’m glad those charges were dropped. Maybe he got some cash out of the decision. Either way, as much as I think Beckham is a turd and a team cancer he was just a drunk alum who got a little over exuberant at a big title game. There are far worse things to concern the courts. Good Saturday to all. I’m watching old movies snd drinking off a fun weird Friday night at (after) the curling club. Skoal!

King Hippo

Hopefully just some hothead who wanted a sincere-ish apology.


He sure as Hell doesn’t deserve one now

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

“Amber Heard suffers multiple first degree NIPSLIPs while cleaning out her garage.”


Film at 11?

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh



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BC Dick

She cleans her own garage? Sounds fake. Still interested.

Horatio Cornblower

Johnny Depp was living in it, and she was finally throwing his ass out.


Have broom, will travel.